Top 22 Tony Horwitz Quotes

#1. Hardcore chicken!

Tony Horwitz

Tony Horwitz Quotes #820436
#2. Seven severely depressed prisoners were listed as having died of nostalgia.

Tony Horwitz

Tony Horwitz Quotes #1878374
#3. There are people one knows and people one doesn't. One shouldn't cheapen the former by feigning intimacy with the latter.

Tony Horwitz

Tony Horwitz Quotes #1849917
#4. John Brown, raised by disciplinarians, became one himself.

Tony Horwitz

Tony Horwitz Quotes #1747436
#5. Cook, judging from his journals, was not a pious man. A product of the eighteenth century Enlightenment, he valued reason above all else, and showed little patience for what he called "Priest craft" and "superstition.

Tony Horwitz

Tony Horwitz Quotes #1719420
#6. I couldn't think of another city in the world that lined its streets with stone leviathans honoring failed rebels against the state.

Tony Horwitz

Tony Horwitz Quotes #1690585
#7. Cook," the historian Bernard Smith speculates, "increasingly realised that wherever he went he was spreading the curses much more liberally than the benefits of European civilization.

Tony Horwitz

Tony Horwitz Quotes #1658859
#8. Everywhere, it seemed, I had to explore two pasts and two presents; one white, one black, separate and unreconcilable. The past had poisoned the present and the present, in turn, now poisoned remembrance of things past.

Tony Horwitz

Tony Horwitz Quotes #1582799
#9. You asked how I'd define prejudice. That's it. Making assumptions about people you've never met.

Tony Horwitz

Tony Horwitz Quotes #1265747
#10. When Union litter-bearers climbed out of their trenches, four days after the assault, they found only two men still alive amongst the piles of stinking corpses. One burial party discovered a dead Yankee with a diary in his pocket, the last entry of which read: June 3. Cold Harbor. I was killed.

Tony Horwitz

Tony Horwitz Quotes #1078040
#11. During a mock battle attended by President Warren Harding in 1921, Marine Corps General Smedley D. Butler exhumed the arm [of Stonewall Jackson; he didn't believe it was buried there] and reburied it in a metal box.

Tony Horwitz

Tony Horwitz Quotes #989995
#12. I am an agnostic on most matters of faith, but on the subject of maps I have always been a true believer. It is on the map, therefore it is, and I am.

Tony Horwitz

Tony Horwitz Quotes #57629
#13. His life was two lives now: the life he would have and the life he would forever wonder about.

Jess Walter

Tony Horwitz Quotes #792591
#14. The best you can do is catch an echo of the man. You can never reach out and touch him.

Tony Horwitz

Tony Horwitz Quotes #758802
#15. We were raised Methodists," Sue said. "But we converted to the Confederacy. There wasn't time for both."
"War is hell," Ed deadpanned. "And it just might send us there.

Tony Horwitz

Tony Horwitz Quotes #744249
#16. ISIS has brought down a Russian airliner. ISIS has now attacked a western democracy in - in France. And we do have a role in this. Not solely ours, but we must work collaboratively with other nations.

Martin O'Malley

Tony Horwitz Quotes #418968
#17. Baikida Carroll, whose balance of bravada and tenderness, facility and understatement mark him as a player to be reckoned with.

Jon Pareles

Tony Horwitz Quotes #389945
#18. It is difficult to gaze in awe at the wonders of ancient Egypt with modern Egypt tugging so insistently at your sleeve.

Tony Horwitz

Tony Horwitz Quotes #389053
#19. Even aimless journeys have a purpose ...

Tony Horwitz

Tony Horwitz Quotes #286824
#20. I kind of try to resist working a lot. I'm not a very disciplined worker.

Sheila Heti

Tony Horwitz Quotes #227206
#21. We can be, and we are called to be, good-news people - people who themselves are being renewed by the good news, people through whom the good news is bringing healing and hope to the world at whatever level.

N. T. Wright

Tony Horwitz Quotes #207543
#22. Either we live by accident and die by accident, or we live by plan and die by plan.

Thornton Wilder

Tony Horwitz Quotes #142668

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