Top 8 Thurby 2021 Quotes

#1. My hats did give me an identity. In fact, if I had a dollar for every time someone has seen me bareheaded and said, 'I almost didn't recognize you without a hat on', I could have bought the Cowboys myself.

Tom Landry

Thurby 2021 Quotes #215022
#2. When I was growing up, I just wanted to be somewhere else. I didn't like living in Knockemstiff, and I figured when I got older, I'd move off to some big city.

Donald Ray Pollock

Thurby 2021 Quotes #589967
#3. I really don't care too much what the different later Christian traditions say. My aim is to be faithful to Scripture.

N. T. Wright

Thurby 2021 Quotes #1027751
#4. The Greeks understood the mysterious power of the below things. They are the ones who gave us one of the most beautiful words in our language, the word enthusiasm.

Louis Pasteur

Thurby 2021 Quotes #1126013
#5. England is my wife, America my mistress. It is very good sometimes to get away from one's wife.

Cedric Hardwicke

Thurby 2021 Quotes #1475710
#6. Photographers never want to talk about the fact that they may well be in decline. It's the greatest taboo subject of all.

Martin Parr

Thurby 2021 Quotes #1570046
#7. I learned lots of dirty jokes very young. There was this girl who told me them. The gang I led went in for shoplifting and pulling girls' knickers down. Other boys' parents hated me.

John Lennon

Thurby 2021 Quotes #1783444
#8. We always have to go backward to move forward. Whether it's to face our own missteps or reach the end of our lives with a final mistake... We always have to go back to pull ourselves out of ignorance or cast ourselves deeper into revenge.

Amy Rachiele

Thurby 2021 Quotes #1818237

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