Top 12 The Miser Harpagon Quotes

#1. There was a feeling during the years of George W. Bush's presidency that his gracelessness as well as his appetite for war were linked to his impatience with complexity. He acted 'from the gut,' and was economical with the truth until it disappeared.

Teju Cole

The Miser Harpagon Quotes #235465
#2. The information highway is being sold to us as delivering information, but what it's really delivering is data ... Unlike data, information has utility, timeliness, accuracy, a pedigree ... Editors serve as barometers of quality, and most of an editor's time is spent saying no.

Clifford Stoll

The Miser Harpagon Quotes #235948
#3. A man who insults the modesty of a woman, as good as tells her that he has seen something in her conduct that warranted his presumption.

Samuel Richardson

The Miser Harpagon Quotes #377871
#4. Her body had been in a war and, as in love, it had used every part of itself.

Michael Ondaatje

The Miser Harpagon Quotes #416966
#5. I don't remember the first time I skated on ice, I was too young. I do remember falling in love with that wind-in-my-face feeling while speed skating.

Bonnie Blair

The Miser Harpagon Quotes #760048
#6. We walk by faith. We don't stay still, drowning in our misery.

Jentezen Franklin

The Miser Harpagon Quotes #772560
#7. Globalism has less leeway for a poor country's brilliant sons.

Molly Crabapple

The Miser Harpagon Quotes #980001
#8. Your life is a precious gift from an imaginative loving Source that endlessly breathes life.

Dashama Konah Gordon

The Miser Harpagon Quotes #1344728
#9. When you take high risks, the rewards are higher. So sometimes I'll gamble just to see what happens. If it doesn't work, I know I can't do that.

Toni Braxton

The Miser Harpagon Quotes #1461604
#10. You take all of our pain, you are the spine. You are the blood soaked rag that holds closed the wounds in our soul.

Cedric Nye

The Miser Harpagon Quotes #1703982
#11. The drama of the essay is the way the public life intersects with my personal and private life. It's in that intersection that I find the energy of the essay.

Richard Rodriguez

The Miser Harpagon Quotes #1848694
#12. I don't really care about clothes, but it's about wearing something that gives you social confidence.

Julian Casablancas

The Miser Harpagon Quotes #1879211

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