Top 14 Urbanowicz Witold Quotes

#1. When my reputation was at its height, classmates insulted me right to my face as I walked down the hall. When a teacher called on me, boys snickered and girls rolled their eyes. My body and face burned. I felt mortified. I contemplated suicide.

Leora Tanenbaum

Urbanowicz Witold Quotes #170832
#2. The virtue of art lies in detachment, in sequestering one object from the embarrassing variety. Until one thing comes out from theconnection of things, there can be enjoyment, contemplation, but no thought.

Ralph Waldo Emerson

Urbanowicz Witold Quotes #193120
#3. Patients reported that their psychedelic sessions were an invaluable experiential training for dying.

Stanislav Grof

Urbanowicz Witold Quotes #295081
#4. One gal drank a can of floor wax and topped it off with a cup of Clorox, trying to separate herself from the same world he was in.

Fannie Flagg

Urbanowicz Witold Quotes #402766
#5. Remember that the best relationship is one in which your love for each other exceeds your need for each other.

Dalai Lama XIV

Urbanowicz Witold Quotes #475613
#6. People are unrealistic, illogical, and self-centered. Love them anyway.

Mother Teresa

Urbanowicz Witold Quotes #1005645
#7. Don't try to start a career in LA, unless money is all you're interested in.

Stephen Collins

Urbanowicz Witold Quotes #1210244
#8. While no inference is intended here, it is worth noting, in connection with Milton Friedman's comment that "Kelso just turned Marx upside down," that it is not necessarily amiss to turn a fellow upside down if that in fact straightens out his thinking.

Louis O. Kelso

Urbanowicz Witold Quotes #1228552
#9. But the real secret to lifelong good health is actually the opposite: Let your body take care of you.

Deepak Chopra

Urbanowicz Witold Quotes #1242916
#10. The grateful heart sits at a continuous feast.


Urbanowicz Witold Quotes #1272799
#11. We're actually making stuff in America now. We're exporting stuff. We're inventing things.

Amy Klobuchar

Urbanowicz Witold Quotes #1330180
#12. Wishes are useless now - they will bring nothing but pain.

Jayne Castel

Urbanowicz Witold Quotes #1559308
#13. more than happy to help out with the baby.

Gerri Russell

Urbanowicz Witold Quotes #1729914
#14. I think it's really important to use your hands and get close to materials. To be up close to real things like rain and mud; to have contact with nature.

Robin Day

Urbanowicz Witold Quotes #1821047

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