Top 56 The Quiet Of The Morning Quotes

#1. In the quiet of the morning
You only have to rise
To feel something's wrong.
Uncontrollable circumstances
Tense the air and you know
Something's going to happen.

--Susan Bernhardt

Susan Bernhardt

The Quiet Of The Morning Quotes #355282
#2. The quiet of the morning offers a perfect time to do a meditation and yoga practice. It also allows time to be creative or to contemplate before the business of the day.

Kandyse McClure

The Quiet Of The Morning Quotes #44258
#3. There is nothing better than a good read on a quiet morning!

Steve Altier

The Quiet Of The Morning Quotes #811876
#4. He turned his head, kissed the top of her head. "I love you."
"It sounds lovely in bed, in the dark, when everything's quiet."
"Because it's true. And it'll be true in the morning.

Nora Roberts

The Quiet Of The Morning Quotes #1856968
#5. The Satisfactions of the Mad Farmer ... the quiet in the woods of a summer morning, the voice of a pewee passing through it like a tight silver wire; ...

Wendell Berry

The Quiet Of The Morning Quotes #850313
#6. I like the posture, but not the yoga.
I like the inebriated morning, but not the opium. I like the flower but not the garden, the moment but not the dream. Quiet, my love. Be still. I am sleeping.

Roman Payne

The Quiet Of The Morning Quotes #857588
#7. I sometimes wake in the early morning & listen to the soft breathing of my child & I think to myself, this is one thing I will never regret & I carry that quiet with me all day long.

Brian Andreas

The Quiet Of The Morning Quotes #924883
#8. There was so much filth to clean up; so many broken pieces to fix; so many errors to correct. Every morning she left her house she let out a quiet sigh, as if in one breath she could will away detritus of the previous day.

--Three Daughters of Eve

Elif Shafak

The Quiet Of The Morning Quotes #1006320
#9. There are moments when it's too quiet. Particularly late at night or early in the mornings. That's when you know there's something lacking in your life. You just know.

Frank Sinatra

The Quiet Of The Morning Quotes #1056276
#10. Arranging a bowl of flowers in the morning can give a sense of quiet in a crowded day - like writing a poem or saying a prayer.

Anne Morrow Lindbergh

The Quiet Of The Morning Quotes #1071447
#11. I like it to be quiet, and it usually occurs in the morning. There are three or four places in my house where I can write and I like to keep moving around. The moment I find myself falling into a necessary routine, I change it. I'd rather not accumulate superstitions.

Stephen Dobyns

The Quiet Of The Morning Quotes #1087853
#12. The morning is a stealthy hunter, my father used to say. It sneaks up quiet and quick on the night and overtakes it.

Victoria Schwab

The Quiet Of The Morning Quotes #1155977
#13. Is there anything fairer than morning?" she murmured, not expecting an answer.
He was quiet for a moment. "I can think of three things.

Rosslyn Elliott

The Quiet Of The Morning Quotes #1174954
#14. His days passed like this, slow and methodical. And then one morning he saw her. She had brown hair and blue eyes and red shoes and a big yellow clasp in her hair.
And then there was no more peace and quiet for Ove.

Fredrik Backman

The Quiet Of The Morning Quotes #1266443
#15. Age is a peculiar kind of thief. It slips up on you and steps inside your skin and is so quiet and methodical in its work that you never realize it has stolen your youth until you look into the mirror one morning and see a man you don't recognize.

James Lee Burke

The Quiet Of The Morning Quotes #1273386
#16. When she awakened in the a.m. into blind-slit shrinking nowhereness, it had all gone disorientingly quiet, and she would imagine for a few seconds she was back there in that mausoleum of a ranch house in the San Fernando Valley.

Garth Risk Hallberg

The Quiet Of The Morning Quotes #1281763
#17. I had joined Yes in 1971. I was a classically trained musician who had worked with numerous artists as a session musician. I played on David Bowie's 'Life On Mars,' Cat Stevens's 'Morning Has Broken' and even on some Des O'Connor records, though I kept that quiet.

Rick Wakeman

The Quiet Of The Morning Quotes #1333683
#18. Yes indeed! My desires were fulfilled beyond measure. My lover and I emerged from the Bedouin tent a little before sunrise. Finding a quiet spot, we sat in silence, witnessing the morning sun rise above the mountain of Moses, while our host slept peacefully, after an exhausting night of love.


The Quiet Of The Morning Quotes #1364996
#19. The morning with the whole day waiting,
full of promise,
the night
of quiet, of no expectations, of rest.
And the certainty of home, the one I live in,
and the one
that lives in me.

Karen Hesse

The Quiet Of The Morning Quotes #1395861
#20. When you smile, serious ideas get exhausted. At night the mountains keep quiet beside you, in the morning the sand goes with you down to the beach. When you do nice things to me all the heavy industries shut down.

Yehuda Amichai

The Quiet Of The Morning Quotes #1556616
#21. One morning she sewed while her son and husband watched television. It was so quiet that when her son released a tremendous fart, a mouse, startled from his hiding place beneath my aunt's sewing chair, ran straight up her pant leg.

Sherman Alexie

The Quiet Of The Morning Quotes #1576064
#22. The world was different in the morning. Quiet, unassuming, and somehow bigger, as if it was brimming with possibility. It was, she thought, as if during the day the world went through a shrinking process, gradually condensing the morning's expansion, only to inflate again during the night

H.J. Gerald

The Quiet Of The Morning Quotes #1590412
#23. It's a sweet thing to sit quietly in the early-morning darkness and talk to God for a while. It's amazing what you gain from the conversation.

Richelle E. Goodrich

The Quiet Of The Morning Quotes #1693052
#24. In the middle of a long, quiet night I might give my mother a sharp kick. She'll wake, become insomniac, reach for the radio. Cruel sport, I know, but we are both better informed by the morning.

Ian McEwan

The Quiet Of The Morning Quotes #1743994
#25. For me probably the best moment is before I get started in the morning. I get up and I ride my bike before I come into the studio, so there's a lot of peace and quiet right before the day starts and my assistants get here.

Jacob Hashimoto

The Quiet Of The Morning Quotes #1744636
#26. Curious chance one morning long ago in the quiet of the world, when there was less noise and more green, and

J.R.R. Tolkien

The Quiet Of The Morning Quotes #1783361
#27. Noble men in the quiet of morning hear Indians singing the continent's violent requiem.

William Dunbar

The Quiet Of The Morning Quotes #1817011
#28. Even now, whenever I think of her, I envision a quiet Sunday morning. A gentle, clear day, just getting under way. No homework to do, just a Sunday when you could do what you wanted. She always gave me this kick-back-and-relax, Sunday-morning kind of feeling.

Haruki Murakami

The Quiet Of The Morning Quotes #1845318
#29. It was so quiet that morning in Paris that the heels of my two companions and myself were loud on the deserted pavements. It was a city of shuttered shops, and barred windows, and deserted avenues.

Philip Gibbs

The Quiet Of The Morning Quotes #1855638
#30. My ideal job? Landlord of a bordello! The company's good and the mornings are quiet, which is the best time to write.

William Faulkner

The Quiet Of The Morning Quotes #450741
#31. I hope you won't mind, because I haven't shaved since this morning, but I'm going to take you round the next quiet corner and kiss you.

Dorothy L. Sayers

The Quiet Of The Morning Quotes #3048
#32. No matter what night preceded it, she had never known a morning when she did not feel the rise of a quiet excitement that became a tightening energy in her body and a hunger for action in her mind - because this was the beginning of day and it was a day of her life.

Ayn Rand

The Quiet Of The Morning Quotes #56145
#33. And, at the end of a long night, as you crawl under the duvet, there is a sense of quiet satisfaction in knowing that the rest of the working world is just setting out on the morning commute. *

John Sutherland

The Quiet Of The Morning Quotes #71015
#34. Give thanks every morning and share quiet reflection every night. The important thing, take time to turn off and look inward.

Tony Curl

The Quiet Of The Morning Quotes #93742
#35. I was thinking between 3 and 4 this morning, of my 55 years. I lay awake so calm, so content, as if I'd stepped off the whirling world into a deep blue quiet space and there open eyed existed, beyond harm; armed against all that can happen.

Virginia Woolf

The Quiet Of The Morning Quotes #132748
#36. there have been mornings
so quiet and tender
like a poem, on Thursday's lips
that I wondered
if I'd been kissed at all...

Sanober Khan

The Quiet Of The Morning Quotes #156389
#37. You know, the men go to tea houses with the expectation that they will have a nice quiet evening and not read about it the next morning in the newspaper.

Arthur Golden

The Quiet Of The Morning Quotes #223623
#38. A line, a short line, stumbles off into the morning. Thirty two men.

Erich Maria Remarque

The Quiet Of The Morning Quotes #244025
#39. I'm a busy guy but I set aside quiet time every morning and every evening to keep my equilibrium centered on my own path. I don't like being swayed by anything that might be negative or damaging.

Donald Trump

The Quiet Of The Morning Quotes #256981
#40. So if a Christian is touched only once a year, the touching is still worth it, and maybe on some given Christmas, some quiet morning, the touch will take.

Harry Reasoner

The Quiet Of The Morning Quotes #277127
#41. I know when we were really little, my mom would say to me, "If you can, the first thing you do when you wake up in the morning, just get quiet and ask God, 'Who is Patricia?' You can feel your own nature and know who you are."

Patricia Arquette

The Quiet Of The Morning Quotes #322891
#42. In everyday life I am quiet and reserved, not the housekeeper type but cool and relaxed. I don't get up in the morning wearing false eyelashes and I don't wear fancy underwear when I'm cooking popcorn. I'm a nice little ducky.

Madonna Ciccone

The Quiet Of The Morning Quotes #340517
#43. The prayer offered to God in the morning during your quiet time is the key that unlocks the door of the day. Any athlete knows that it is the start that ensures a good finish.

Adrian Rogers

The Quiet Of The Morning Quotes #357352
#44. A quiet morning with a loving God puts the events of the upcoming day into proper perspective.

Janette Oke

The Quiet Of The Morning Quotes #789733
#45. Finally on Sunday morning, October 7, 1849, "He became quiet and seemed to rest for a short time. Then, gently, moving his head," he said, "Lord help my poor soul." As he had lived so he died-in great misery and tragedy.

Edgar Allan Poe

The Quiet Of The Morning Quotes #454234
#46. But I try to steal other moments. Sometimes I get up very early in the morning and enjoy a quiet house and cup of tea before the craziness begins. Other times, I'll take a quick walk on the beach. You can find peace in a few minutes.

Cindy Crawford

The Quiet Of The Morning Quotes #478726
#47. One improvement I have learned from my childhood experience with my father: I do not threaten punishment in the morning. That was awful. Late into the night I would lie awake tossing and wondering what he was going to do to me. Usually he did nothing. A quiet, impressive 'talking to' was all I got.

Lincoln Steffens

The Quiet Of The Morning Quotes #479296
#48. This morning I heard: the hesitancy in her voice wasn't ordinary sincerity but a lot of it, and her tone wasn't only friendly, it was intimate, private, longing. The words, quiet and simple as they were, were strong, deep tosses that landed close, and loud.

Dagoberto Gilb

The Quiet Of The Morning Quotes #512393
#49. I'm always afraid of failing. I have to quiet that fear if I'm going to get up in the morning.

Taylor Swift

The Quiet Of The Morning Quotes #517615
#50. It was morning distilled, the sun rising on a quiet world, a mute witness. To Liz, it was both the oldest miraculous event, and the newest. This one belonged to her, and she to it.

Sonja Yoerg

The Quiet Of The Morning Quotes #527165
#51. Before you rise every morning let your mind drift gently to the awareness of the support you can draw from this quiet moment as you align your life with your Soul purpose and gather around you and be receptive and connect to the love your Soul brings to you.

Genevieve Gerard

The Quiet Of The Morning Quotes #593888
#52. Waking At Night
The blue river is grey at morning
and evening. There is twilight
at dawn and dusk. I lie in the dark
wondering if this quiet in me now
is a beginning or an end.

Jack Gilbert

The Quiet Of The Morning Quotes #613694
#53. No place is safe - no place is at peace. There is no place where a women and her daughter can hide and be at peace. The war comes through the air, bombs drop in the night. Quiet people go out in the morning, and see air-fleets passing overhead - dripping death - dripping death!


The Quiet Of The Morning Quotes #659045
#54. The next morning, shortly after sunrise, the Reb was awakened for a sponge bath. It was quiet and early. The nurse bathed him gently, and he was singing and humming to her, alive with the day. Then his head slumped and his music stopped forever.

Mitch Albom

The Quiet Of The Morning Quotes #708538
#55. It's early on a beautiful winter morning. The house is quiet. The sun is shining. I'm thankful. I'm happy. My cup runneth over. Now there's coffee everywhere.

Mindy Levy

The Quiet Of The Morning Quotes #729668
#56. It is a time of quiet joy, the sunny morning. When the glittery dew is on the mallow weeds, each leaf holds a jewel which is beautiful if not valuable. This is no time for hurry or for bustle. Thoughts are slow and deep and golden in the morning. Pablo

John Steinbeck

The Quiet Of The Morning Quotes #747555

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