Top 15 Voeren Quotes

#1. It would not be fair to the critics of Rotary, who include some of the most brilliant of the British and American writers, to charge them with prejudice.

Paul Harris

Voeren Quotes #116179
#2. It's not a dream, it's my destiny.

Richelle E. Goodrich

Voeren Quotes #231169
#3. Youth is a disease from which we must never recover.

J. Williams

Voeren Quotes #314950
#4. I think to think. Not to be thought-full, or to reach a point of wisdom or acquire a grace of knowledge. I think for the sensuality of thought.

Ilyas Kassam

Voeren Quotes #575179
#5. Find your own authentic leadership style; your own unique way of listening to, helping and engaging with your front line. Challenge the often formidable psychological distance between basement and boardroom. Your people will thank you, and so will your customers.

Chris Van Gorder

Voeren Quotes #836061
#6. Behind a very sturdily built and staunchly defended facade of practical, unromantic hard-headedness towards life, there was just that little pool of softness that would never show if you poked for it, but could be reached if you knew just how - and never let on that you were looking for it.

Isaac Asimov

Voeren Quotes #907650
#7. I will keep you, until the day I choose not to. You have destroyed and harmed all that is dear to me. In return, I want you to know what that feels like. I will not kill you. I will keep you alive. I will torture you." My voice drops to a whisper. "Until your soul is dead.

Marie Lu

Voeren Quotes #973356
#8. Not one poor reader reported a lot of pleasure reading.

Stephen D. Krashen

Voeren Quotes #974556
#9. I hate that you do this to me. I hate how crazy you make me. I hate you! - Wendy

Amanda Hocking

Voeren Quotes #1091225
#10. ...good things, important things, should be eternal.

Rick Riordan

Voeren Quotes #1102936
#11. You may pronounce the sentence upon me, honourable judge, but let the world know that in A.D. 1886, in the State of Illinois, eight men were sentenced to death because they believed in a better future; because they had not lost their faith in the ultimate victory of liberty and justice!

August Spies

Voeren Quotes #1276222
#12. But shame is like a wound that is never exposed and therefore never heals.

Andreas Eschbach

Voeren Quotes #1340797
#13. As long as Frank was well, I was happy,' he wrote in Memoirs. 'He had a gift for creating a life and, when he ceased to be alive, I couldn't create a life for myself.' And in a letter, written to Windham early in 1964: 'next to my work, Frankie was my life.

Olivia Laing

Voeren Quotes #1459136
#14. We are most likely to get angry and excited in our opposition to some idea when we ourselves are not quite certain of our own position, and are inwardly tempted to take the other side

Thomas Mann

Voeren Quotes #1612293
#15. Although there is a very large literature, still growing almost daily, on the Chinese calendar, its interest is, we suggest, much more archaeological and historical than scientific.

Joseph Needham

Voeren Quotes #1848885

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