Top 68 Tom Althouse Quotes

#1. If you feel like giving up, give up on that feeling and give into the realization there are endless possibilities waiting to be discovered before you.

Tom Althouse

Tom Althouse Quotes #1224068
#2. Fear not the unknown. For it is a sea of possibilities.

Tom Althouse

Tom Althouse Quotes #1388481
#3. If all the world's a stage, there must be one exhausted stage manager somewhere!

Tom Althouse

Tom Althouse Quotes #1375145
#4. To create mass discord, make the people believe there is great prestige for being the first to speak an idea.

Tom Althouse

Tom Althouse Quotes #1356365
#5. If life were a highway, I would still look for the footpath, for walking that, I would learn about us, enjoying the extra time to do so.

Tom Althouse

Tom Althouse Quotes #1319218
#6. We have within ourselves as a species, to find the beauty in everything. And once we master it, we will then be some of the gentlest creatures that ever evolved.

Tom Althouse

Tom Althouse Quotes #1319196
#7. Sometimes singed wings will fly with greater purpose.

Tom Althouse

Tom Althouse Quotes #1310897
#8. Embrace what is, steer toward what may yet be.

Tom Althouse

Tom Althouse Quotes #1304738
#9. If things do not change,in the future we may all speak spell check.

Tom Althouse

Tom Althouse Quotes #1250778
#10. Lettuce mustard our strength, celery-brate and have bun while I scream, relish the day!

Tom Althouse

Tom Althouse Quotes #1400358
#11. The surest way to profits is to control the ones that provide them.

Tom Althouse

Tom Althouse Quotes #1197640
#12. There are times when, that which we wish to be, will come to be, when we let it be.

Tom Althouse

Tom Althouse Quotes #1191698
#13. The road to greatness is often sought, but if journeyed with kindness, it is sweetly paved.

Tom Althouse

Tom Althouse Quotes #1189938
#14. Theater is the crucible where we can create the dynamics of life without suffering the flames of their combustion.

Tom Althouse

Tom Althouse Quotes #1182571
#15. All good things ... must come to a beginning. What goes up ... may just go higher. Anything that can go wrong ... probably won't if you immerse within it.

Tom Althouse

Tom Althouse Quotes #1172049
#16. The only way I could conceive of waving a white flag,
would be during the process of folding it,
so to be used as a napkin later,
at our victory dinner.

Tom Althouse

Tom Althouse Quotes #1153307
#17. Genius does not need to be validated, it just needs a legal pad and a pen.

Tom Althouse

Tom Althouse Quotes #1103053
#18. Family we cannot always choose, but it sure is fun to try and make them laugh during dinners. Especially when they are trying to eat their soup.

Tom Althouse

Tom Althouse Quotes #1640349
#19. Doing what you love, with those you love, is an adventurous type of success. The kind that can not be taken away, often discovered by those who have had much taken away, and saw it as an opportunity to re-access their path, and reset from the crucible of shared and beneficial dreams.

Tom Althouse

Tom Althouse Quotes #1847960
#20. Let go and go beyond living the dream, by dreaming the reality, into a reality beyond the dream.

Tom Althouse

Tom Althouse Quotes #1790563
#21. To experience courage,
is to experience life.
Reflected in loved ones,
the greatest encouragement.
Dignity, integrity and strength,
a harmonious chord,
into an unbreakable cord.

Tom Althouse

Tom Althouse Quotes #1764626
#22. My goal is not to upset the apple cart, but to make it more accessible.

Tom Althouse

Tom Althouse Quotes #1760277
#23. Sip tea and coffee with those who say you can,
politely stuff with cookies any who say you cannot.
Because the stuff they are feeding you, be it the latter,
looks strangely a bit like the little chocolate chips.

Tom Althouse

Tom Althouse Quotes #1747148
#24. Opportunity is another word for moving on. And it is a word choice, which is often the wiser. If the well gets poisoned, move to a meadow of merriment, where your hearts will echo the more.

Tom Althouse

Tom Althouse Quotes #1732782
#25. So if you are what you eat and you are as young as you feel, then I am a pizza, right out of the oven.

Tom Althouse

Tom Althouse Quotes #1720006
#26. Parenting is a sacred responsibility with the sobering reality, of raising scholars or scars.

Tom Althouse

Tom Althouse Quotes #1652722
#27. Dare to live by letting go.

Tom Althouse

Tom Althouse Quotes #1059925
#28. I love this life and even if to be taken from me, I will love that you have yours. Cherish all life, for life is worth cherishing.

Tom Althouse

Tom Althouse Quotes #1606880
#29. If you are feeling low, or trampled, unappreciated, or forgotten ... and you are reading this, realize it is an illusion ... the hope is real ... you are valued ... and what lies ahead ... is brilliance.

Tom Althouse

Tom Althouse Quotes #1547216
#30. When the going gets tough ... the sensitive people smooth the path for others, and take the small children gently by the hand. We'll catch up to the tough in time ...

Tom Althouse

Tom Althouse Quotes #1528797
#31. Perseverance is the steady pathway toward prevailing.

Tom Althouse

Tom Althouse Quotes #1520425
#32. If misfortune finds us, it will not find a home among us, for our hearts will give it no berth, as we birth the fortunes, misfortune missed.

Tom Althouse

Tom Althouse Quotes #1500011
#33. The constructs of organized thought are all around us, the golden age will come when they are freed.

Tom Althouse

Tom Althouse Quotes #1454588
#34. I believe great things are ahead for each of us. Now we just have to go ahead and create them.

Tom Althouse

Tom Althouse Quotes #1408028
#35. From the fires of persecution, can come sparks of light.

Tom Althouse

Tom Althouse Quotes #299533
#36. Those that would attain wisdom,
prefer the empty stadium.
Those who wish to appear wise,
prefer it full.

Tom Althouse

Tom Althouse Quotes #562707
#37. May I never be a tough guy, just a genuine one.

Tom Althouse

Tom Althouse Quotes #494375
#38. While most things require money to invest in,
with efforts toward uncertain market shares maintained.
Friendship is something your heart invests in,
with priceless returns shared, in warm memory, remain.

Tom Althouse

Tom Althouse Quotes #472953
#39. The only thing worth conquering, is our own fears.

Tom Althouse

Tom Althouse Quotes #468920
#40. We are the reflections for the stars to gaze upon, upon a sea of glass.

Tom Althouse

Tom Althouse Quotes #391412
#41. It is not my place to judge any person's beliefs, but choose rather to celebrate their ability to believe.

Tom Althouse

Tom Althouse Quotes #378598
#42. Sure all life's highways at some point must end,
so I plan to ride it in style and plummet in a swan dive
when the pavement runs out ...
And hopefully leave behind artistically
that which may make other roads
an even better ride ...

Tom Althouse

Tom Althouse Quotes #318746
#43. Rather than standing defiant screaming to the winds to bring the storm,
be focused, grateful for the time to prepare and learn to harness it.

Tom Althouse

Tom Althouse Quotes #301116
#44. To be honest and real makes us vulnerable, but it also makes us honest and real.

Tom Althouse

Tom Althouse Quotes #580194
#45. When the symphony of life fills your heart, the chorus of contentment joins in.

Tom Althouse

Tom Althouse Quotes #272399
#46. Prejudice is the pinnacle of self injected ignorance. It enables poor choices to be pre-chosen.

Tom Althouse

Tom Althouse Quotes #259293
#47. Life follows a rhythm and we hold the drum.

Tom Althouse

Tom Althouse Quotes #258280
#48. I get the feeling humanity would be thrilled to discover life on another planet. So why not rediscover it here and really cherish it.

Tom Althouse

Tom Althouse Quotes #254101
#49. Think of your day as a blank canvas, and everything you say, your art upon it. Then join your loved ones and friends, and create lasting beauty together, worthy of your inner Rembrandt.

Tom Althouse

Tom Althouse Quotes #231405
#50. Dreams are a luxury of the human condition.

Tom Althouse

Tom Althouse Quotes #228184
#51. When fear no longer takes hold, the possibilities are endless.

Tom Althouse

Tom Althouse Quotes #204505
#52. Fear not the unknown. It is a sea of possibilities.

Tom Althouse

Tom Althouse Quotes #861240
#53. We are the light that needs no lifting,
as long as our flames burn we are interwoven.
A whisper within the heart is sufficient,
to perpetuate the wave that we began together,
beyond the fabric of the time we yet rest upon

Tom Althouse

Tom Althouse Quotes #1058693
#54. When diplomacy fails, whisper through Art and your message will echo for eternity.

Tom Althouse

Tom Althouse Quotes #1057103
#55. You know you are truly alive, when you care for every living thing. One day soon, it will be the norm to view others not as competition, but gifts to share this gorgeous planet with, and we will not be able to imagine the loss of but one.

Tom Althouse

Tom Althouse Quotes #1027937
#56. We live on a world where if you run straight away, without turning, you return to your point of origin. So much energy can be saved and time, by dealing with the point, at its origin, that would make us run.

Tom Althouse

Tom Althouse Quotes #987857
#57. We are puzzle pieces, bragging about being puzzle pieces, rather than being the picture.

Tom Althouse

Tom Althouse Quotes #976201
#58. A friend is a companion for the journey,
never a means to our own.
What we take we take together,
the joy we reap, we have sown.

Tom Althouse

Tom Althouse Quotes #975647
#59. Their greatest fear is you may step forward without fear.
Because your courage may become contagious.

Tom Althouse

Tom Althouse Quotes #959592
#60. Sometimes it's, run don't walk! Like when you're going to the arms of a loved one.

Tom Althouse

Tom Althouse Quotes #916757
#61. Get on top of the obstacles
and they become vantage points.

Tom Althouse

Tom Althouse Quotes #20051
#62. To me, the best humor is indeed the ability to laugh at one's self. So I give myself endless opportunities to do so.

Tom Althouse

Tom Althouse Quotes #781584
#63. There are three things in life ... not worrying what they are, not caring what others may think they are, and enjoying the wonder of what they might be.

Tom Althouse

Tom Althouse Quotes #748715
#64. As you awake from dreams may you find this one the wondrous one to awaken to.

Tom Althouse

Tom Althouse Quotes #698129
#65. Defeat is only defeat if we accept it as defeat. Victory often comes after defeat, because one was too stubborn to allow it to be their reality. In the trail of any great conflict you will see the scuff marks, where the one was beaten down, but they could not be taught to stay that way.

Tom Althouse

Tom Althouse Quotes #637009
#66. Winter has come to Maui. Time to get out the plaid board shorts ...

Tom Althouse

Tom Althouse Quotes #628863
#67. When old friends reconnect, there is a refreshing newness, after great memories wash over you, the stage is set for so many more.

Tom Althouse

Tom Althouse Quotes #616446
#68. Let us go forth and unconquer the world!

Tom Althouse

Tom Althouse Quotes #587850

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