Top 32 Un Watchdog Quotes

#1. While I'm critical to the Bush presidency, it's been enormously beneficial for Salon because we're seen as kind of an aggressive watchdog on the Bush White House. Particularly since Florida, our readership hit a whole new level, and we held onto those readers.

David Talbot

Un Watchdog Quotes #979516
#2. Tasmania needs a watchdog, not a lap dog.

Lara Giddings

Un Watchdog Quotes #1863967
#3. The pornography of tough-mindedness, covert action, and preparedness for "peace through strength" has had a predictably hypnotic effect on the legislative branch, turning it from legal watchdog to lapdog.

Christopher Hitchens

Un Watchdog Quotes #1765923
#4. After all, Americans can be terrifying.

Connie Willis

Un Watchdog Quotes #1752595
#5. Our conventional response to all media, namely that it is how they are used that counts, is the numb stance of the technological idiot," he wrote. The content of the medium is just "the juicy piece of meat carried by the burglar to distract the watchdog of the mind." P 4

Nicholas Carr

Un Watchdog Quotes #1743434
#6. You must excuse my gruff conduct," the watchdog said, after they'd been driving for some time, "but you see it's traditional for watchdogs to be ferocious.

Norton Juster

Un Watchdog Quotes #1688358
#7. There is no more effective public interest watchdog in Washington, D.C.

Bill Moyers

Un Watchdog Quotes #1664208
#8. You can't tell the audience - well, you can, but I don't like to tell the audience - that anything they're watching doesn't matter.

Dan Harmon

Un Watchdog Quotes #1643100
#9. Revenge is profitable, gratitude is expensive.

Edward Gibbon

Un Watchdog Quotes #1536260
#10. You want me to paint you?' Genna spoke up raising an eyebrow of displeasure.
'All of me.' James bowed his head to Genevieve and whispered the words slowly.

Tan Redding

Un Watchdog Quotes #1457573
#11. To love someone is to acknowledge the goodness of who they are. Through loving a person we awaken their awareness of their own innate goodness. It is as though they cannot know how worthy they are until they look into the mirror of our love and see themselves.

John Gray

Un Watchdog Quotes #1373159
#12. I remember Detroit feeling really unsafe, feeling scared a lot. Our house was broken into, our car was stolen, we had to get a watchdog, we would get beat up in the street, I had my bike stolen. There was just a lot of real anarchy on the streets and sidewalks.

Sufjan Stevens

Un Watchdog Quotes #1303321
#13. If chess has any relationship to film-making, it would be in the way it helps you develop patience and discipline in choosing between alternatives at a time when an impulsive decision seems very attractive.

Stanley Kubrick

Un Watchdog Quotes #1231414
#14. My dog is half pit-bull, half poodle. Not much of a watchdog, but a vicious gossip!

Craig Shoemaker

Un Watchdog Quotes #1138836
#15. Matthias knew if he started trailing after Nina on missions like some kind of watchdog, she'd put her hands on those glorious hips and demonstrate her knowledge of profanity in several different languages.

Leigh Bardugo

Un Watchdog Quotes #1046875
#16. Concerning politics: "The American media is like a watchdog who has developed an affection for the burglar."

Ron Dart

Un Watchdog Quotes #997630
#17. Whether people care enough about local news to pay for it is, sadly, an entirely different question than whether our democracy requires a strong watchdog function at the local level to ensure safeguards against abuse, chicanery, and outright dishonesty.

Eric Alterman

Un Watchdog Quotes #25703
#18. I'll always understand the Schadenfreude aspect to short-selling. I get that no one will always like it. I'm also convinced to the deepest part of my bones that short-selling plays the role of real-time financial watchdog. It's one of the few checks and balances in the market.

James Chanos

Un Watchdog Quotes #916799
#19. If everyone has to be a watchdog in order to make government work, then the foxes will also volunteer to serve.

William Greider

Un Watchdog Quotes #883576
#20. When there is an old maid in the house, a watchdog is unnecessary.

Honore De Balzac

Un Watchdog Quotes #837939
#21. We are in a situation with the huge stimulus package that's going to be spent all across this nation and a big financial crisis and banking crisis. And what we need is good, trained journalists who can play the role of watchdog.

Walter Isaacson

Un Watchdog Quotes #702972
#22. I respect very much the role of the media in our society; I think they can be very, very helpful. They serve as a very useful check, sort of a watchdog over the actions of the government, and I respect that.

Alberto Gonzales

Un Watchdog Quotes #659274
#23. Her hopeless love swelled up inside her, crying for an outlet, and all she could do was hold it silently in her heart.

Lyn Ducoty

Un Watchdog Quotes #612727
#24. I used comedy as a way to combat my dyslexia. I was barely getting by scholastically, so I used a lot of humor.

Joel McHale

Un Watchdog Quotes #608542
#25. My father had gifted us both with a package of suspicion that sat like a teeth-baring watchdog in our minds.

Tarryn Fisher

Un Watchdog Quotes #402138
#26. Perhaps the most revolting character that the United States ever produced was the Christian Businessman.

H.L. Mencken

Un Watchdog Quotes #395203
#27. Money has transformed every watchdog, every independent authority. Medical doctors are increasingly gulled by the lobbying of pharmaceutical salesmen.

Thomas Frank

Un Watchdog Quotes #367720
#28. You know what my boss says? He says that skepticism is a good watchdog if you know when to take the leash off.

Rex Stout

Un Watchdog Quotes #279635
#29. The press is a watchdog. Not an attack dog. Not a lapdog. A watchdog. Now, a watchdog can't be right all the time. He doesn't bark only when he sees or smells something that's dangerous. A good watchdog barks at things that are suspicious.

Dan Rather

Un Watchdog Quotes #202497
#30. And have you not received faculties which will enable you to bear all that happens to you? Have you not received greatness of spirit? Have you not received courage? Have you not received endurance?


Un Watchdog Quotes #180823
#31. The Samurai always has to rise and move on, because new challenges will come.

Lyoto Machida

Un Watchdog Quotes #128589
#32. That's the thing about true love. It can rise from the ashes because at its source, it's indestructible. Layers can be stripped away and lost, but if you're lucky enough to find them again and put them back together, the end result is stronger than ever.

Penelope Ward

Un Watchdog Quotes #37241

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