Top 34 The World Is Yours For The Taking Quotes

#1. There was all the difference in the world between this planning airily away from the canvas and actually taking her brush and making the first mark.

Virginia Woolf

The World Is Yours For The Taking Quotes #134495
#2. I love the gallery, the arena of representation. It's a commercial world, and morality is based generally around economics, and that's taking place in the art gallery.

Jeff Koons

The World Is Yours For The Taking Quotes #77917
#3. My father took me back home, back to Greenwich Village, and he thought by taking me out of the orphanage he'd be out of the World War too. But no way - they got him anyway. He went in the Navy and then I lived on the streets.

Gregory Corso

The World Is Yours For The Taking Quotes #80409
#4. Inspiring scenes of people taking the future of their countries into their own hands will ignite greater demands for good governance and political reform elsewhere in the world, including in Asia and in Africa.

William Hague

The World Is Yours For The Taking Quotes #80937
#5. I feel like I am doing a lot, but if someone asks me what exactly I have accomplished, I don't know ... putting my son to sleep, feeding him, taking care of things in the house amount to a lot of work. But, yes, I haven't arrested 14 criminals in one day or saved the world or anything of that sort!


The World Is Yours For The Taking Quotes #100084
#6. The division of the Roman world between the sons of Theodosius marks the final establishment of the empire of the East, which, from the reign of Arcadius to the taking of Constantinople by the Turks, subsisted one thousand and fifty-eight years in a state of premature and perpetual decay.

Edward Gibbon

The World Is Yours For The Taking Quotes #107417
#7. Why did so many die in the night? As though they wished to kiss us and deliver us with sweet dreams before taking their leave of the world.

Ruth Downie

The World Is Yours For The Taking Quotes #110968
#8. Relentlessly feeding on poverty and economic dislocation, a New World Order was taking shape.

Michel Chossudovsky

The World Is Yours For The Taking Quotes #119271
#9. Fantastic," I said without an ounce of enthusiasm. "I'm just one more embarrassing confession away from taking over the world."
Spencer Nye

Jason Letts

The World Is Yours For The Taking Quotes #130861
#10. I've always negotiated the world very physically, from football to tussling at the playground to taking my clothes off.

Channing Tatum

The World Is Yours For The Taking Quotes #66719
#11. We come into the world whole, all of us, but we don't know that, don't know that life will be taking large chunks out of us, forever.

Mona Simpson

The World Is Yours For The Taking Quotes #140658
#12. How can we be such fools as to go on senselessly taking human life in this way? Why the women in every nation do not rise up and refuse to bring children into a world of this kind is beyond my understanding.

Eleanor Roosevelt

The World Is Yours For The Taking Quotes #141072
#13. It takes one asshole to ruin the whole thing. That's it. One. The problem with the world is one asshole comes up with a really bad idea and now we're all taking our shoes off at the airport.

Steven Soderbergh

The World Is Yours For The Taking Quotes #145187
#14. Even when I was No. 1 in the world, I was taking it one match at a time. I never was a player to look too far ahead, the way draws can pan out.

Lleyton Hewitt

The World Is Yours For The Taking Quotes #154181
#15. If we the children of humanity don't start taking steps to walk towards world peace ... Who will??? Why wait to make a difference ... Start living a peaceful life-style today!

Timothy Pina

The World Is Yours For The Taking Quotes #156145
#16. And that is the secret of this world. If you remove love of dunya from your heart, the dunya is yours for the taking. You can have the dunya because it's in your hand and not in your heart

Hamza Yusuf

The World Is Yours For The Taking Quotes #630625
#17. Now, as a writer, the whole world is your nail polish display, and what's more, you can help yourself. A thrilling, colourful array of gorgeous human peculiarity revolves before your eyes, and you still can't quite believe it's all yours for the taking.

Lynn Coady

The World Is Yours For The Taking Quotes #1234740
#18. I'm not afraid of computers taking over the world.

Thom Yorke

The World Is Yours For The Taking Quotes #33599
#19. I am convinced that the world is not a mere bog in which men and women trample themselves and die. Something magnificent is taking place here amidst the cruelties and tragedies, and the supreme challenge to intelligence is that of making the noblest and best in our curious heritage prevail.

Charles A. Beard

The World Is Yours For The Taking Quotes #8760
#20. Issa knelt down in front of her, taking her hands in his. Until the end of time, I will love you. You are the moon in my endless night. I have never abandoned this world, even when I desperately wanted to, and I will never leave you, either.

Lisa Kessler

The World Is Yours For The Taking Quotes #10485
#21. I was a child of World War Two . I saw films of pilots taking off from aircraft carriers and decided that was the only thing I wanted to do. And it had to be flying from sea carriers. Airfields were not enough.

Eugene Cernan

The World Is Yours For The Taking Quotes #16968
#22. The sure path to tomorrow was plotted in a manger and paved on a cross. And although this sturdy byway is mine for the taking, I have incessantly chosen lesser paths. And maybe it is time to realize that Christmas is a promise that I can walk through the world and never get lost in the woods.

Craig D. Lounsbrough

The World Is Yours For The Taking Quotes #18171
#23. Christianity is about taking broken people, transforming them, and then using those transformed people to transform the world.

Francis Chan

The World Is Yours For The Taking Quotes #25723
#24. I think that we are in a very strange time, when everybody is thinking about what is going to happen, and everybody is kind of cleaning house a little bit. In the fashion world, we are doing something similar. We are taking the fake out and being a little bit more real and simple.

Alber Elbaz

The World Is Yours For The Taking Quotes #30325
#25. Thomas Hawk is the most successful digital photographer in the world. He has taken tens of thousands of pictures, on his way to his goal of taking a million in his lifetime. The

Seth Godin

The World Is Yours For The Taking Quotes #33466
#26. Mastery of impulse is achieved through taking pauses during life's contrasting situations. Mastery of impulse is about developing strong willpower that can be used to redirect the flow of energy in any situation. Mastery of impulse is about responding to the world with a sense of reason and peace.

Alaric Hutchinson

The World Is Yours For The Taking Quotes #33578
#27. AC/DC is a prime example of taking that blues rock thing and just living in that world. They only really move the furniture around a little on each album, but it still works.

Joe Perry

The World Is Yours For The Taking Quotes #2198
#28. Everybody's got their phone up and everybody's taking recordings and posting it on YouTube and whatever and sending it to you, and it gets shown around the world.

Franklin Graham

The World Is Yours For The Taking Quotes #33625
#29. Is it an original idea? Or is it something where you're literally a creative collagist? You're taking pieces of the world that you see around you and that are inside of you and put them together in a way that you see fit.

Abigail Washburn

The World Is Yours For The Taking Quotes #34287
#30. If you live in a society like ours, in which people seldom object if they hear someone taking the Lord's name in vain but are outraged if they see a pregnant woman smoking, then you are living in a world that values the worldly more than the divine.

David Brooks

The World Is Yours For The Taking Quotes #36870
#31. None of our family businesses were focused on technology. It was '93 when I came out of law school, and the Internet was taking hold. So I started New World Ventures.

J. B. Pritzker

The World Is Yours For The Taking Quotes #39660
#32. Thus, in this world of brief scenes from the future, few risks are taken. Those who have seen the future do not need to take risks, and those who have not yet seen the future wait for their visions without taking risks.

Alan Lightman

The World Is Yours For The Taking Quotes #49618
#33. Ain't nothing in this world just for the taking...A man got to pay a fair price for taking...Matter of give a little, take a little.

Kate Grenville

The World Is Yours For The Taking Quotes #62869
#34. The people who were trying to make this world worse are not taking the day off. Why should I?

Bob Marley

The World Is Yours For The Taking Quotes #65981

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