Top 42 Thoughts From The Heart Quotes

#1. Great thoughts come from the heart

Luc De Clapiers De Vauvenargues

Thoughts From The Heart Quotes #1414343
#2. Dance above the surface of the world. Let your thoughts lift you into creativity that is not hampered by opinion.

Red Haircrow

Thoughts From The Heart Quotes #985284
#3. Being delivered from bodily sins is not enough; we must also cleanse the inner energy which dwells in our soul. For out of our hearts 'proceed evil thoughts, adulteries, fornications, murders, thefts, covetousness' (Mk. 7:21) and so on ? these are what motivate people.

Gregory Palamas

Thoughts From The Heart Quotes #1000229
#4. The most important part of religion isn't in any church. It's down in your own heart. Religion is in your thoughts, and in the way you act from day to day, in the way you treat other people. It's honesty, and unselfishness, and kindness. Especially kindness.

Maud Hart Lovelace

Thoughts From The Heart Quotes #1034791
#5. Beauty is always found in the profound and deepest actions of a person who does things from the heart not from the shallowness of materialism.

Paul Isaacs

Thoughts From The Heart Quotes #1084443
#6. Thoughts are as simple as the process ... a message from the soul; conveyed through the heart; received in the mind

Jeremy Aldana

Thoughts From The Heart Quotes #1174319
#7. Prayer is naught but a rising desire of the heart into God by withdrawing of the heart from all earthly thoughts.

Walter Hilton

Thoughts From The Heart Quotes #1281712
#8. You are so near to my thoughts and my heart yet so far from my body and my arms ... I once loved the whole world because you were in it.

Brunhilda Of Austrasia

Thoughts From The Heart Quotes #1284154
#9. The grand difficulty is to feel the reality of both worlds, so as to give each its due place in our thoughts and feelings, to keep our mind's eye and our heart's eye ever fixed on the land of promise, without looking away from the road along which we are to travel toward it.

Augustus William Hare

Thoughts From The Heart Quotes #1299618
#10. Why can't you understand that I love you so much, that not being able to touch you hurts? I can't stand the fact that I can't get into your thoughts. Haventon is gone to you, but it's also gone to me. I miss it so much. It feels like my heart's been ripped out from my chest.

Jordan Deen

Thoughts From The Heart Quotes #1394055
#11. It is Satan's purpose to steal the seed of truth from your heart by sending distracting thoughts ... The difference between a Christian and a non-Christian is: though they both may have good and evil thoughts, Christ gives His followers strength to select the right rather than the wrong.

Billy Graham

Thoughts From The Heart Quotes #1412809
#12. The heart of a human being is no different from the soul of heaven and earth. In your practice always keep in your thoughts the interaction of heaven and earth, water and fire, yin and yang.

Morihei Ueshiba

Thoughts From The Heart Quotes #967480
#13. Revolution does not begin with a group. It begins from the heart.

Shahla Khan

Thoughts From The Heart Quotes #1425844
#14. I hear people talking about the feeling they get when they pain stuff in illegal places. Leo says he gets this fast-moving fear swinging through him, running from his heart to everyplace under his skin. I pain to get the thoughts in me out. I paint so it gets quiet under my skin.

Cath Crowley

Thoughts From The Heart Quotes #1512893
#15. Genius guarantees the faculties of the heart. Man is no less immortal than the soul. Great thoughts spring from reason! Fraternity is not a myth. Newborn children know nothing of life, not even greatness. In misfortune, friends increase.

Comte De Lautreamont

Thoughts From The Heart Quotes #1543967
#16. Serenity comes from the heart. Although the heart is often tormented by thoughts of insecurity, it knows that - through correct posture - it will be able to do its best.

Paulo Coelho

Thoughts From The Heart Quotes #1551999
#17. The mouth speaks from well spring of the heart.

Lailah Gifty Akita

Thoughts From The Heart Quotes #1599346
#18. We are victims of censorship within when we do not let ourselves think the thoughts which our flesh recoils from, or let conscience speak that which the heart feels to be unacceptable, or when we give ourselves excellent reasons for not participating in this grand drama of our interconnected lives.

Ben Okri

Thoughts From The Heart Quotes #1611839
#19. A man's love for his native land lies deeper than any logical expression, among those pulses of the heart which vibrate to the sanctities of home, and to the thoughts which leap up from his father's graves.

Edwin Hubbel Chapin

Thoughts From The Heart Quotes #1659296
#20. A writer creates from his mind; his creations emanate from the feelings enmeshed deep within his heart. From the fire burning within his soul, he gives shape to his thoughts. His thoughts start to breathe. Every sentence breathes with a purpose.

Avijeet Das

Thoughts From The Heart Quotes #1815183
#21. Write and your experiences with others. Never underestimate your writings. It can bring hope and inspiration to many people.

Lailah Gifty Akita

Thoughts From The Heart Quotes #1860775
#22. The within is ceaselessly becoming the without. From the state of a man's heart doth proceed the conditions of his life; his thoughts blossom into deeds, and his deeds bear the fruitage of character and destiny.

James Allen

Thoughts From The Heart Quotes #561913
#23. I wanted to shut my mind, that my thoughts might close
on my own peace, I wanted to close
the peace of my love in my heart
like dew in a dark rose."
From "Philip Speaks

Caryll Houselander

Thoughts From The Heart Quotes #41605
#24. God is not remote from us. He is at the point of my pen, my (pick) shovel, my paint brush, my (sewing) needle - and my heart and thoughts.

Pierre Teilhard De Chardin

Thoughts From The Heart Quotes #142419
#25. Now, in our opinion no author should be blamed for obscurity, nor should any pains be grudged in the effort to understand him, provided that he has done his best to be intelligible. Difficult thoughts are quite distinct from difficult words. Difficulty of thought is the very heart of poetry.

Alice Meynell

Thoughts From The Heart Quotes #150765
#26. When the world my heart is rending With its heaviest storm of care, My glad thoughts to heaven ascending, Find a refuge from despair. Faith's bright vision shall sustain me Till life's pilgrimage is past; Fears may vex and troubles pain me, I shall reach my home at last.

Charles Haddon Spurgeon

Thoughts From The Heart Quotes #226256
#27. When one says to the great Thinker:
"Here is one of thy thoughts: I am thinking it now!" that is a prayer
a word to the big heart from one of its own little hearts.
Look, there is another!

George MacDonald

Thoughts From The Heart Quotes #234190
#28. All grand thoughts come from the heart.

Luc De Clapiers

Thoughts From The Heart Quotes #268415
#29. I know you love how I make it all go away:
all the joy, all the pain, all thoughts in your brain.
For the price of your soul, I will hold your heart in my talons.
For three summers straight you've been my sweet eye candy;
and no one will ever, ever, take you away from me.

Say Anything, Skinny Mean Man

Thoughts From The Heart Quotes #309188
#30. Time, thou anticipat'st my dread exploits.
The flighty purpose never is o'ertook
Unless the deed go with it. From this moment
The very firstlings of my heart shall be
The firstlings of my hand. And even now,
To crown my thoughts with acts, be it thought and done

William Shakespeare

Thoughts From The Heart Quotes #318909
#31. In Buddhism there is one word for mind & heart: chitta. Chitta refers not just to thoughts and emotions in the narrow sense of arising from the brain, but also to the whole range of consciousness, vast & unimpeded.

Sharon Salzberg

Thoughts From The Heart Quotes #489472
#32. Your mind is the channel of it all. It feeds your soul, your heart, everything. It comes from your thoughts. The kind of person you are comes from the way you think. And it bleeds into the way you feel. And such forth. If the mind is not free, then we won't be free.

Stephen Marley

Thoughts From The Heart Quotes #532710
#33. Sex was the main component of her thoughts now. But love - and her desperate longing for it - had vanished from her heart like a migraine after a painkiller.

Augustine Sam

Thoughts From The Heart Quotes #13706
#34. Find the window of unconditional love in your heart and liberate yourself from the prison of judgemental and conforming thoughts.

Debasish Mridha

Thoughts From The Heart Quotes #574357
#35. The challenge of a journalist is to condense a thousand thoughts into a single sound bite. The challenge of an author is to place a simple idea on a canvas as infinite as your imagination. No doubt about it. I have the easier job.

Charles A. Cornell

Thoughts From The Heart Quotes #604798
#36. I create easily and effortlessly when I let my thoughts come from the loving space of my own heart.

Louise Hay

Thoughts From The Heart Quotes #644650
#37. Just like you, my country cannot hear me:
She's made of bronze
and I
can no longer reach her heart

(from Thoughts on the Statue of Talaat Harb)

Najwan Darwish

Thoughts From The Heart Quotes #737142
#38. Dantes remained confused and silent by this explanation of the thoughts which had unconsciously been working in his mind, or rather soul; for there are two distinct sorts of ideas, those that proceed from the head and those from the heart.

Alexandre Dumas

Thoughts From The Heart Quotes #755049
#39. Running through my mind are thoughts of all the races I ran. On my chest are medals from the races I won. In my heart is gratitude to Gerard Hartmann for helping make my dreams come true. I am very honoured to be a part of this wonderful book.

Douglas Wakiihuri

Thoughts From The Heart Quotes #840248
#40. Dedication and enthusiams are the greatest rewards for learning

Isabel Ramos

Thoughts From The Heart Quotes #840609
#41. My heart rides the wind and my thoughts sail away - to a land below the horizon where I know you hide from me ...

John Geddes

Thoughts From The Heart Quotes #869507
#42. The Word will help you get free from bad thoughts, if you meditate on it and let it fill your heart. The Word of God will help you to make clear division between your soul and spirit.

Sunday Adelaja

Thoughts From The Heart Quotes #944105

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