Top 6 Universidade Nova Quotes

#1. He treats his body like it's made of fireworks, each one timed to the beat. Is he dancing alone or dancing with everyone in the room? Here's the secret: It doesn't matter.

David Levithan

Universidade Nova Quotes #28222
#2. There was so much goodness in my life. So much happiness. I wondered whether I deserved any of it.

Khaled Hosseini

Universidade Nova Quotes #317542
#3. Man is a living lie
a bitter jest Upon himself
a conscious grain of sand Lost in a desert of unconsciousness.

Amos Bronson Alcott

Universidade Nova Quotes #360378
#4. East Asia confirms the superior capacity of industrial capitalism in raising the material standard of living of large masses of people.

Peter L. Berger

Universidade Nova Quotes #700179
#5. Your ocean of joy in not out there. Find it inside of you and swim there forever.

Debasish Mridha

Universidade Nova Quotes #743276
#6. Death is not the monarch for the dead, but of the dying. The moment he obtains a conquest he loses a subject.

Thomas Paine

Universidade Nova Quotes #1640545

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