Top 8 Tomus Trial Quotes

#1. The issues of the choice between right and wrong has to be an ongoing concern for everybody, at every age. There is no magical point in a human life when anyone is or becomes immune to the second-by-second choice to do right instead of wrong.

Diane Duane

Tomus Trial Quotes #241598
#2. Risk is relative. And relative to the imminent planetary 'game over' neon sign that's starting to flicker above our children's heads, just as they are preparing for a full life ahead ... now that's what you call risk!

Dave Hampton

Tomus Trial Quotes #771080
#3. I'm not religious, but I've always been attracted to the rituals of religion; as a kid, Sunday church was the closest thing I had to an interactive, theatrical experience.

Missy Mazzoli

Tomus Trial Quotes #781063
#4. Individuals vary, but percentages remain constant. So says the statistician.

Arthur Conan Doyle

Tomus Trial Quotes #943651
#5. The Latino vote has to be earned just like any other.

Lionel Sosa

Tomus Trial Quotes #1055203
#6. Glenn Hoddle hasn't been the Hoddle we know. Neither has Bryan Robson

Ron Greenwood

Tomus Trial Quotes #1529668
#7. I don't need the water to be inspired. My stories inspire me, not the location of where I'm parked. And good thing, since I've had to finish books in airports, in the RV we used to have, the lake house, while on vacation, at home, in the kitchen when my office PC was on the fritz.

Lori Foster

Tomus Trial Quotes #1598174
#8. Sometimes I feel I can't quite master my written and spoken Spanish, because I'm too much a student of English. I would need another lifetime to learn it.

Sandra Cisneros

Tomus Trial Quotes #1852405

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