Top 32 There Is No Silver Bullet Quotes

#1. I'm telling you that there is no silver bullet to keep home prices from going down or to prevent all foreclosures.

Henry Paulson

There Is No Silver Bullet Quotes #777852
#2. There is no silver bullet in sales success. It takes hard work, commitment, and skill savvy.

Timi Nadela

There Is No Silver Bullet Quotes #1083358
#3. Ben, those silver bullets that you and Mike are looking for are fine and good, but our Web server is five times slower. There is no silver bullet that's going to fix that. No, we are going to have to use a lot of lead bullets." Oh snap.

Ben Horowitz

There Is No Silver Bullet Quotes #1818084
#4. There is no silver bullet. There are always options and the options have consequences.

Ben Horowitz

There Is No Silver Bullet Quotes #23428
#5. You can't kill rock and roll without a silver bullet because she's a werewolf.

Anthony Langston

There Is No Silver Bullet Quotes #1197622
#6. I'm fine."

"You know how Flynn defines 'fine' as an answer?" Jake asked him conversationally. "He says it usually translates as an anagram: Fucked up, Insecure, Neurotic and Emotional. So which one do you want to go for?


There Is No Silver Bullet Quotes #1844285
#7. Politics is history in the making.

Adolf Hitler

There Is No Silver Bullet Quotes #1226171
#8. Isn't it strange how often your butt gets all the instructions?" Gerry said conversationally to Mason, "Mine gets hustled all over the place, it's quite the social butterfly.


There Is No Silver Bullet Quotes #1247828
#9. Education is the silver bullet to improve this Nation's standing worldwide ... and our teachers know that.

Solomon Ortiz

There Is No Silver Bullet Quotes #1380806
#10. This is certain, that a man that studieth revenge keeps his wounds green, which otherwise would heal and do well.

Francis Bacon

There Is No Silver Bullet Quotes #1385921
#11. First, I do not think there is any silver bullet to solving the technology side of the security equation.

John W. Thompson

There Is No Silver Bullet Quotes #1459108
#12. There was no silver bullet that could have prevented the 11 September attacks. There was nothing demonstrating or showing that something was coming in the United States. If there had been something, we would have acted on it.

Condoleezza Rice

There Is No Silver Bullet Quotes #1465632
#13. Driving a car versus riding a bike is on par with watching television rather than living your own life." - Bruce MacAlister, Calgary

Silver Bullet

There Is No Silver Bullet Quotes #1482908
#14. If only everyone could know and live with their inner craziness. Would the world be a worse place for it? No, people would be fairer and happier.

Paulo Coelho

There Is No Silver Bullet Quotes #1558613
#15. The middle class should not continue to foot the bill for tax breaks for millionaires and billionaires.

Keith Ellison

There Is No Silver Bullet Quotes #1599257
#16. Discoveries from one community cannot be repackaged and provided to another as a silver bullet, That's a "best practice" rollout and it invariably evokes the immune rejection response.

Richard Pascale

There Is No Silver Bullet Quotes #1730710
#17. One thing you can say about nuclear power: the people who believe it is the silver bullet for America's energy problems never give up.

Jeff Goodell

There Is No Silver Bullet Quotes #1743086
#18. The truth is that there is no shortcut, no silver bullet, and no special sauce to building a winning campaign in the 21st century.

Elizabeth McKenna

There Is No Silver Bullet Quotes #1767730
#19. A synonym is a word you use when you can't spell the other one.

Baltasar Gracian

There Is No Silver Bullet Quotes #1193413
#20. Girls' education is no silver bullet. Iran and Saudi Arabia have both educated girls but refused to empower them, so both remain mired in the past. But when a country educates and unleashes women, those educated women often become force multipliers for good.

Nicholas Kristof

There Is No Silver Bullet Quotes #1192751
#21. There are lots of things in the folklore, like they can only be killed by a silver bullet, that don't realistically work, if you're trying to say they have existed for hundreds of years, unknown.

Kelley Armstrong

There Is No Silver Bullet Quotes #826896
#22. I completely understand why people are concerned about immigration. There's no silver bullet, no one thing you can do to suddenly deal with all the problems and concerns with immigration, and that includes leaving the E.U.

Theresa May

There Is No Silver Bullet Quotes #762044
#23. There's no silver bullet solution with cyber security, a layered defense is the only viable defense

James Scott

There Is No Silver Bullet Quotes #677251
#24. Just as like the music industry still wishes for the days when it controlled its own production and distribution, the media and marketing world still yearns for the silver bullet of the thirty-second spot on 'Seinfeld,' even as it knows those days are over.

John Battelle

There Is No Silver Bullet Quotes #643107
#25. If there's a silver bullet in the battle to recapture Albany, it is the re-engagement of our citizens. This capital has become a physical metaphor for the isolation and alienation of our people.

Andrew Cuomo

There Is No Silver Bullet Quotes #542674
#26. Then, after showing the pill and some graphics, those same people appeared again, looking happier.
The Reb and I watched in silence. After it ended, he asked, "Do you think those pills work?"
Not like that, I said.
"No," he agreed. "Not like that.

Mitch Albom

There Is No Silver Bullet Quotes #540475
#27. I've got four roommates and they all have fur and tails.

Kate Walsh

There Is No Silver Bullet Quotes #295948
#28. The years rolled slowly by and I found myself alone, surrounded by strangers I thought were my friends, found myslef further and further from my home I guess I lost my way - There were og so many roads.

Bob Seger & The Silver Bullet Band

There Is No Silver Bullet Quotes #279317
#29. I don't believe that there's a silver bullet, that if you just do this one thing, you solve the problems of the world.

Darnell M. Hunt

There Is No Silver Bullet Quotes #234754
#30. Doing stuff that I don't have to talk about because I'm not in a public company is fantastic.

Michael Eisner

There Is No Silver Bullet Quotes #120431
#31. Poetry is the cipher key to the five mystic wishes packed in a hollow silver bullet fed to a flying fish.

Carl Sandburg

There Is No Silver Bullet Quotes #106243
#32. Mason. Darling. Do I have to flutter my eyelashes all morning to get you to pass the teapot down this way or am I going to have to offer you a blow job? Some of us are dehydrating over here.

Rolf And Ranger

There Is No Silver Bullet Quotes #12180

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