Top 16 Viki Quotes

#1. You can tell by the clothes Viki wears that music comes first in her life.

Randolph Randy Camp

Viki Quotes #441968
#2. Dr. Larry and Viki are the only original characters left on the show.

Michael Storm

Viki Quotes #779045
#3. If you've got talent, stick with it ... because talent wins out, without a doubt.

Bobby Sherman

Viki Quotes #122292
#4. God's love is his holiness reaching out to sinners; grace is but the price that his love pays to his holiness; the cross is but its victory over sin and death; and faith is but the way in which we bring our worship to him who is holy.

David F. Wells

Viki Quotes #139490
#5. A sage traveling all day
is never far from the supplies in his cart,
and however spectacular the views
he remains calm and composed.


Viki Quotes #212581
#6. The Best Part Of Missing You Is, "I Recall Every Single Moment Spent With You."
Bt The Worst Part Is,"I Miss You So Badly.

Mr. Sid

Viki Quotes #273694
#7. When we talk about feminism - equality without apology for all - we can't be talking about for all white women or all highly educated women but all women, regardless of color, class, creed, sexual orientation or identity.

Christine Pelosi

Viki Quotes #428446
#8. Vengeance is an arrow that in falling oft pierces him who shot it

H. Rider Haggard

Viki Quotes #639151
#9. Well, I've been lucky. I've never gotten a voice polyp. I've never gotten nodes. But I do get sick, usually every tour, and to varying degrees. Sometimes it's a sinusitis.

Geddy Lee

Viki Quotes #971692
#10. I felt weary of the responsibility of owning houses and was glad enough to pass mine on to others.

Lillie Langtry

Viki Quotes #982003
#11. I can do things you cannot, you can do things I cannot; together we can do great things.

Mother Teresa

Viki Quotes #1180504
#12. Without new life, death is simply sad. Without death, new life is without magic--the magic of wise voices of the past, now gone, but still urging us on, urging us to write a new song.

Bill Golembeski

Viki Quotes #1222154
#13. People will hate you for speaking the truth, but you've gotta learn to stand up to them, so don't be offended if I say something you don't like.


Viki Quotes #1324184
#14. This is the first book edition. Without the mold it would have cost me twice as much." "You've

Charlie Lovett

Viki Quotes #1567394
#15. Daisy, love," he whispered, "You're so soft ... so dainty ... where shall I touch you? Here? Or here ... "
"There," she sobbed, as his fingers slid to just the right spot. "Yes ... oh, there ...

Lisa Kleypas

Viki Quotes #1798070
#16. As an actor, I think it's really important to be as anonymous as possible. It's your job to convince people that you are somebody else, and so any recognition I'd get away from the screen - well, it's not something I actively seek. To be honest with you, I'm surprised anybody does.

Jodhi May

Viki Quotes #1854750

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