Top 100 That's The Way I Am Quotes

#1. I'm very much a girl that likes to have options. That's the way I am with fashion, and that's the way I am with my life.

Ashley Greene

That's The Way I Am Quotes #84267
#2. I am very intense. I can't help it. That's the way I am. You can't be in this business without being intense. The pressure and tension get to you; it can't help but show on you.

Irene Cara

That's The Way I Am Quotes #99756
#3. I've been a Cub all my life. I came up here when I was 20 years old and spent my whole career here in Chicago. I've always been an optimist; I believe you have to be in order to survive, to be honest with you - in health, with what I've been through. That's the way I am.

Ron Santo

That's The Way I Am Quotes #183124
#4. I'm always very uncomfortable with people. It's something that I get upset with myself for, but that's the way I am. But I love people. And when I'm on the stage, I can embrace people and still feel safe.

Nancy Marchand

That's The Way I Am Quotes #275523
#5. Not that I ever did anything wrong. I was just aggressive. That's the way I am in my life.

Joe Arpaio

That's The Way I Am Quotes #461245
#6. I can't sum up my books. They're all rather complicated. Sometimes I think they're too complicated. But that's the way I am. When I start to write a book, my head gets full of all kinds of detail.

Ruth Rendell

That's The Way I Am Quotes #523895
#7. I suppose my best attribute, if you want to call it that, is sincerity. I can sell sincerity because that's the way I am.

John Wayne

That's The Way I Am Quotes #568009
#8. I grew up in Manchester in a big Irish family - there are seven of us in all - so my life has always been about role-playing, about doing anything for a laugh. I'm always joking about; that's the way I am.

Shayne Ward

That's The Way I Am Quotes #612270
#9. I'm a man who believes that right is right and wrong is wrong. Treat me right, and I will give you my all. Treat me wrong, and I will give you nothing. They don't like me for that, but that's the way I am.

Johnny Paycheck

That's The Way I Am Quotes #759232
#10. I like a man who has a great curiosity and sense of adventure because that's the way I am. He has to have a willingness to be vulnerable and a willingness to see where the road takes us. And I want a man who is romantic.

Mary Frann

That's The Way I Am Quotes #779941
#11. I make my protein drink with whiskey. People think I'm crazy, but that's the way I am. I get stoned, I do my own thing.

Arnold Schwarzenegger

That's The Way I Am Quotes #823353
#12. "I count a lot of things that there's no need to count," Cameron said. "Just because that's the way I am. But I count all the things that need to be counted."

Richard Brautigan

That's The Way I Am Quotes #858935
#13. To be able to keep the promise I made to God, I think that keeps me going. No matter how much the money had been, I would have always fulfilled my promise, as that's the way I am.

Albert Gubay

That's The Way I Am Quotes #1018529
#14. No matter if I have a job for one weekend or for the next year, or three years, I'm going to drive the same way. That's the way I am. I'm going to give it everything I have.

Buddy Rice

That's The Way I Am Quotes #1431787
#15. When I was a little kid, no matter what my parents told me, I would always argue - even if I agreed with them. And I've always been a show-off. As I've gotten older, I've found ways to be more subtle about it, but that's the way I am. I suppose that has something to do with why I write and direct.

Tom Noonan

That's The Way I Am Quotes #1584042
#16. It kills me to lose. If I'm a troublemaker, and I don't think that my temper makes me one, then it's because I can't stand losing. That's the way I am about winning, all I ever wanted to do was finish first.

Jackie Robinson

That's The Way I Am Quotes #1636549
#17. I like to be a free spirit. Some don't like that, but that's the way I am.

Diana Princess Of Wales

That's The Way I Am Quotes #1766012
#18. I'm not the girl to keep all the emotions I have inside. I guess I have to pay lots of fines because that's the way I am,

Dinara Safina

That's The Way I Am Quotes #1777438
#19. If people didn't know me and only knew my public persona, what I'd want them to know is everything that I do, I do for the Glory of Lord. Because of my Christian faith, that's who I am. I wasn't always that way, but I'm very proud that I am.

Tony Dungy

That's The Way I Am Quotes #10442
#20. I actually think the reason I am interested in certain parts is because I was such a dweeb in high school. When you are such a loser, it's a helpful way in to a lot of characters because even very powerful people are not all that powerful, really.

Sigourney Weaver

That's The Way I Am Quotes #24216
#21. Because of the wonderfully positive response to 'Life's That Way,' I am considering writing some more autobiographical stuff - maybe another book. I don't know. It doesn't help that I'm lazy.

Jim Beaver

That's The Way I Am Quotes #36208
#22. In no way am I demeaning writing or any other form of art because it's popular. What I'm saying is that anything fed into the industrial machinery to comply with rules of size and length and shelf-life has a hard time surviving as art.

Alberto Manguel

That's The Way I Am Quotes #40490
#23. For me now, I feel that climbing is a part of who I am. It's my way of life. It's my way of expressing myself. My way of being in the world. In the past, I questioned it a lot. Now it's obvious. This is who I am. This is what I do.

Chris Sharma

That's The Way I Am Quotes #51427
#24. I will never tell another person, "I don't understand you ... " and why? Because if I say that, it means that I am disabled in a way. The inability to connect to another's perspective is, I believe, a disability.

C. JoyBell C.

That's The Way I Am Quotes #55174
#25. I really liked doing a number of the projects and directors, and etc., etc., I knew about half-way through that I would never be doing that again. It's just not me. I really am happy as a part-time film composer, not a full-time film composer.

Danny Elfman

That's The Way I Am Quotes #72437
#26. It was because of the way you treated me that I learned to be my own person, have my own opinion, stand my ground. It's at least partially because I survived you that I'm the person I am today.

Kieran Scott

That's The Way I Am Quotes #88769
#27. It's not the sort of thing one asks of a friend. He hasn't offered, and I will not ask it. I will not tear him that way. I am trying to let go. I don't know how.

Robin Hobb

That's The Way I Am Quotes #93038
#28. One: I am proud to say that my vampires do not sparkle.
Two: I feel like in literature that we've gone [this way] towards the kissing vampires side of the needle. I think it's time we go back towards the killing vampires side of the needle.

Seth Grahame-Smith

That's The Way I Am Quotes #106956
#29. Through that, I got to know Jerry's work, and I am definitely his number-one fan right now, which is interesting because it usually works the other way around: you usually create a project based on your hero.

Sean Hayes

That's The Way I Am Quotes #111579
#30. I am furious at the way that we have allowed money to subvert our democracy. I am appalled at the way that the U.S., a very wealthy nation, permits and even encourages a level of poverty that other wealthy nations would not even consider.

Alex Gibney

That's The Way I Am Quotes #115968
#31. People say I am stuck in childhood, but it's not that. I remember seeing a Matisse retrospective, and you could see he started out one way, and then he tried something different, and then he seemed to spend his whole life trying to get back to the first thing.

Tim Burton

That's The Way I Am Quotes #128806
#32. It's been six years since I have had a drink and I have two girls, and my priorities are a lot different now and I just can't believe I was that guy. And I would not go back, I would not trade the way I am now for anything.

Brett Favre

That's The Way I Am Quotes #133289
#33. I bowl my best when I am fittest and the best way to get fit is to bowl. That's how you get your rhythm. You cannot really find a rhythm by bowling in the nets.

Brett Lee

That's The Way I Am Quotes #138991
#34. That's right. Watch closely, so there's no fucking way you can miss how indisputably beautiful you are, because I don't intend to argue about this again. The next time I tell you you're gorgeous, you're going to say, 'Damn right I am.

Samanthe Beck

That's The Way I Am Quotes #155553
#35. I am not very comfortable about dancing at weddings and New Year parties. Maybe it's because of the way I have been brought up; I wouldn't want my family to feel that cringe moment. Dance is an art for me.

Deepika Padukone

That's The Way I Am Quotes #158919
#36. The nudity is down to the individual actor or actress. If they feel comfortable and it's done in a way that they feel comfortable doing, then who am I to say anything?

Nathalie Emmanuel

That's The Way I Am Quotes #176039
#37. I'm not afraid of anything. That's just the way I am.

Paul Walker

That's The Way I Am Quotes #176640
#38. Johannes had once said that violence and cruelty were just a stupid person's way of making himself felt, because it was easer to use your hands to strike a blow than to use your brain to find a logical and just solution to the problem.

Anne Holm

That's The Way I Am Quotes #186302
#39. I transcend earthly bounds. I never cease to amaze myself because I haven't yet found my limits. I am quite ready to accept the limits of what I can do, but every time I feel that way - boom! - God touches me and I do something that's even more stupendous than whatever I've done up to then.

Don King

That's The Way I Am Quotes #188767
#40. The smartest thing I did was to stop going online. I'm the sort of person who will just look for the negative - Michael really can't understand it, but that's just the way I am. And with my bipolar thing, that's poison. So I just stopped. Cold turkey. And it's so liberating.

Catherine Zeta-Jones

That's The Way I Am Quotes #193082
#41. I'd hate to feel in a comfort zone while I am working. That's not the way I like to do things. I want to be pressurized and challenged every day.

Daniel Craig

That's The Way I Am Quotes #199464
#42. I am colored but I offer nothing in the way of extenuating circumstances except the fact that I am the only Negro in the United States whose grandfather on the mother's side was not an Indian chief.

Zora Neale Hurston

That's The Way I Am Quotes #203896
#43. But I will not tell you how long or short the way will be; only that it lies across a river. But do not fear that, for I am the great Bridge Builder.

C.S. Lewis

That's The Way I Am Quotes #204469
#44. One lesson I have learned the hard way, and there will not be any such thing in the White House. Although, I am quick to add, there's no evidence that it was ever hacked. And unfortunately, you can't say that for a lot of the government.

Hillary Clinton

That's The Way I Am Quotes #205469
#45. My grandma and my mom are not happy about the fact that I am still a bachelor. It's not on my mind that I have to find the person I'm going to spend the rest of my life with. It will happen the way it's going to happen.

Maksim Chmerkovskiy

That's The Way I Am Quotes #207730
#46. I am so blessed. I've been way over-blessed. At 64 years old, I look forward to going to bed every night so I can wake up in the morning and see what blessing is going to come my way that day. Because you never, ever know what God's got in store for you.

Paula Deen

That's The Way I Am Quotes #220521
#47. My mother complained about the Parisians' habit of bumping into tourists on the narrow sidewalks. 'Am I bumping into them?' she asked, perplexed. 'I feel like such a clumsy American.' 'No, no,' I corrected. 'That's their way of saying hello.

Kate Betts

That's The Way I Am Quotes #223441
#48. I really unfortunately don't have tons of hilarious Sundance stories, because really I am not the biggest fan of hanging out, but the reason why is because I never go see other people's movies and I think that's the way to do it.

Lizzy Caplan

That's The Way I Am Quotes #229163
#49. I think it's great to be talked about as a woman film-maker. It's part of who I am; it affects me daily. I want it to be part of the conversation. I'm for any scheme or initiative that gives women a way in.

Sarah Gavron

That's The Way I Am Quotes #231409
#50. Working with the doctors is a fascinating two-way process. I am interested in what they suggest about why I'm the way I am. But if they could make me 'normal', I wouldn't want that. I've been like this for so long, it's what makes me .

Daniel Tammet

That's The Way I Am Quotes #234486
#51. I don't think I'd be exaggerating to say that the essence of who I am today is a result of the weight training. It's made me and given me the life that I have. And it goes way back to the eighth grade getting cut, your friends telling you that you can't do it, and you telling yourself that you can.

Jake Steinfeld

That's The Way I Am Quotes #236489
#52. I take the medication for myself so I can transact, not for anyone else. But I am aware that it is empowering for people to see what I do and, for the most part, people in the Parkinson's community are just really happy that Parkinson's is getting mentioned, and not in a pitying way.

Michael J. Fox

That's The Way I Am Quotes #251753
#53. There's a young man hid with me, in comparison with which young man I am a Angel. That young man hears the words I speak. That young man has a secret way pecooliar to himself, of getting at a boy, and at his heart, and at his liver.

Charles Dickens

That's The Way I Am Quotes #254838
#54. A woman once rang me up and said, 'Mr. Escher, I am absolutely crazy about your work. In your print -Reptiles- you have given such a striking illustration of reincarnation.' I replied, 'Madam, if that's the way you see it, so be it.'

M.C. Escher

That's The Way I Am Quotes #256069
#55. Obviously the transgender movement has not progressed in the way that the gay and lesbian movement has. But I'm an activist - that's just the kind of person I am.

Chaz Bono

That's The Way I Am Quotes #256214
#56. Then what good is he? (Maggie)
I ask myself every friggin' day exactly what you did. What good am I? The answer is simple. There's nothing good about me and I like it that way. Pride myself on it, in fact. (Savitar)

Sherrilyn Kenyon

That's The Way I Am Quotes #256843
#57. You're screwed, scum, and not in the way you'd like, either. Irony's a bitch, isn't it?"
"You wouldn't say that if you knew who I am."
Vol's bounty hunter laughs. "Trust me, I've seen an asshole before. Drop the sword now.

Nenia Campbell

That's The Way I Am Quotes #262739
#58. I am amazed that people want to ask me questions about God's work in my life. The interviews are a great way to share God's life-changing message and I pray that God continues to open this door for Christians.

Joyce Meyer

That's The Way I Am Quotes #270324
#59. It's like he's seeing the only thing that matters. I am sickly familiar with the way he looks at Olivia, because it is the way I look at him.

Tarryn Fisher

That's The Way I Am Quotes #272177
#60. I am, as many people are, inspired by Jack Layton's legacy and the way that he approached politics,

Justin Trudeau

That's The Way I Am Quotes #272652
#61. Thousands of years ago the question was asked; 'Am I my brother's keeper?' That question has never yet been answered in a way that is satisfactory to civilized society.

Eugene V. Debs

That's The Way I Am Quotes #275948
#62. I would love for people to look at me as a great singer but also know exactly who I am, the way that we have loved and respected people like Gladys Knight and Patti LaBelle, having gone through the different stages of their lives with them. That's the type of history I want to have.


That's The Way I Am Quotes #277762
#63. I do have very solid reggae roots based on the fact that I'm Jamaican, and so that is a part of myself; even if I never do all reggae, it has to come out in some way because that's who I am.

Tessanne Chin

That's The Way I Am Quotes #283712
#64. I was kind of surprised to learn how controlling I am. I never thought of myself in that way. I think the root of the control issues is usually fear, because you want to know what's going to be happening at any given moment.

Michelle Pfeiffer

That's The Way I Am Quotes #293382
#65. I figure I'll just keep on going the way I am until something starts making sense."
"What if nothing ever does?"
"I guess if that happens, I'll start hoping all the God freaks are right, and there's some superior intelligence up there treating us all like laboratory rats.

Mira Grant

That's The Way I Am Quotes #311594
#66. My opponent is my teacher and I am his teacher. I have to show him what he's doing wrong and I have to learn from what he's teaching me. You can't think of him as an enemy, it's the wrong mindset, you don't fight with anger or hate, you're always going to lose that way.

Jon Fitch

That's The Way I Am Quotes #327725
#67. But I know that if I don't at least try, I'll stay the way I am till it kills me. Till I kill me, I mean. I never really accept that that's what I'm doing - I say it, but I don't believe it.

Deborah Hautzig

That's The Way I Am Quotes #343939
#68. I am the 'Cosmic Dancer' who dances his way out of the womb and into the tomb on 'Electric Warrior.' I'm not frightened to get up there and groove about in front of six million people on TV because it doesn't look cool. That's the way I would do it at home.

Marc Bolan

That's The Way I Am Quotes #347490
#69. You have got to decide, look, this is who I am; this is my best way to present myself, and I'm going to ride that horse to the finish line. Not everybody will like it, but that's OK.

Phil McGraw

That's The Way I Am Quotes #348216
#70. My parents always told me I'm beautiful the way that I am, and I never thought to myself that I needed to be skinny because there's a magazine out there that said, 'Oh, size two,' or, 'Oh, this girl's beautiful because she's skinny.'

Hayley Hasselhoff

That's The Way I Am Quotes #362289
#71. Since my woman's world is perceived greatly through the emotions and the senses, I treat it that way in my writing - and am often overweighted with heavy descriptive passages and a kaleidoscope of similes.

Sylvia Plath

That's The Way I Am Quotes #376127
#72. People are searching for reasons for believing, searching for answers to the big existential questions of "Why am I here?" and "What is life all about?" I find that people are able to accept the teaching of the Gospel when it's presented to them in both a rational and positive way.

Jonathan Morris

That's The Way I Am Quotes #417375
#73. When you haven't found inner meaning, you will always substitute outer performance. It's the only way to fill that void, that sense of significance - that I am significant. So almost the degree of outer performance can, in many cases, mirror the lack of inner alignment.

Richard Rohr

That's The Way I Am Quotes #426095
#74. I write lustily and humorously. It isn't calculated; it's the way I think. I've invented a writing style that expresses who I am.

Erica Jong

That's The Way I Am Quotes #433609
#75. Shane held the jewelry at arm's length, dangling it like a dead rat. No way in hell am I caught dead or alive wearing that.

Rachel Caine

That's The Way I Am Quotes #439475
#76. I am not sure that the best way to make a boy love the English poets might not be forbid him to read them and then make sure that he had plenty of opportunities to disobey you.

C.S. Lewis

That's The Way I Am Quotes #447098
#77. If I stop writing I am dead. And that's the only way I'll stop: dead.

Charles Bukowski

That's The Way I Am Quotes #477541
#78. Am I happy? All I can say is I guess so. That's pretty much the way it is with dreams.

Haruki Murakami

That's The Way I Am Quotes #484480
#79. For a long time I've walked through this world with the desire, like in Rear Window, to look into other people's lives because I know that there is a way in which I am the same as so many of the strangers that I see.

Will Oldham

That's The Way I Am Quotes #493450
#80. I've always been open about who I am and my sexuality. So, it wasn't hard at all. If I can show that I'm out and I'm fine and everything's OK, then hopefully the younger generation will definitely feel the same way.

Brittney Griner

That's The Way I Am Quotes #496352
#81. I am proud to be a vegetarian and I am against those who eat meat. Go green to be fit, that's the best way for me at least.

Kareena Kapoor

That's The Way I Am Quotes #510521
#82. I'm happier about my friends than I am about my work. I still have a long way to go with work. My friends, that's the one thing I'm sure about.

Azzedine Alaia

That's The Way I Am Quotes #548343
#83. There's something about the way she says it that makes me feel strange ... It dawns on me that I am jealous. Jesus. I can't believe I'm feeling jealous of a multimillionaire rock star geezer old enough to be Clare's dad.

Audrey Niffenegger

That's The Way I Am Quotes #778391
#84. Now Livie's gone west, out of the dust, on her way to California, where the wind takes a rest sometimes. And I'm wondering what kind of friend I am, wanting my feet on that road to another place,instead of Livie's.

Karen Hesse

That's The Way I Am Quotes #793856
#85. There are times I wish I was more conventional. I would get a husband and a baby and a big SUV in the 'burbs and be happy. But forging my own way - my career, my relationships with wonderful but troubled people - that's who I am.

Lauren Oliver

That's The Way I Am Quotes #895228
#86. I am a perfectionist. This job is a total ego thing in a way. To be a designer and say, 'This is the way they should dress; this is the way their homes should look; this is the way the world should be.' But then, that's the goal: world domination through style.

Tom Ford

That's The Way I Am Quotes #941523
#87. It's all very well learning why I behave in the way that I do. That doesn't stop me behaving in those ways. I am just more conscious of them.' Consciousness is where therapy stops and we begin. Therapy can only give us knowledge. It is up to us to use it.

Sally Brampton

That's The Way I Am Quotes #1010337
#88. I am really OK with the way I look. It's fine. All this is transient. I mean, it's really, you know, it changes with time, and that's the external.

Aishwarya Rai Bachchan

That's The Way I Am Quotes #1058771
#89. People have doubted me and criticized me my whole life, and that's why I'm the way I am.

Terrell Owens

That's The Way I Am Quotes #1077217
#90. Whatever it is that I feel, I express it! I am free with my joy, my laughter, my pleasure, my pain, and I am blessed in that way as an actress that I can access those feelings within myself and not be ashamed to show whatever that is that's appropriate for the character.

Kimberly Elise

That's The Way I Am Quotes #1115159
#91. I'm growing up and continuing to learn from my mistakes and trying not to make the same ones over and over again, but am I going to live in a shell, or am I just going to hide from everybody and not do anything? I don't think that's the way I should live my life, and I'm not going to do it.

Johnny Manziel

That's The Way I Am Quotes #1138781
#92. I am convinced that there are times in everybody's experience when there is so much to be done, that the only way to do it is to sit down and do nothing.

Fanny Fern

That's The Way I Am Quotes #1152338
#93. I am a compromiser and maneuverer. I try to get something. That's the way our system works.

Lyndon B. Johnson

That's The Way I Am Quotes #1177012
#94. What they do not comprehend is man's helplessness. I am weak, small, of no consequence to the universe. It does not notice me; I live on unseen. But why is that bad? Isn't it that way? Whom the gods notice they destroy. Be small ... and you will escape the jealousy of the great.

Philip K. Dick

That's The Way I Am Quotes #1180379
#95. Everyone in life faces obstacles. That's what made me who I am. I don't regret to have been bullied because probably if I would not have faced those obstacles I would not have been the man that I am. It make my stronger in a way and it helped me to forge the person that I am right now.

Georges St-Pierre

That's The Way I Am Quotes #1180522
#96. Profound sadness is always the result of an unhealthy condition of the body ... We [should] say, 'I am sad; everything looks black to me; but external events are in no way responsible. It's my body that insists on reasoning. These are the opinions of my stomach.'

Emile Chartier

That's The Way I Am Quotes #1190112
#97. I find, however, it's a much more freeing way to live. It certainly beats walking around with the "Don't you know who I think I am?" voice in your head. I find that only leads me down dark monkey-mind paths and patterns of behavior that benefits no one.

Patrick Fabian

That's The Way I Am Quotes #1276613
#98. Often I listen to songs on repeat for days and days at a time. There's something hypnotic or meditative, and it mirrors the way that I am putting the sentence together, going back over the same phrases again and again.

Eleanor Catton

That's The Way I Am Quotes #1357823
#99. Everyone is always surprised by how old I am. They think I'm older, but it's always been that way. I'm the youngest of four - maybe you grow up quicker because you just watch the big people.

Elizabeth Olsen

That's The Way I Am Quotes #1376693
#100. there's nothing on Oya I fear. I am the thing that's feared, the stories humans tell their children to keep them in their beds. I'm what lurks in the dark. I'm what cracks branches in the night, slowly moving through the shadows on my way to my meal.

Aaron Burdett

That's The Way I Am Quotes #1377530

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