Top 6 Trivelas Music Quotes

#1. When it comes to dysfunctional families," he said,"I'll put mine up against anyone's, anytime

Jayne Castle

Trivelas Music Quotes #650493
#2. Under the Sun of the night. The Sun in winter is addictive. And at night like it is. To be in the forest and wait for a rain of sighs.

Gwen Calvo

Trivelas Music Quotes #670337
#3. Nicole: It's daunting, isn't it?
Charles: What?
Nicole: Trust.
He nodded slowly.

Stephen Lloyd Jones

Trivelas Music Quotes #849833
#4. At last, she makes her choice. She turns around, drops her head, and walks toward a horizon she cannot see. After that, she does not look back anymore. She knows that if she does, she will weaken.

Khaled Hosseini

Trivelas Music Quotes #920703
#5. Hopes are but the dreams of those that wake.

Matt Prior

Trivelas Music Quotes #1048834
#6. My songs are the door to every dream I've ever had and every success I've ever achieved.

Dolly Parton

Trivelas Music Quotes #1130964

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