Top 100 Vujicic Quotes

#1. I found happiness when I realized that as imperfect as I may be, I am the perfect Nick Vujicic. I am God's creation, designed according to His plan for me. That's not to say there isn't room for improvement. I'm always trying to be better so I can better serve Him and the world!

Nick Vujicic

Vujicic Quotes #387228
#2. sometimes we just cannot know "Why me?" We must trust that God's plan for us will be revealed in time.

Nick Vujicic

Vujicic Quotes #780762
#3. I realised that I had a choice to either feel angry about not having arms and legs, or thankful for having my family, friends and my little foot.

Nick Vujicic

Vujicic Quotes #792122
#4. You can be happy in any circumstances, you simply need to believe in God.

Nick Vujicic

Vujicic Quotes #755732
#5. I may not stand tall in a crowd, but I definitely stand out. That

Nick Vujicic

Vujicic Quotes #755199
#6. I am gonna to try and try again, because the moment I give up, is the moment I fail.

Nick Vujicic

Vujicic Quotes #728574
#7. Get It and Go with It It

Nick Vujicic

Vujicic Quotes #728165
#8. I don't care if you are a good mathematician, or a good athletic, or not good at anything- that you think. But I'm gonna come and tell you that you're awesome the way you are.

Nick Vujicic

Vujicic Quotes #697207
#9. The greatest rewards come when you give of yourself. It's about bettering the lives of others, being part of something bigger than yourself, and making a positive difference.

Nick Vujicic

Vujicic Quotes #684676
#10. Without trust in the possibilities for your life, where would you be? Where would any of us be? Our hopes for the future give us momentum.

Nick Vujicic

Vujicic Quotes #679814
#11. promise you that for every disability you have, you are blessed with more than enough abilities to overcome your challenges. God

Nick Vujicic

Vujicic Quotes #673590
#12. I encourage everyone to know that God has a plan for their life and that God never makes a mistake even though it seems like He is not listening or paying attention sometimes.

Nick Vujicic

Vujicic Quotes #668878
#13. To move to the next rung, you must give up your grip and reach for the next one. Release, reach, and raise yourself up,

Nick Vujicic

Vujicic Quotes #663681
#14. I have the choice to be angry at God for what i don't have, or be thankful for what i do have

Nick Vujicic

Vujicic Quotes #663547
#15. Sometimes you may feel like you are just about to realize your goal only to fall short. That is no reason to quit. Defeat happens only to those who refuse to try again.

Nick Vujicic

Vujicic Quotes #659589
#16. Fear is a bigger disability than having no arms and no legs.

Nick Vujicic

Vujicic Quotes #639081
#17. The victory is when I realize that I can't do it on my own.

Nick Vujicic

Vujicic Quotes #627290
#18. As hard as it may seem, move

Nick Vujicic

Vujicic Quotes #625700
#19. I really forget that I have no arms or legs sometimes.

Nick Vujicic

Vujicic Quotes #624953
#20. The key is you have to trust that God only has the best in store for you. If God says no to something, He says yes to something even greater. It is when you fully surrender all of your desires to His will that His perfect will is done.

Nick Vujicic

Vujicic Quotes #609854
#21. Failure is not important, how you overcome it is.

Nick Vujicic

Vujicic Quotes #588669
#22. To simply say "I believe" in something is not enough. If you want to have an impact in this world, you must put your beliefs and your faith into action.

Nick Vujicic

Vujicic Quotes #584179
#23. In life, if you don't know the truth, then you can't be free, because then you'll believe that the lies are the truth. But once we realize that when we read the Word of God, and you know the truth of who you are, then I'm not a man without arms and legs. I am a child of God.

Nick Vujicic

Vujicic Quotes #546507
#24. Risk, then, is not just part of life. It is life. The place between your comfort zone and your
dream is where life takes place. It's the high-anxiety zone, but it's also where you discover
who you are.

Nick Vujicic

Vujicic Quotes #532042
#25. Never give up on love if that is what is in your heart!

Nick Vujicic

Vujicic Quotes #530816
#26. Often people ask how I manage to be happy despite having no arms and no legs. The quick answer is that I have a choice. I can be angry about not having limbs, or I can be thankful that I have a purpose. I chose gratitude.

Nick Vujicic

Vujicic Quotes #527767
#27. Once you accept that perfection is just a goal, screwing up isn't so hard to handle. Each misstep is still a step, another lesson learned, another opportunity to get it right the next time.

Nick Vujicic

Vujicic Quotes #920391
#28. You should never live according to what you lack. Instead, live as though you can do anything you dream of doing.

Nick Vujicic

Vujicic Quotes #1015365
#29. There are no short and easy paths to a long and lasting happiness.

Nick Vujicic

Vujicic Quotes #1015053
#30. Just because I had the resources and a good idea didn't mean the timing was right. I was operating on Nick's time instead of God's. When

Nick Vujicic

Vujicic Quotes #1011603
#31. The greatest news that I could ever say is that Jesus is Lord and Savior of my life. He is my friend. He is with me wherever I go. I'm so delighted to continue to grow in my relationship to Jesus.

Nick Vujicic

Vujicic Quotes #1000891
#32. When God doesn't change a circumstance, He can change our hearts in knowing that He can change all things for the good.

Nick Vujicic

Vujicic Quotes #958073
#33. Have you ever felt trapped in circumstances, then discovered that the only trap was your own lack of vision, lack of courage, or failure to see that you had better options?

Nick Vujicic

Vujicic Quotes #957235
#34. Fear is often described as False Evidence Appearing Real.

Nick Vujicic

Vujicic Quotes #956844
#35. We believe that Jesus has made His home in our hearts, and as long as we carry Him there, God's love will keep our love strong no matter where we are.

Nick Vujicic

Vujicic Quotes #945321
#36. When you can't get a miracle, you can still be a miracle for someone else.

Nick Vujicic

Vujicic Quotes #938162
#37. If you're looking for happiness in things, you'll never find it.

Nick Vujicic

Vujicic Quotes #934026
#38. I have the blessing of bringing the message of hope and inspiration about my life, how God has changed my life from a life without limbs to a life without limits.

Nick Vujicic

Vujicic Quotes #928375
#39. It's a form of bullying, in my opinion, to make sure that your kid gets the best grades, the best jobs and all that sort of stuff. I just want my child to be happy. I want him to do his best and trust God in the rest, but I'm not going to bully him.

Nick Vujicic

Vujicic Quotes #927729
#40. Instead of dwelling on that pain within, reach out to someone else's pain.

Nick Vujicic

Vujicic Quotes #506779
#41. I'm officially disabled, but I'm truly enabled because of my lack of limbs. My unique challenges have opened up unique opportunities to reach so many in need.

Nick Vujicic

Vujicic Quotes #915260
#42. You and I should do whatever we can to keep our youthful joy alive. If your life is too predictable, don't go postal. Take a ridiculous ride back to whatever it was that gave you joy as a child. Jump on a trampoline. Saddle up a pony. Give adulthood a rest.

Nick Vujicic

Vujicic Quotes #911690
#43. despite my physical limitations, I'm living as though I have no limits.

Nick Vujicic

Vujicic Quotes #899960
#44. One thing I gained in my life is just the need for more Jesus in my life. You never come to a place in your walk with Jesus where you feel like you've had enough. That's a dangerous feeling to have.

Nick Vujicic

Vujicic Quotes #898993
#45. Life without limbs? Or life without limits?

Nick Vujicic

Vujicic Quotes #889011
#46. I encourage you to accept that you may not be able to see a path right now, but that doesn't mean it's not there.

Nick Vujicic

Vujicic Quotes #888180
#47. The pinnacle of the fulfillment I can ever experience for my spirit and soul is to hear from the Lord, when I see Him face to face, 'Well done my good and faithful servant.'

Nick Vujicic

Vujicic Quotes #861407
#48. I honestly didn't think miracles could ever come from my broken pieces, and I was disabled in fear that my dreams would always remain as dreams. Don't give up on you. Don't give up on God. Don't give up on love.

Nick Vujicic

Vujicic Quotes #842109
#49. Sometimes we need to get over ourselves and actually realize that sometimes, God has a better plan. God's ways are higher than ours.

Nick Vujicic

Vujicic Quotes #832590
#50. If I fail, I try again, and again, and again. If YOU fail, are you going to try again? The human spirit can handle much worse than we realize. It matters HOW you are going to FINISH. Are you going to finish strong?

Nick Vujicic

Vujicic Quotes #819362
#51. Where I can preach I do preach and where I can't I still preach with love but just not the normal words we usually use in church.

Nick Vujicic

Vujicic Quotes #807330
#52. It's a lie to think you're not good enough. It's a lie to think you're not worth anything.

Nick Vujicic

Vujicic Quotes #98177
#53. I will try one hundred times to get up, and if I fail one hundred times. If I fail and I give up, will I ever get up? No! If I fail I'll try again, and again and again. But I want to tell you it's not the end.

Nick Vujicic

Vujicic Quotes #206532
#54. As long as I try, there's always a chance of getting up. It's not the end until you give up.

Nick Vujicic

Vujicic Quotes #195823
#55. I just hope people see that if God can do something beautiful with my broken pieces, then God truly has a plan for each and everyone of us.

Nick Vujicic

Vujicic Quotes #170096
#56. In life you have a choice: Bitter or Better? Choose better, forget bitter.

Nick Vujicic

Vujicic Quotes #160481
#57. When we don't hear anything from God we just don't know exactly what He is planning and we come to different conclusions that maybe He has forgotten me, maybe He doesn't hear my prayers, maybe I'm not good enough.

Nick Vujicic

Vujicic Quotes #155172
#58. I found the purpose of my existence, and also the purpose of my circumstance. There's a purpose for why you're in the fire. If God can use a man without arms and legs to be His hands and feet, then He will certainly use any willing heart!

Nick Vujicic

Vujicic Quotes #147026
#59. So many fearful people focus on the What if when they should be saying Why not?

Nick Vujicic

Vujicic Quotes #130823
#60. To keep moving up ... , you have to abandon the security of that ledge and reach for another hold. Letting go of that sense of security.. is the challenge ... think of yourself as climbing a ladder. To move to the next rung, you must give up your grip and reach for the next one.

Nick Vujicic

Vujicic Quotes #128494
#61. When I was 8 years old, I became depressed. I kept asking why I was born this way [without arms and legs]. I also worried about my future. At the age of 10, I tried to commit suicide because I felt like giving up. But when I imagined my loving parents crying at my grave, I decided to stay.

Nick Vujicic

Vujicic Quotes #123145
#62. Everybody loves winning, but we should not linger on the difference between winning and losing ... But Is losing failing?

Nick Vujicic

Vujicic Quotes #112673
#63. You were put on this earth to serve a purpose, so don't ever let a loss convince you that there are no ways to win. As long as you draw breath with the rest of us mortals, there is always a way.

Nick Vujicic

Vujicic Quotes #111474
#64. If we all could be a true friend to someone, praying and encouraging one person somehow, that's a first step in being part of making the world a better place,

Nick Vujicic

Vujicic Quotes #107833
#65. To wish for change will change nothing. To make the decision to take action right now will change everything!

Nick Vujicic

Vujicic Quotes #213851
#66. Don't put your life on hold so that you can dwell on the unfairness of past hurts.

Nick Vujicic

Vujicic Quotes #95587
#67. We easily become trapped in the 'someday' mentality. Someday I'll have all the money I need to enjoy life. Someday I'll be able to spent more time with my family. Someday I'll have time to relax and do what i love doing.

Nick Vujicic

Vujicic Quotes #95060
#68. Just because you have the resources today doesn't mean the timing is right. No doubt, ambition and energy have led to the creation of many great businesses and careers, but timing is critical.

Nick Vujicic

Vujicic Quotes #82579
#69. My best advice for finding inner happiness is to reach outside yourself, to use your talents and brains and personality to make life better for someone else.

Nick Vujicic

Vujicic Quotes #81770
#70. I believe if God doesn't give you a miracle, you are a miracle of God for somebody else's salvation.

Nick Vujicic

Vujicic Quotes #69368
#71. I may have absolutely no control over what happens to us, but we can control how we respond. If we choose the right attitude, we can rise above whatever challenges we face.

Nick Vujicic

Vujicic Quotes #67494
#72. Hope is in the name of God, the name of our Lord Jesus Christ. Hope is when you compare your suffering to the infinite, immeasurable love and grace of God.

Nick Vujicic

Vujicic Quotes #60512
#73. I don't care what job you get. I care about if you put people down or raise people up.

Nick Vujicic

Vujicic Quotes #58298
#74. Money can't heal your heart. Money can't give you purpose. I don't want arms and legs, I want purpose. I don't want arms and legs, I want peace. I don't want arms and legs, I want to be a miracle for someone else.

Nick Vujicic

Vujicic Quotes #47786
#75. When things in your life do not make sense, keep on praying. Ask God what He wants you to do, and let Him heal you on the inside. He understands that you and I are not perfect. We are works in progress, but we should let Him work within us.

Nick Vujicic

Vujicic Quotes #19234
#76. ... the real secret to charisma is making each person you meet feel that they have your complete attention when they speak to you.

Nick Vujicic

Vujicic Quotes #15194
#77. I was never crippled until I lost hope.

Nick Vujicic

Vujicic Quotes #351271
#78. If you aren't where you want to be or you haven't achieved all you hope to achieve, the reason most likely resides not around you but within you. Take responsibility and then take action.

Nick Vujicic

Vujicic Quotes #474960
#79. I never met a bitter person who was thankful. Or a thankful person who was bitter.

Nick Vujicic

Vujicic Quotes #442379
#80. I may not have hands to hold my wife's hands, but I don't need hands to hold her heart. That's what I'm gonna hold

Nick Vujicic

Vujicic Quotes #417474
#81. If you have the desire and passion to do something, and it's within God's will, you will achieve it. That

Nick Vujicic

Vujicic Quotes #412562
#82. You do not know what you can achieve until you try.

Nick Vujicic

Vujicic Quotes #408961
#83. Hope and purpose in this world is living as best as you can and maybe having life that gives back. But simply giving back isn't purpose; it's a branch of purpose, but it is not the trunk or root of the tree.

Nick Vujicic

Vujicic Quotes #395856
#84. Dream big, my friend, and never give up. We all make mistakes, but none of us are mistakes. Take one day at a time. Embrace the positive attitudes, perspectives, principles and truths I share, and you, too, will overcome.

Nick Vujicic

Vujicic Quotes #380220
#85. How can such impoverished children laugh? How can prisoners sing with joy? They rise above by accepting that certain events are beyond their control and beyond their understanding too, and then focusing instead on what they can understand and control.

Nick Vujicic

Vujicic Quotes #377032
#86. Too often we don't listen to understand.

Nick Vujicic

Vujicic Quotes #370281
#87. I am God's creation ,designed according to His plan for me ))

Nick Vujicic

Vujicic Quotes #367741
#88. God gave you just one mouth but He gave you two ears, so you should listen twice as much as you speak

Nick Vujicic

Vujicic Quotes #358927
#89. In elementary school, we all say, 'If you don't have anything nice to say, then don't say anything at all.' In high school, we should say, 'If you don't have anything nice to say, shut your mouth.' So that's what I'm telling high schools all around the world.

Nick Vujicic

Vujicic Quotes #497821
#90. To know and believe in God is the best thing that can happen in your life because He can turn what appears to be the worst event into the best. He can transform your struggles into your learning. He can turn your suffering into strength. He can use your failures to bring success.

Nick Vujicic

Vujicic Quotes #341865
#91. You have arms and legs, but don't know what to do with your lives.

Nick Vujicic

Vujicic Quotes #330684
#92. People always complain that they can't do this and they can't do that."
"If we look at our lives and concentrate on things that we don't have or wish to have, that doesn't change the circumstances. The truth is that we have to focus on what we have and make the best out of it.

Nick Vujicic

Vujicic Quotes #309210
#93. Remind yourself of that when feelings of loneliness and despair come over you. Remember, those are just feelings. They are not real, but God's love is so real that He created you to prove it. It

Nick Vujicic

Vujicic Quotes #282123
#94. Pain is Pain. Broken is Broken. FEAR is the Biggest Disability of all. And will PARALYZE you More Than Being in a Wheelchair.

Nick Vujicic

Vujicic Quotes #269621
#95. Often times we feel like either we can't make a world of difference, or we feel that it's not going to change anything anyway. The truth is you can change someone's day, you can change someone's life, but you have to show up and do what you got to do to actually see any fruit coming from it.

Nick Vujicic

Vujicic Quotes #266279
#96. For every disability you have, you are blessed with more than enough abilities to overcome your challenges.

Nick Vujicic

Vujicic Quotes #253615
#97. I know for certain that miracles happen, but only for those who hang on to hope.

Nick Vujicic

Vujicic Quotes #248531
#98. The day you think you have reached your fullest potential is the day that you havn't.

Nick Vujicic

Vujicic Quotes #246194
#99. Instead of celebrating my birth, my parents and their whole church mourned. "If God is a God of love," they wondered, "why would He let something like this happen?" MY

Nick Vujicic

Vujicic Quotes #238292
#100. Labels can provide a tempting hiding place.

Nick Vujicic

Vujicic Quotes #216232

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