Top 12 Tron 1982 Quotes

#1. The sole meaning of life is to serve humanity by contributing to the establishment of the kingdom of God, which can only be done by the recognition and profession of the truth by every man.

Leo Tolstoy

Tron 1982 Quotes #235735
#2. I make music for the hips, not the head.

Norman Cook

Tron 1982 Quotes #423245
#3. The Liberal party has always worked with multiple parties in the House to make sure we're being governed in the best interest of Canadians.

Justin Trudeau

Tron 1982 Quotes #618438
#4. I'd become an uncertain creature in her mind, and I found I liked it; she couldn't fathom what else I might be doing when her eyes weren't on me.

Anna Freeman

Tron 1982 Quotes #782262
#5. I struggle for air, but it's not because of my aching legs; it's because of my weak heart, growing stronger with each passing second.

Veronica Roth

Tron 1982 Quotes #1002044
#6. The first, or theoretic branch, that which explains the nature, production, and distribution of wealth, will be found to rest on a very few general propositions, which are the result of observation, or consciousness.

Nassau William Senior

Tron 1982 Quotes #1081910
#7. People who believe in flying saucers are the scrapings from the bottom.

Nigel Kneale

Tron 1982 Quotes #1138144
#8. It's harder when people are playing along, because it's just not as funny. They're trying to be funny, and it sort of cancels out the whole joke.

Steve Carell

Tron 1982 Quotes #1242944
#9. We have a tendency to think everyone's idiotic and everyone's only doing something idiotic, and the world is controlled by a not-so-secret group of morons. There's great truth in that, I suppose, but then it's also not true.

John Malkovich

Tron 1982 Quotes #1340861
#10. Where something becomes extremely difficult and unbearable, there we also stand already quite near its transformation.

Rainer Maria Rilke

Tron 1982 Quotes #1352463
#11. New can be an emotion.

David Levithan

Tron 1982 Quotes #1485311
#12. We named all our children Kid. Well, they have different first names, like Hey Kid, You Kid, Dumb Kid ...

Phyllis Diller

Tron 1982 Quotes #1760660

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