Top 9 Venous Quotes

#1. Reductions in cardiac output are primarily due to impaired venous return to the heart from increased intrathoracic pressure


Venous Quotes #81627
#2. And I have stopped eating tuna until the tuna nets cease killing tens of thousands of dolphins every single year.

Steve Irwin

Venous Quotes #57784
#3. I have a motto: My job is not to make up anybody's mind but to make the agony of decision making so intense that you can escape only by thinking.

Fred W. Friendly

Venous Quotes #102521
#4. To call the Form [of the Good] eternal is misleading: that something lasts forever does not render it any the better, any more than long-enduring whiteness is whiter than ephemeral whiteness.

Alasdair MacIntyre

Venous Quotes #121323
#5. Her voice was perfect, custom-made for my ears. I wanted to hit the record button in my brain and save this all for later. Half of me was listening to her words, but the other half was mesmerized by the melody.

Kathy Hatfield

Venous Quotes #565344
#6. Approach me again, you - you - you Heep of infamy," gasped Mr. Micawber, " and if your head is human, I'll break it.

Charles Dickens

Venous Quotes #721004
#7. President Obama is asking Congress to support a military strike in Syria. If they approve, it will be the first time Congress has officially declared war since Obamacare.

Jay Leno

Venous Quotes #964340
#8. The essence is, what can we do next? And will it be good?

Vidal Sassoon

Venous Quotes #997298
#9. I am an Orangeman first and a politician and member of this parliament [Stormont] afterwards.

William Lane Craig

Venous Quotes #1778042

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