Top 13 Unwholesome Memes Quotes

#1. Our condition as men is risky and ticklish enough. One can not be sure of himself and his fortune an hour, but he may be whisked off into some pitiable or ridiculous plight.

Ralph Waldo Emerson

Unwholesome Memes Quotes #397905
#2. For we both alike know that into the discussion of human affairs the question of justice enters only where the pressure of necessity is equal, and that the powerful exact what they can, and the weak grant what they must.


Unwholesome Memes Quotes #429958
#3. Only liberal organizations are clearly designated [in the press] as "nonpatisan, nonprofit." Non-liberal research organizations are always identified as "right-wing" or "conservative."

Irving Kristol

Unwholesome Memes Quotes #650848
#4. First thing I do when I get up is journal, meditate, read.

Reggie Lee

Unwholesome Memes Quotes #686726
#5. Life is all about conflict. The pursuit of happiness - that's life, not the achievement. It's all about the journey, my friend.

Michael J. Sullivan

Unwholesome Memes Quotes #770933
#6. You just can't go back and expect your mind to be blown by the same thing every time. Life doesn't work that way.

Holly Nicole Hoxter

Unwholesome Memes Quotes #1176809
#7. Learning is a lifetime process, but there comes a time when we must stop adding and start updating.

Robert Breault

Unwholesome Memes Quotes #1292460
#8. To pump up consumer or government demand would force interest rates up and asset prices down, possibly by enough to destroy more jobs than are created.

Edmund Phelps

Unwholesome Memes Quotes #1355508
#9. I like to think I'm some savage realist.

Nick Frost

Unwholesome Memes Quotes #1519782
#10. Love is always a leap into the unknown. You can try to control as many variables, and understand a situation as you can, but you're still jumping off a cliff and hoping that someone catches you.

Lisa Kleypas

Unwholesome Memes Quotes #1537154
#11. Why is that? Why do we love each other?" "Because we are what we are, and we're both okay with it.

J.D. Robb

Unwholesome Memes Quotes #1656137
#12. I know what makes me happy. I know what makes me miserable. I'm trying to stay on the happy side.

Chamique Holdsclaw

Unwholesome Memes Quotes #1675093
#13. The masses of Negroes ... particularly in the South, still breed carelessly and disasterously, with the result that the increase among Negroes, even more than among whites, is from that portion of the population least intelligent and fit ...

Margaret Sanger

Unwholesome Memes Quotes #1773509

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