Top 100 Time Is Nothing Quotes

#1. God exists only if adored
Time is nothing if one has not dreamed

Pierre Reverdy

Time Is Nothing Quotes #98958
#2. Time is nothing.

Audrey Niffenegger

Time Is Nothing Quotes #519795
#3. If nothing happened, if nothing changed, time would stop. For time is nothing but change. It is change we see occurring all around us, not time. In fact, time doesn't exist.

Julian Barbour

Time Is Nothing Quotes #596768
#4. Time is nothing - Henry's Letter to Claire

Audrey Niffenegger

Time Is Nothing Quotes #892979
#5. To every one of us there must come a time when the whole universe will be found to have been a dream, when we find the soul is infinitely better than its surroundings. It is only a question of time, and time is nothing in the infinite.

Sai Baba

Time Is Nothing Quotes #1151822
#6. It's dark now and I am very tired. I love you, always. Time is nothing.

Audrey Niffenegger

Time Is Nothing Quotes #1181111
#7. When it comes to love, time is nothing more than a socially induced marker of validity. When you simply know, time becomes irrelevant.

Lindsay J. Pryor

Time Is Nothing Quotes #1410157
#8. She said once that time is nothing to me but a series of bookmarks that I use to jump back and forth through the text of my life, returning again and again to the events that mark me in the eyes of my more astute colleagues, as bearing all the characteristics of the classic melancholic.

Dennis Lehane

Time Is Nothing Quotes #1631688
#9. I love you, always. Time is nothing. Henry

Audrey Niffenegger

Time Is Nothing Quotes #1671903
#10. I love you, always. Time is nothing.

Audrey Niffenegger

Time Is Nothing Quotes #1763161
#11. Spending more time with friends and family costs nothing. Nor does walking, cooking, meditating, making love, reading or eating dinner at the table instead of in front of the television. Simply resisting the urge to hurry is free.

Carl Honore

Time Is Nothing Quotes #5623
#12. Nothing is ever done until everyone is convinced that it ought to be done, and has been convinced for so long that it is now time to do something else.

Francis Cornford

Time Is Nothing Quotes #6829
#13. We may mean nothing to time, but to each other we are kings and queens, and the world is a wild benevolent garden filled with chance meetings and unexplained departures. Magda

Simon Van Booy

Time Is Nothing Quotes #6931
#14. Do not listen to those who say there is nothing you can do to the very real and large social and environmental issues of our time,

Maude Barlow

Time Is Nothing Quotes #7866
#15. Change is as inexorable as time, yet nothing meets with more resistance.

Benjamin Disraeli

Time Is Nothing Quotes #10179
#16. Sometimes it is the only worthwhile product you can salvage from a day: what you make to eat. With writing, I find, you can have all the right ingredients, give plenty of time and care, and still get nothing. Also true of love.

John Irving

Time Is Nothing Quotes #14749
#17. I do not like violence, but ours is a violent time, and there are some men who understand nothing else.

Louis L'Amour

Time Is Nothing Quotes #15323
#18. Sex is the biggest nothing of all time.

Andy Warhol

Time Is Nothing Quotes #16925
#19. We are the next thing the Time Dragon is dreaming, and nothing to be done about it.

Gregory Maguire

Time Is Nothing Quotes #22440
#20. Substance must emanate from spirit and is nothing else than the record of the spirit's conception of itself finding expression in space and time.

Paul Twitchell

Time Is Nothing Quotes #23547
#21. Wheresoe'er I turn my view,
All is strange, yet nothing new:
Endless labor all along,
Endless labor to be wrong:
Phrase that Time has flung away;
Uncouth words in disarray,
Trick'd in antique ruff and bonnet,
Ode, and elegy, and sonnet.

Samuel Johnson

Time Is Nothing Quotes #26201
#22. The only way Father is going to be upset in this case, is with the way the two of you are behaving toward one another. We are family, whether you believe it or not. Your lack of faith in Lucifer is what will do the damage in the long run. It has nothing at all to do with the time I spend with him.

Melyssa Winchester

Time Is Nothing Quotes #27965
#23. I prefer to doubt everything. Such a disposition does not preclude a resolute character. On the contrary, as far as I am concerned, I always advance more boldly when I don't know what is waiting me for me. After all, nothing worse than death can happen-and death you can't escape!

Mikhail Lermontov

Time Is Nothing Quotes #29588
#24. I'm not good, Mac. Never have been.'
What-true confession time? my eyes tease. Don't need it.
'I want what I want and I take it.'
Is he warning me? What could he possibly threaten me with now?
'There's nothing I can't live with. Only things I won't live without.

Karen Marie Moning

Time Is Nothing Quotes #30470
#25. Failure is so much more interesting because you learn from it. That's what we should be teaching children at school, that being successful the first time, there's nothing in it. There's no interest, you learn nothing actually.

James Dyson

Time Is Nothing Quotes #31465
#26. The time when there is nothing at all in your soul except a cry for help may be just that time when God can't give it: you are like the drowning man who can't be helped because he clutches and grabs. Perhaps your own reiterated cries deafen you to the voice you hoped to hear.

C.S. Lewis

Time Is Nothing Quotes #31652
#27. My ideas about time all developed from the realization that if nothing were to change we could not say that time passes. Change is primary, time, if it exists at all, is something we deduce from it.

Julian Barbour

Time Is Nothing Quotes #32632
#28. Boxing is the ultimate challenge. There's nothing that can compare to testing yourself the way you do every time you step in the ring.

Sugar Ray Leonard

Time Is Nothing Quotes #33359
#29. This Is Your Time, This Is Your Dance. Live Every Moment, Leave Nothing To Chance. Swim In The Sea. Drink Of The Deep, Embrace The Mystery Of All You Could Be. What if Tomorrow? And What If Today? Faced With The Question, Oh What Would You Say?

Michael W. Smith

Time Is Nothing Quotes #34129
#30. All that crap about time being a great healer is bullshit. Time heals nothing. Well, acne maybe.

Saurbh Katyal

Time Is Nothing Quotes #34244
#31. The way to wealth is as plain as the way to market. It depends chiefly on two words, industry and frugality: that is, waste neither time nor money, but make the best use of both. Without industry and frugality nothing will do, and with them everything.

Benjamin Franklin

Time Is Nothing Quotes #35298
#32. We can possess nothing - no property and no person ... It is God who owns everything, and we are but stewards of His property during the brief time we are on earth.

Billy Graham

Time Is Nothing Quotes #35406
#33. Nothing lasts forever. But there is new life; new colours, fresh words, new tunes to compose. There is now; time present, time future. We build with new bricks and hope our voices are heard, our music is sung and our love cherished for as long as it is offered.

Carol Drinkwater

Time Is Nothing Quotes #36494
#34. The years go by. The time, it does fly. Every single second is a moment in time that passes. And it seems like nothing - but when you're looking back ... well, it amounts to everything.

Ray Bradbury

Time Is Nothing Quotes #36884
#35. I can tell you, Jay, nothing that happens in this life is worth killing yourself over. Time passes, and you can decide to change your future. You don't let what some assholes say or do, direct you. In this life, it only matters what you do with it.

Nicole Reed

Time Is Nothing Quotes #40816
#36. There is nothing in it of course. Just a feeling. But you can feel as if you're not hunting, but - being hunted, as if something's behind you all the time in the jungle.

William Golding

Time Is Nothing Quotes #41542
#37. The quality of human life on our planet is nothing more than the sum total of our daily interactions with one another. Each time we help, and each time we harm, we have a dramatic impact on our world.

Desmond Tutu

Time Is Nothing Quotes #43095
#38. Time means nothing.Time is just the way we measure the gaps between not knowing something and knowing it or not doing something and doing it.

Richard Bach

Time Is Nothing Quotes #45841
#39. Dying is not romantic, and death is not a game which will soon be over ... Death is not anything ... death is not ... It's the absence of presence, nothing more ... the endless time of never coming back ... a gap you can't see, and when the wind blows through it, it makes not sound ...

Tom Stoppard

Time Is Nothing Quotes #46853
#40. Why are people so afraid of thinking? Why don't they ever leave time to reflect? There's nothing wrong with tranquility; nor emptiness, vertigo, or even unhappiness. I think that these things are the first steps to precede the birth of a new thought. This is why I like to read.

Almudena Solana

Time Is Nothing Quotes #47405
#41. I never read to kill time. Killing time is like killing someone's wife or a child. There is nothing more precious for me than time.

Stanislaw Lem

Time Is Nothing Quotes #48369
#42. You start thinking the world is a certain way and forgetting that there's another world outside of the campus boundaries that has nothing to do with what is your world at the time.

James Van Der Beek

Time Is Nothing Quotes #49368
#43. My family was made of good people who did good things with what they were given. What fairness does life show in a time like this? But life is not fair and that is nothing new, so I bottled the pain and loss, and released them through a single tear rolling down my cheek.

B.M. Tolbert

Time Is Nothing Quotes #49960
#44. Part of getting older is realizing that you can integrate all these different areas of your life, rather than the adolescent mindset, which for me lasted a long time, which says, 'It's all or nothing.'

Chris Robinson

Time Is Nothing Quotes #50259
#45. (Love is the puzzle that) can't be solved. Catlike, it follows no rules but its own, and only it knows what they are. Also it can change the rules any time it wants, in any way it wants, and there's nothing anyone can do about it.

Chris Dee

Time Is Nothing Quotes #51122
#46. There is nothing by which a man exasperates most people more, than displaying a superior ability of briliancy in conversation. They seem pleased at the time; but their envy makes them curse him at their hearts.

Samuel Johnson

Time Is Nothing Quotes #51640
#47. I could go crazy on a night like tonight
When summer's beginning to give up her fight
And every thought's a possiblility
And the voices are heard but nothing is seen
Why do you spend this time with me
Maybe an equal mystery

Emily Saliers

Time Is Nothing Quotes #51677
#48. The student who elects to risk it all - which is nothing - to establish an online video rental service that delivers $5,000 per month in income from a small niche of Blu-ray aficionados, a two-hour-per-week side project that allows him to work full-time as an animal rights lobbyist.

Timothy Ferriss

Time Is Nothing Quotes #56434
#49. Great drama is great questions or it is nothing but technique. I could not imagine a theater worth my time that did not want to change the world.

Arthur Miller

Time Is Nothing Quotes #58793
#50. There is NOTHING you can do with your running time that is better for you than running. Any other activity only pulls you down and erases passion.

Gerry Lindgren

Time Is Nothing Quotes #62363
#51. Street people use cardboard all the time, and bum alleys are just shanties or lean-tos, though. They're nothing like my house! Mine is deluxe! It's a big, thick, super sturdy refrigerator box that I found at an appliance store!

Wendelin Van Draanen

Time Is Nothing Quotes #71188
#52. There is nothing more powerful than this moment your living, now, more powerful than your convictions and truths, spend time with what your heart desires and souls screams for. Life ends a day before we know it, it's so important to chase everything that matters to you.

Nikki Rowe

Time Is Nothing Quotes #73220
#53. But nothing else escapes all-ruinous time.
Earth's might decays, the might of men decays,
Honor grows cold, dishonor flourishes,
There is no constancy 'twixt friend and friend,
Or city and city; be it soon or late,
Sweet turns to bitter, hate once more to love.


Time Is Nothing Quotes #73331
#54. If you want something bad enough, take the steps needed to make it happen, no matter how long it takes. Sometimes you get lucky and can skip some steps, but most of the time you can't. The secret to achieving any goal is nothing more than putting in the necessary time and effort.

Bill Loguidice

Time Is Nothing Quotes #79192
#55. Poetry should be written the way adultery is committed: on the run, on the sly, during the time not accounted for. And then you come home, as if nothing ever happened,

Vera Pavlova

Time Is Nothing Quotes #81210
#56. I guess it was the first time I really thought about leaving. I don't just mean Iron Maiden, I mean quitting music altogether. I just thought, 'Nothing is worth feeling like this for.' I began to feel like I was a piece of machinery, like I was part of the lighting rig.

Bruce Dickinson

Time Is Nothing Quotes #83277
#57. Now is not the time to give greater protections to pharmaceutical companies that put unsafe drugs like Vioxx on the market. Such protections have nothing to do with the liability insurance crisis facing doctors and should be stripped from this bill.

Dennis Cardoza

Time Is Nothing Quotes #84073
#58. Find something to believe in, Carter, other than your work. Because when you leave this life, you leave work behind. If that's all you have, then you have nothing. And eternity is a long time for nothing.

David Baldacci

Time Is Nothing Quotes #84111
#59. It is hard for a black man to just be himself. We spend so much time in defense of something that is indefensible because there is nothing to defend.

Kevin Eubanks

Time Is Nothing Quotes #84211
#60. The first time you fall in love, it's like you've created the first love in the universe, and the first time someone you love dies, you grieve the universe's first death. What does it help to be told that what you feel is nothing new?

Leah Stewart

Time Is Nothing Quotes #84398
#61. There is nothing as sweet as a comeback, when you are down and out, about to lose, and out of time.

Anne Lamott

Time Is Nothing Quotes #86014
#62. I love comedy. Playing the underdog, and getting the laughs is my form of entertainment. I could think of nothing different that I would want to be doing at this time in my life.

Eugene Levy

Time Is Nothing Quotes #86370
#63. I am called a gold digger all the time. I don't care. There is nothing you can do about what other people say.

Anna Benson

Time Is Nothing Quotes #86886
#64. The real Oxford is a close corporation of jolly, untidy, lazy, good-for-nothing humorous old men, who have been electing their own successors ever since the world began and who intend to go on with it. They'll squeeze under the Revolution or leap over it when the time comes, don't you worry.

C.S. Lewis

Time Is Nothing Quotes #87227
#65. When people say that nothing happens in their lives I believe them. But you must understand that everything happens to an artist; time is always redeemed, nothing is lost and wonders never cease.

Muriel Spark

Time Is Nothing Quotes #87702
#66. The thing is to rely on God. The time will come when you will regard all this misery as a small price to pay for having been brought to that dependence. Meanwhile, the trouble is that relying on God has to begin all over again every day as if nothing has yet been done.

C.S. Lewis

Time Is Nothing Quotes #90011
#67. If everyone is speaking caterpillar, don't be afraid to speak butterfly. When it's time to awaken, nothing else will suit you.

Tama J. Kieves

Time Is Nothing Quotes #90587
#68. If there is a God, I guess he has nothing to say about it. If there is a God, he must have gotten tired of watching a long time ago.

Lauren Oliver

Time Is Nothing Quotes #94008
#69. Time is invention and nothing else.

Henri Bergson

Time Is Nothing Quotes #94964
#70. Many people see the chance to eat something for nothing, without the need to cook or wash up, as the great consolation of going out to dinner. But they forget quite how difficult it is to talk to a stranger and eat at the same time.

Craig Brown

Time Is Nothing Quotes #95249
#71. I think that America in general is piratical. Every time we accept a paycheck for doing almost nothing, allowing us to live above the poverty line, we're engaging in piracy.

Will Oldham

Time Is Nothing Quotes #95311
#72. When I'm doing my best is when I'm completely focused ... You completely wipe off any thoughts of the future, there's nothing going on in the past, you're just completely locked in on the moment, and there's no thinking, you're zoned in on this moment in time.

Frank Mir

Time Is Nothing Quotes #97851
#73. The feeling of losing oneself in somebody's arms, yet at the same time finding oneself there, is irreplaceable. Nothing compares to the intensity of that feeling.

Katarina Witt

Time Is Nothing Quotes #98644
#74. Seriously, what is going to be awesome about touring with the mut of rock, who has hit on me every time I see him? Nothing - that's what.

Samantha Towle

Time Is Nothing Quotes #99777
#75. It's a time of war, Alera. [ ... ] Nothing is fair, and nothing is right, and it isn't easy to understand or accept.

Cayla Kluver

Time Is Nothing Quotes #102093
#76. These are islands in time - with nothing to date them on the calendar of mankind. In these areas it is as though a person were looking backward into the ages and forward untold years. Here are bits of eternity, which have a preciousness beyond all accounting.

Harvey Broome

Time Is Nothing Quotes #102253
#77. It is in bed that we learn to bear the inevitable. We are learning this all the time while we lie with our face turned to the wall thinking we are doing nothing.

J. E. Buckrose

Time Is Nothing Quotes #103502
#78. Jealousy is nothing but a fear of being abandoned

Heidi Heilig

Time Is Nothing Quotes #111332
#79. Nothing is forever, be it a good time or a bad time; nothing stays the same. Leaves change, seasons change, and so do people. And when people change, our relationships change with that.

Uday Mukerji

Time Is Nothing Quotes #112934
#80. I wish the music business was a much easier thing, but you know what? Nothing easy is worth anything. So it is what it is. There comes a time when things can work out and everybody can be happy. And that's what it's all about in the end - everybody being happy and working it out.


Time Is Nothing Quotes #113069
#81. I am very present in my work and my work is somehow an expression of my soul, but at the same time I think that a writer cannot write out of nothing.

Paulo Coelho

Time Is Nothing Quotes #114958
#82. When there's a dead body in the room, you never, ever answer cops' questions without your lawyer present. Which is to say, your lawyer answers the questions by saying, We have nothing to say at this time.

Paul Levine

Time Is Nothing Quotes #117288
#83. There is nothing like the time we have with those we love the most. Every moment is precious because we aren't promised tomorrow. Hold on to them tight and cherish them while you're given the chance.

N.E. Henderson

Time Is Nothing Quotes #125968
#84. Sacrilege is often defined as taking something that belongs to God and using it profanely. But there is a bigger sacrilege we commit all the time. That is to take something and give it to God when it means absolutely nothing to us.

Ravi Zacharias

Time Is Nothing Quotes #127540
#85. I was being honest - I have nothing to hide. All I do, all the time, with everybody, is tell them what I am thinking, what I am feeling.

Leelee Sobieski

Time Is Nothing Quotes #128927
#86. Nothing separates the generations more than music. By the time a child is eight or nine, he has developed a passion for his own music that is even stronger than his passions for procrastination and weird clothes.

Bill Cosby

Time Is Nothing Quotes #129918
#87. Anxiety is nothing more than prolonged fear. It comes with prolonged chemical release that does incalculable damage to your neurons over time.

Toni Sorenson

Time Is Nothing Quotes #133940
#88. Nothing is so essential as dignity, girls, and time will reveal who has it

Elizabeth Gilbert

Time Is Nothing Quotes #137282
#89. Flying radio-controlled airplanes is the only time where I am able to focus and concentrate on nothing but looking up. Only God would give me a hobby where I'm looking up to the sky. It's a fascinating hobby.

Tyler Perry

Time Is Nothing Quotes #137695
#90. For there is nothing quite so terror-inducing as the loss of sleep. It creates phantoms and doubts, causes one to questions one's own abilities and judgement, and, over time, dismantles, from within, the body.

Charlie Huston

Time Is Nothing Quotes #138235
#91. No, my child, these things are impossible. It would have been better if she had recognize the truth courageously. She would have suffered once, then time would have erased with its sponge. There is nothing like looking things in the face, believe me.

Jean-Paul Sartre

Time Is Nothing Quotes #139900
#92. Answer, yeah I know it... We were for little period of time texting nothing else... no friendship is available as a feature but you are talking about relationship and marriage are you right with your mind?

Deyth Banger

Time Is Nothing Quotes #141537
#93. I have really sensitive skin, so all I use is Cetaphil Gentle Skin Cleanser and Moisturizing Cream, and then during the day, I'll use CeraVe with SPF, but nothing crazy. My skin also gets really dry, so I do a mask from time to time - or if my skin is feeling dull, then I'll put one on.

Kacy Hill

Time Is Nothing Quotes #143410
#94. But the universe, as a collection of finite things, presents itself as a kind of island situated in a pure vacuity to which time, regarded as a series of mutually exclusive moments, is nothing and does nothing.

Muhammad Iqbal

Time Is Nothing Quotes #144101
#95. Don't be afraid to imagine yourself doing something bigger than you have the resources to do right now. Dreaming is free. It costs nothing, but your time.

Daniela Gabrielle

Time Is Nothing Quotes #147512
#96. In 35 years of being in the media, I've had all this mud flung at me many, many times. It's not the first time. It's nothing unusual. I've been through it all before and the best way to deal with it is not to read them.

Delia Smith

Time Is Nothing Quotes #148826
#97. Anything you ever make that matters takes a long time. Some artists never see their work in front of an audience, so for them 15 years is a blink of an eye. I am nothing but grateful.

Adriana Trigiani

Time Is Nothing Quotes #149288
#98. Nothing is ours, except time.


Time Is Nothing Quotes #151823
#99. You got to deal with reviews the same way you deal with your views, which I a long time ago stopped reading because the point is if you believe the good ones you have to believe the bad ones. It's kind of all or nothing.

Steven Soderbergh

Time Is Nothing Quotes #152021
#100. There is nothing good in this world which time does not improve.

Alexander Smith

Time Is Nothing Quotes #154675

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