Top 10 Totsuka Saika Quotes

#1. They say there are flowers that bloom only once every hundred years. Why shouldn't there be some that bloom only once every thousand, every ten thousand years? Maybe we just haven't heard about them up to now because this very day is that once-in-a-thousand-years.

Yevgeny Zamyatin

Totsuka Saika Quotes #319574
#2. A pretty girl who is naked / is worth a million statues

E. E. Cummings

Totsuka Saika Quotes #468365
#3. If you would sooner drown in wine, say the word and it shall be done, and quickly. Drowning cup by cup wastes time and wine both.

George R R Martin

Totsuka Saika Quotes #829829
#4. Jose loved giving orders to the servants, and they loved obeying her. She always made them feel they were taking part in some drama.

Katherine Mansfield

Totsuka Saika Quotes #855968
#5. Conversations between parents and kids are important - about race issues, about all kinds of things, about heritage.

Garcelle Beauvais

Totsuka Saika Quotes #955787
#6. story wasn't always pretty. Some would argue it was quite the opposite, but it was beautiful to me.

Claire Contreras

Totsuka Saika Quotes #1000135
#7. If we know that we all came from the same place and our destination is the same, then how could there be any conflicts? Why are we are loving each other and why we are not in peace?

Debasish Mridha

Totsuka Saika Quotes #1143769
#8. Love alone helped us get through life. Without it, life was simply too haphazard.

Kaori Ekuni

Totsuka Saika Quotes #1510253
#9. A newspaper may somewhat arrogantly assert that it prints "all the news that's fit to print." But no newspaper yet has been moved to declare at the end of each edition, "That's the way it is," as Walter Cronkite does.

Eugene McCarthy

Totsuka Saika Quotes #1631839
#10. Hawaii's own Patsy Mink served as the first congresswoman of color and first Asian American woman in the House; she later sought the Democratic Party presidential nomination.

Colleen Hanabusa

Totsuka Saika Quotes #1790987

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