Top 15 Thriftway Market Quotes

#1. Those who have been indulged by fortune and have always thought of calamity as what happens to others, feel a blinding credulous rage at the reversal of their lot and half believe that their wild cries will alter the course of the storm.

George Eliot

Thriftway Market Quotes #205625
#2. First of all, let it be remembered that I speak as an ex-Communist and one who has not testified before Congressional Committees, nor written works on the Communist conspiracy.

Dorothy Day

Thriftway Market Quotes #481478
#3. I know that throughout my life I have struggled to forgive my father. Now, as I get older, I wish most of all that he had been able to find a way to forgive himself.

Madeleine Thien

Thriftway Market Quotes #513104
#4. Whatever you are doing, that which makes you feel the most alive ... that is where God is.

Ignatius Of Loyola

Thriftway Market Quotes #700209
#5. See, I will always shop, and that's sort of a problem. Clothes are always exploding out of my closet!

Zoe Lister-Jones

Thriftway Market Quotes #758631
#6. The 'value' of particular artists after Duchamp can be weighed according to how much they questioned the nature of art.

Joseph Kosuth

Thriftway Market Quotes #763203
#7. There we go again, old men and their stupid arguments. What a pain.
~Toshiro Hitsugaya

Tite Kubo

Thriftway Market Quotes #926362
#8. The two events were probably unrelated, but both jolted Dave the way a sudden air pocket reminds nervous passengers that they're soaring above the clouds in a pressurized metal tube.

Dan Sofer

Thriftway Market Quotes #1037796
#9. Is life too short to be taking this shit, or is life too short to be minding it?

Violet Weingarten

Thriftway Market Quotes #1052110
#10. The fact is whether one looks at this [outsourcing] in terms of men and women, working men and women in this country who are simply being screwed, or whether one looks at this in terms of corporations who are benefiting, the fact is it is certainly not helping the American economy.

Lou Dobbs

Thriftway Market Quotes #1161523
#11. A celebrity is a person known for his well-knownness. Celebrities intensify their celebrity images simply by being well known for relations among themselves. By a kind of symbiosis, celebrities live off each other.

Daniel J. Boorstin

Thriftway Market Quotes #1340783
#12. I may be rancid butter, but I'm on your side of the bread.

Gene Kelly

Thriftway Market Quotes #1391360
#13. In removing the friction involved in paying bills, electronic billing has substantially increased the friction involved in not paying them.

Timothy Noah

Thriftway Market Quotes #1414492
#14. Never have sex with a woman who has more problems than you do.

Nelson DeMille

Thriftway Market Quotes #1737599
#15. I am very lucky to have people who care about me and care about my music. I think it would be irresponsible to not show them as much love back as they show me.

Hoodie Allen

Thriftway Market Quotes #1748016

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