Top 21 The Nearness Of You Quotes

#1. Wide awake to the presence of God, I realized I had been so focused on asking why a good God allowed bad things to happen that I was missing out on the nearness of God all along. In becoming preoccupied with the why, I was missing the who.

Margaret Feinberg

The Nearness Of You Quotes #1043669
#2. What a state of safety and privilege is this nearness to God through Jesus! Do you know it by experience? If you know it, are you living in the power of it?

Charles Haddon Spurgeon

The Nearness Of You Quotes #1809863
#3. You don't serve God by saying: the Church is ineffective, I'll have none of it. Your pain at its lack of effectiveness is a sign of your nearness to God. We help overcome this lack of effectiveness simply by suffering on account of it.

Flannery O'Connor

The Nearness Of You Quotes #1704142
#4. Let believers on earth imitate the saints in heaven in their nearness to Christ. Let us on earth be as the elders are in heaven, sitting around the throne. May Christ be the object of our thoughts, the centre of our lives.

Charles Haddon Spurgeon

The Nearness Of You Quotes #1685988
#5. You have taken me and quieted me.
You have been such light to me that others have been your shadows.
You come near me with the nearness of sleep.

--"Marriage", Wendell Berry

Wendell Berry

The Nearness Of You Quotes #1522801
#6. I breathed him in, feeling the effect of him - his nearness, his support - permeate my being. The smell of his soap was muted now, the naturally seductive scent of his skin altering the fragrance into something richer and more delicious. When I was restless, he settled me.

Sylvia Day

The Nearness Of You Quotes #1447974
#7. Since I met you, I've felt abandoned without your nearness; your nearness is all I ever dream of, the only thing.

Franz Kafka

The Nearness Of You Quotes #1438096
#8. Your nearness is the nearness of planets. I am the void between you. If I withdraw there will be no void for you to swim in.

Henry Miller

The Nearness Of You Quotes #1428904
#9. Nearness to God brings likeness to God. The more you see God the more of God will be seen in you.

Charles Spurgeon

The Nearness Of You Quotes #1209679
#10. Perfect happiness, I believe, was never intended by the Deity to be the lot of one of his creatures in this world; but that he has very much put in our power the nearness of our approaches to it is what I have steadfastly believed.

Thomas Jefferson

The Nearness Of You Quotes #1124832
#11. With three or more people there is something bold in the air: direct things get said which would frighten two people alone and conscious of each inch of their nearness to one another. To be three is to be in public - you feel safe.

Elizabeth Bowen

The Nearness Of You Quotes #1123253
#12. Sometimes you don't need words to feel better; you just need the nearness of your dog.

Natalie Lloyd

The Nearness Of You Quotes #15292
#13. Sometimes the greatest moment of your life present itself in the form if a nearness to someone you love.

Ika Natassa

The Nearness Of You Quotes #954879
#14. I had an overwhelming experience of the Lord's presence. I felt so powerfully overcome by the nearness of the Holy Spirit that I had to ask the Lord to draw back lest He kill me. It was so glorious that I couldn't stand more than a small portion of it.

Mordecai Ham

The Nearness Of You Quotes #825008
#15. We live in such constant nearness to the abyss of past time that the moment is endlessly sucked into.

John Jeremiah Sullivan

The Nearness Of You Quotes #276164
#16. Lay claim to the nearness of God. "Never will I leave you; never will I forsake you" (Heb. 13.5 NIV).

Max Lucado

The Nearness Of You Quotes #273838
#17. Vagueness is at times an indication of nearness to a perfect truth.

Charles Ives

The Nearness Of You Quotes #160614
#18. Our senses will not admit anything extreme. Too much noise confuses us, too much light dazzles us, too great distance or nearness prevents vision, too great prolixity or brevity weakens an argument, too much pleasure gives pain, too much accordance annoys.

Blaise Pascal

The Nearness Of You Quotes #125051
#19. I am as sure as I live that nothing is so near to me as God. God is nearer to me than I am to myself; my existence depends on the nearness and the presence of God.

Meister Eckhart

The Nearness Of You Quotes #55665
#20. Safety comes in our nearness to God, not in our distance from our enemies.

Dillon Burroughs

The Nearness Of You Quotes #50146
#21. If you knew what a sensation of the nearness of a higher power one instinctively feels when one is permitted to contribute to the good of mankind, as I have done, and still do! Believe me, it is a great gift of God's mercy!

Jenny Lind

The Nearness Of You Quotes #44231

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