Top 7 Trancher Quotes

#1. Have a philosophy of investment and try to follow it.

Walter Schloss

Trancher Quotes #6475
#2. Don't be the ammunition wagon, be the rifle knowledge exists primarily for use.

Carl Rogers

Trancher Quotes #663468
#3. It still beat with a trip and a hammer, for that is the way a heart must go. But, whereas before it had woven only dark things when it dwelled upon my cousin, now within the fabric of my heart there ran, for him and him alone, one single strand of pure, untarnishable gold.

Cameron Dokey

Trancher Quotes #985288
#4. The male claim that females find fulfillment through motherhood and sexuality reflects what males think they'd find fulfilling if they were female.

Valerie Solanas

Trancher Quotes #1482191
#5. To believe that God created a plurality of worlds, at least as numerous as what we call stars, renders the Christian faith at once little and ridiculous; and scatters it in the mind like feathers in the air.

Thomas Paine

Trancher Quotes #1581053
#6. You can't outwit fate by trying to stand on the sidelines and place little side bets about the outcome of life. Either you wade in and risk everything to play the game, or you don't play at all. And if you don't play, you can't win.

Judith McNaught

Trancher Quotes #1648064
#7. Man's most human characteristic is not his ability to learn, which he shares with many other species, but his ability to teach and store what others have developed and taught him.

Margaret Mead

Trancher Quotes #1762227

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