Top 13 Viletta Fine Quotes

#1. Wars about trifles are always bitter, especially among neighbours. When the differences are great, and the parties comparative strangers, men quarrel with courtesy. What combatants are ever so eager as two brothers?

Anthony Trollope

Viletta Fine Quotes #55370
#2. Visionary builds what dreamers imagined.

Toba Beta

Viletta Fine Quotes #76432
#3. [E]xcess in the practice of virtue is no less imperfect than the lack of it.

Vincent De Paul

Viletta Fine Quotes #112741
#4. Ah well. You know what they say. Progress, not perfection. That's why it's called training. Shall we begin again?

Claire Thompson

Viletta Fine Quotes #128430
#5. Morality and honor are not to be confused. The difference between a moral man and a man of honor is that the latter regrets a discreditable act, even when it has worked and he has not been caught.

H.L. Mencken

Viletta Fine Quotes #135088
#6. Money will say more in one moment than the most eloquent lover can in years.

Henry Fielding

Viletta Fine Quotes #199554
#7. Their analysis clearly revealed the existence of a color line that effectively blocked black occupational, residential, and social mobility. They demonstrated that any assumption about urban blacks duplicating the immigrant experience had to confront the issue of race.

William Julius Wilson

Viletta Fine Quotes #274233
#8. Every great architect is - necessarily - a great poet. He must be a great original interpreter of his time, his day, his age.

Frank Lloyd Wright

Viletta Fine Quotes #629916
#9. If I wanted to play the violin, I had to work. Because anything that one wants to do really, and one loves doing, one must do everyday. It should be as easy to the artist and as natural as flying is to a bird. And you can't imagine a bird saying well, I'm tired today, I'm not going to fly!

Yehudi Menuhin

Viletta Fine Quotes #725690
#10. Because growing up means making tough choices, and doing the right thing doesn't necessarily mean doing the thing that feels good.

Katie McGarry

Viletta Fine Quotes #1132596
#11. What I think is interesting is that the more you do, you have to invent a book of rules of what you can do and what you can't do. And the very real danger is that if your book of rules becomes a book of cliches.

Adrian Lyne

Viletta Fine Quotes #1405706
#12. I've had a good life, and was born to and among people I've admired and loved.

Wendell Berry

Viletta Fine Quotes #1689026
#13. We lied to ourselves thinking in our minds we knew everything. We were deceived in believing that youthful enthusiasm could replace wizened maturity.

Anna M. Aquino

Viletta Fine Quotes #1879415

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