Top 19 Thaniel Quotes

#1. You are a force rarely born to a world, something we Elves call leinah thaniel, the Song that sings all Songs, the Mirror that shows all Mirrors, the Change that changes everything.

C.L. Wilson

Thaniel Quotes #682117
#2. I'll give you a cake if you get him in the stream by the end of the afternoon,' Mori said to Six.

'Hold on,' Thaniel said. 'No making criminals of the orphans, Fagin.'

'But I want some cake,' Six frowned. 'And his name isn't Fagin.

Natasha Pulley

Thaniel Quotes #1330435
#3. What's that?' Thaniel said, curious. The postmarks and stamps weren't English or Japanese.

'A painting. There's a depressed Dutchman who does countryside scenes and flowers and things. It's ugly, but I have to maintain the estates in Japan and modern art is a good investment.

Natasha Pulley

Thaniel Quotes #1685866
#4. . . . More octo . . .pi?' Thaniel said, knowing that it sounded wrong, though so did puses and podes. He tried to think where he had heard it last , but he did not often have business with more than one octopus at a time.

Natasha Pulley

Thaniel Quotes #367662
#5. There is need of a sound body, and even more need of a sound mind. But above mind and above body stands character-the sum of those qualities which we mean when we speak of a man's force and courage, of his good faith and sense of honor.

Theodore Roosevelt

Thaniel Quotes #1529235
#6. As a bounty hunter, I have to dress the part. If I came to the door and looked like Carrot Top, you'd laugh.

Duane Chapman

Thaniel Quotes #1387473
#7. I think sometimes the stars align whether we want them to or not. And we're drawn to certain people and places for no other reason than ... Destiny.

Morgan Parker

Thaniel Quotes #1236535
#8. I've been in love with Kevin since I was sixteen years old, babe. There's no falling when I've never been able to get back up from it.

Posy Roberts

Thaniel Quotes #1181492
#9. Once art served to educate and edify, now it distracts and amuses.

James Rozoff

Thaniel Quotes #1162846
#10. Jenny looked, as usual, elegant and as fine-drawn as a young doe, but oddly muted, as if she had been outlined in sepia.

Anne Rivers Siddons

Thaniel Quotes #1146110
#11. I got sued more times than Martha Stewart.

Paul Heyman

Thaniel Quotes #1124009
#12. You cannot teach old dogs new tricks.

Joseph Chamberlain

Thaniel Quotes #997310
#13. Every woman who has a business book has a platform. For the most part, they're either a television personality or someone who had the perfect pedigree and worked their way up the career ladder.

Sophia Amoruso

Thaniel Quotes #921882
#14. I like to look casual yet chic. I love high fashion, vintage, and places like Zara, of course.

Martha Hunt

Thaniel Quotes #877086
#15. I'm recording freely, and if I make a song, I release it immediately, so I'm more likely to believe in one song at a time as opposed to albums.

Chuck D

Thaniel Quotes #806631
#16. If people are concerned about my house and where I live again it's much more of a reflection on them than it is on me.

Alexander Downer

Thaniel Quotes #643869
#17. I've seen first-hand the great enthusiasm Portland has for soccer; it's a soccer-smart fan base that generates an incredible atmosphere. I am very much looking forward to the first season of Thorns FC.

Cindy Parlow Cone

Thaniel Quotes #532617
#18. Japanese people have a funny habit of abbreviating names.

Shigeru Miyamoto

Thaniel Quotes #358504
#19. I'm the kind of person whose clothes are all hung up and color-coordinated, to the point where my whites don't touch my creams.

Gabrielle Union

Thaniel Quotes #341781

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