Top 9 Tracy Dimarco Quotes

#1. I've been asked which of the other arts novel-writing is most like, and I have come to believe it is acting. Of course, in terms of pattern it can be like music, in terms of structure it can be like painting, but the job to me is most like acting.

Andrew O'Hagan

Tracy Dimarco Quotes #90069
#2. The Bill of Rights decoupled religion from the state, in part because so many religions were steeped in an absolutist frame of mind - each convinced that it alone had a monopoly on the truth and therefore eager for the state to impose this truth on others.

Carl Sagan

Tracy Dimarco Quotes #454821
#3. I had no jacket, but I didn't even care.
I was free.

Lauren Oliver

Tracy Dimarco Quotes #810072
#4. Scientists have reaped rich rewards, they have sat high in government councils and have been blinded by the attractiveness of public life-all this because they happen to have been good killers.

Frank Press

Tracy Dimarco Quotes #815760
#5. My idea of management is that what your job is as the boss is to find really good people and empower them and leave them alone.

Ruth Reichl

Tracy Dimarco Quotes #816671
#6. Cartoonists' dirty secret is that we tend to come up with stories that involve things that are really fun to draw.

Frank Miller

Tracy Dimarco Quotes #882711
#7. Like a trail that a snail leaves in its wake as it inches forward, over the years an architect leaves behind a body of work, generated by the attitudes he gradually accumulates towards the agendas he deals with

Charles Correa

Tracy Dimarco Quotes #900499
#8. Don't be silly, you only catch what you fear to catch", and, fearing nothing, he saw himself immune.

Olivia Manning

Tracy Dimarco Quotes #1115970
#9. Being in business is not about making money. It is a way to become who you are.

Paul Hawken

Tracy Dimarco Quotes #1315312

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