Top 46 Unremitting Quotes
#1. There is scarcely anything that is right that we cannot hope to accomplish by labor and perseverance. But the first must be earnest and the second unremitting.
Robert E.Lee
#2. Independence is not a static condition; it is a continuous conquest, and in order to reach not only freedom, but also strength, and the perfecting on one's powers, it is necessary to follow this path of unremitting toil.
Maria Montessori
#3. If we would understand the Scientific Revolution correctly, we should always remember that its most powerful impetus was the unremitting search for hidden divinity. As such, it is a direct descendant of the breakdown of the bicameral mind.
Julian Jaynes
#4. Freedom is not only bought with a great price; it is maintained by unremitting effort.
Calvin Coolidge
#5. This we can all bear witness to, living as we do plagued by unremitting anxiety . It becomes more and more imperative that the life of the spirit be avowed as the only firm basis upon which to establish happiness and peace.
Dalai Lama
#6. Of course God's way of speaking to us is different from our way, but he does speak to us, and his words are intelligible; they are interior factors closely linked to the unremitting work of our conscience.
Saint John Paul II
#7. Anxiety compels a person to think, but it is the type of thinking that gives thinking a bad name: solipsistic, self-eviscerating, unremitting, vicious.
Daniel Smith
#8. Very many and very meritorious were the worthy patriots who assisted in bringing back our government to its republican tack. To preserve it in that, will require unremitting vigilance.
Thomas Jefferson
#9. Customer service is just a day-in, day-out, ongoing, never-ending, unremitting, persevering, compassionate type of activity.
Leon Gorman
#10. A socialist is just someone who is unable to get over his or her astonishment that most people who have lived and died have spent lives of wretched, fruitless, unremitting toil.
Terry Eagleton
#11. I've always treated the man with unremitting kindness, and if he wont do a little thing like this for me, I'll kick his spine through his hat.
P.G. Wodehouse
#12. there must be a continuous struggle, a constant fight, an unremitting grappling with our lower nature, till the higher want is actually felt and the victory is achieved.
Swami Vivekananda
#13. If what you seek is Truth, there is one thing you must have above all else." "I know. An overwhelming passion for it." "No. An unremitting readiness to admit you may be wrong.
Anthony De Mello
#15. My top priority will be to secure maximum value for money in aid through greater transparency, rigorous independent evaluation and an unremitting focus on results.
Andrew Mitchell
#16. The man of business knows that only by years of patient, unremitting attention to affairs can he earn his reward, which is the result, not of chance, but of well-devised means for the attainment of ends.
Andrew Carnegie
#17. Rest strengthens the body, the mind too is thus supported; but unremitting toil destroys both.
#18. One should never learn from one's mistakes. Making the same mistakes, over and over again, is a source of unremitting pleasure.
Peter York
#19. Against us are all timid men who prefer the calm of despotism to the boisterous sea of liberty We are likely to preserve the liberty we have obtained only by unremitting labors and perils.
Thomas Jefferson
#20. The whole commerce between master and slave is a perpetual exercise of the most boisterous passions, the most unremitting despotism on the one part, and degrading subjugation on the other. Our children see this, and learn to imitate it: for man is an imitative animal.
Thomas Jefferson
#21. The British press are a group of unremitting scumbags. And sometimes they use that scumbaggery to good ends, and often not.
John Oliver
#22. Virtue is not vouchsafed to a soul unless that soul has been trained and taught, and by unremitting practice brought to perfection.
#23. A life of unremitting caution, without the carefree - or even, occasionally, the careless - may turn out to be half a life.
Anna Quindlen
#24. In Beirut, death's unremitting light shines bright for all to see, brighter than the Mediterranean sun, brighter than the night's Russian missiles, brighter than a baby's smile.
Rabih Alameddine
#25. Hope is a strange invention - A Patent of the Heart - In unremitting action Yet never wearing out
Emily Dickinson
#26. After an unremitting and severe labour of two days, we returned to our old encampment with the loss of some of my horses, and my men excessively fatigued.
William Henry Ashley
#27. The driving force of a nation lies in its spiritual purpose, made effective by free, tolerant but unremitting national will.
Franklin D. Roosevelt
#28. I know that unremitting attention to business is the price of success, but I don't know what success is.
Charles Dudley Warner
#29. If you read the 'Daily Mail,' you would imagine that the British middle classes lead lives of unremitting misery.
Simon Hoggart
#31. The beginning and ending of the secret of handling Arabs is unremitting study of them.
T.E. Lawrence
#32. Democracy is always a beckoning goal, not a safe harbor. For freedom is an unremitting endeavor, never a final achievement.
Felix Frankfurter
#33. Yet had Fleming not possessed immense knowledge and an unremitting gift of observation he might not have observed the effect of the hyssop mould. 'Fortune,' remarked Pasteur, 'favors the prepared mind.
Andre Maurois
#34. Femininity is imposed for the most part through an unremitting discipline that concerns every part of the body and is continuously recalled through the constraints of clothing or hairstyle.
Pierre Bourdieu
#35. The function of profits, finally, is to put constant and unremitting pressure on the head of every competitive business to introduce further economies and efficiencies, no matter to what stage these may already have been brought.
Henry Hazlitt
#36. A votary of ahimsa must cultivate the habit of unremitting toil, sleepless vigilance, ceaseless self-control.
Mahatma Gandhi
#37. The sin of inadvertence, not being alert, not quite awake, is the sin of missing the moment of life-live with unremitting alertness.
Joseph Campbell
#38. I know the price of success: dedication, hard work, and an unremitting devotion to the things you want to see happen.
Frank Lloyd Wright
#39. How withered away one can be from a life of unremitting toil.
Joanna Russ
#40. To Nobody, then, will I write my Journal! since to Nobody can I be wholly unreserved, to Nobody can I reveal every thought, every wish of my heart, with the most unlimited confidence, the most unremitting sincerity, to the end of my life!
Fanny Burney
#41. We live under continual threat of two equally fearful, but seemingly opposed destinies: unremitting banality and inconceivable terror. It is fantasy, served out in large rations by the popular arts, which allows most people to cope with these twin specters.
Susan Sontag
#42. We should clearly understand that only the voluntary and conscientious acceptance by a people of its guilt can ensure the healing of a nation. Unremitting reproaches from outside are counterproductive.
Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn
#43. We exhaust ourselves more from the tension and the consequences of internal disharmony than from hard, unremitting work.
Stephen Covey
#44. A public that pays more attention to reality TV than its status as free citizens cannot withstand an unremitting encroachment on its liberties by calculating, unscrupulous, and power-hungry leaders.
Mike Lofgren
#45. Some claim a place in the list of patriots, by an acrimonious and unremitting opposition to the court. This mark is by no means infallible. Patriotism is not necessarily included in rebellion. A man may hate his king, yet not love his country.
Samuel Johnson
#46. We were put to Dickens as children but it never quite took. That unremitting humanity soon had me cheesed off.
Alan Bennett
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