Top 7 Undistorted Map Quotes

#1. Even though the body appears to be material, it is not. In the deeper reality, your body is a field of energy, transformation and intelligence.

Deepak Chopra

Undistorted Map Quotes #170140
#2. I squeeze oranges every morning to make juice.

Utada Hikaru

Undistorted Map Quotes #170567
#3. A saint is a person who is reborn from his grave where he was trapped by living in himself. The time has come for all mankind to become saints, to be complete human beings. A saint is one whose self has completely died to become the living Truth.

Woo Myung

Undistorted Map Quotes #434947
#4. An illness is like a journey into a far country; it sifts all one's experience and removes it to a point so remote that it appears like a vision.

Sholem Asch

Undistorted Map Quotes #723795
#5. If only good intentions were enough to make good poetry!

Aldous Huxley

Undistorted Map Quotes #762805
#6. I try to physically and mentally immerse myself in whatever it is I am doing. That is good for me as an artist. I am always looking for that part that I have never done before, which makes it all the more difficult, because people want to hire you for what they've already seen you do.

William Earl Brown

Undistorted Map Quotes #1469345
#7. I began to sense that a big part of our problem is simple ignorance of what the oldest cultures have to teach.

Gloria Steinem

Undistorted Map Quotes #1495363

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