Top 12 Trishakti Madhikarmi Quotes

#1. She may have your heart, but that's not the reason I love her," I say. "It's not just a physical connection. It's something deeper. You may be my Blood Mate, but she's my Soul Mate. That's just as powerful.

Elizabeth Richards

Trishakti Madhikarmi Quotes #81660
#2. People need each other for solving the problem of what is inside.

Matvei Yankelevich

Trishakti Madhikarmi Quotes #122201
#3. Immigration is a kind of pilgrimage. That's the way I see it. Just to go back to the desert, biblical metaphors, that's the story of great migration right there, the Old Testament.

Ruben Martinez

Trishakti Madhikarmi Quotes #192012
#4. What is ethical to a lawyer differs from what's ethical to the rest of the world.

Jodi Picoult

Trishakti Madhikarmi Quotes #418375
#5. I consider writing practice a true Zen practice because it all comes back at you. You can't fool anyone because it's on the page.

Natalie Goldberg

Trishakti Madhikarmi Quotes #590025
#6. The world would probably be better if people were put in carriers and cats roamed free.

Mary Matthews

Trishakti Madhikarmi Quotes #713566
#7. The questions of philosophy proper are human desires and fears and aspirations - human emotions - taking an intellectual form.

Chauncey Wright

Trishakti Madhikarmi Quotes #716113
#8. Quantum mechanics brought an unexpected fuzziness into physics because of quantum uncertainty, the Heisenberg uncertainty principle.

Edward Witten

Trishakti Madhikarmi Quotes #908381
#9. They did not need to be close friends to work together. But they need to trust each other

Kirsten Beyer

Trishakti Madhikarmi Quotes #1388235
#10. And I went off to Stanford, I was pretty young and pretty naive. And I had a professor I really loved, who was himself a lawyer.

Sandra Day O'Connor

Trishakti Madhikarmi Quotes #1466114
#11. I feel like I've grown up on screen quite a lot.

Jack O'Connell

Trishakti Madhikarmi Quotes #1481640
#12. The myth of unlimited production brings war in its train as inevitably as clouds announce a storm.

Albert Camus

Trishakti Madhikarmi Quotes #1526914

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