Top 100 Terkeurst Lysa Quotes

#1. listen. 15Do your best to present yourself to God as one approved, a worker who does not need to be ashamed and who correctly handles the word of truth.

Lysa TerKeurst

Terkeurst Lysa Quotes #322807
#2. But there was no response, no one answered, no one paid attention. It's a vivid picture and a strong warning, and the same response we'll get whenever we try to get our fulfillment from a false god - from anyone or anything apart from the one true God.

Lysa TerKeurst

Terkeurst Lysa Quotes #403663
#3. Whether we're on the path toward victory or defeat is determined by the very next choice we make. Not the choices from yesterday. Not the choices five minutes ago.

Lysa TerKeurst

Terkeurst Lysa Quotes #395677
#4. True peacekeeping is about properly processing the emotions before they get stuffed and rot into something horribly toxic.

Lysa TerKeurst

Terkeurst Lysa Quotes #372353
#5. How we spend our souls matter...We have to desire to become fearless with these moments [of decision]. Fight through the doubt and discouragement and awkwardness of new. (32)

Lysa TerKeurst

Terkeurst Lysa Quotes #369224
#6. Inspiration and information without personal application will never amount to transformation

Lysa TerKeurst

Terkeurst Lysa Quotes #367366
#7. At the end of the day, honoring God leads to good things. Anything else leads to confusion, emotional exhaustion and a lack of good things.

Lysa TerKeurst

Terkeurst Lysa Quotes #356208
#8. Time grows the seeds that are planted, watered, and fertilized. Plant beauty, grow beauty. Plant thorns, grow thorns. Time will allow for either.

Lysa TerKeurst

Terkeurst Lysa Quotes #355940
#9. We will live reactive lives instead of proactive.

Lysa TerKeurst

Terkeurst Lysa Quotes #351061
#10. God, I want Your truth to be the loudest voice in my life. Correct me. Comfort me. Come closer still. And I will trust. God, You are good at being God.

Lysa TerKeurst

Terkeurst Lysa Quotes #339508
#11. I'm a simple Jesus girl on a journey to finding deeper motivation than just a number on my scale for getting and staying healthy.

Lysa TerKeurst

Terkeurst Lysa Quotes #333863
#12. And I keep on marching as if this is the way a Christian woman is supposed to live, as if this is the call on my life, as if this is all there is.

Lysa TerKeurst

Terkeurst Lysa Quotes #328443
#13. We are amazingly similar to the children of Israel. We spend half our lives looking back at our own Egypt with selective memories, longing to have our comfort zone back. Then we spend the other half wishing our days away for a dreamy future in our own promised land.

Lysa TerKeurst

Terkeurst Lysa Quotes #325960
#14. Jesus, I don't want to be a secret keeper with my faith. I want to be a bold and gracious truth proclaimer. For You. With You. Because of You. Me, the unwanted girl whom You loved, redeemed and wanted.

Lysa TerKeurst

Terkeurst Lysa Quotes #409001
#15. Remember, the Devil loves to make us focus on the little that's wrong so we miss the big picture of all that's right.

Lysa TerKeurst

Terkeurst Lysa Quotes #322799
#16. Outside our comfort zone, though, is where we experience the true awesomeness of God.

Lysa TerKeurst

Terkeurst Lysa Quotes #312092
#17. all the many times I assign thoughts to others that they never actually think. I hold them accountable to harsh judgments they never make. And I own a rejection from them they never gave me.

Lysa TerKeurst

Terkeurst Lysa Quotes #311959
#18. But Jesus doesn't refuse to reach out to us in the middle of hurts and heartbreaks and mess-ups.

Lysa TerKeurst

Terkeurst Lysa Quotes #303705
#19. You have the exact qualities God knew your kids would need in a mother. Each day, hold up your willingness and ask God to make you the best version of you that you can possibly be.

Lysa TerKeurst

Terkeurst Lysa Quotes #295900
#20. If you wait for what your heart desires, you treasure it more when you finally do get it.

Lysa TerKeurst

Terkeurst Lysa Quotes #294447
#21. What if God's 'NO,' is really a gift? His way to protect us from what we cannot see, provide something better than we can imagine, or be part of the process of growing us closer to Him.

Lysa TerKeurst

Terkeurst Lysa Quotes #288564
#22. No need to bend under the weight of past mistakes. That kind of bending breaks us.

Lysa TerKeurst

Terkeurst Lysa Quotes #286120
#23. Growing closer to God has a whole lot less to do with any action we might take and a whole lot more to do with positioning our hearts toward His. It's what I call intentionally positioning ourselves to experience God - and the posture we are to take

Lysa TerKeurst

Terkeurst Lysa Quotes #279301
#24. I am writing this book as an invitation to consider the freedom found when we bring one of our most basic of needs-food-before the Lord and all Him to guide and guard us in this area.

Lysa TerKeurst

Terkeurst Lysa Quotes #273059
#25. There is no perfect decision - only the perfectly surrendered decision to press through our fears and know that God is working in us to bring about good through us.

Lysa TerKeurst

Terkeurst Lysa Quotes #272288
#26. Forgiveness is mandatory; reconciliation is optional.

Lysa TerKeurst

Terkeurst Lysa Quotes #456870
#27. I will give you the treasures of darkness, riches stored in secret places ... In the most unlikely places I will bless your efforts and reward your perseverance with small indications of your victory.

Lysa TerKeurst

Terkeurst Lysa Quotes #496041
#28. Grace doesn't give me a free pass to act out how I feel, with no regard to His commands. Rather, His grace gives me consolation in the moment, with a challenge to learn from this situation and become more mature in the future.

Lysa TerKeurst

Terkeurst Lysa Quotes #492714
#29. And if I spend resources I don't have, I will eventually bankrupt myself.

Lysa TerKeurst

Terkeurst Lysa Quotes #483041
#30. Finally, brothers and sisters, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable - if anything is excellent or praiseworthy - think about such things. (PHILIPPIANS 4:8)

Lysa TerKeurst

Terkeurst Lysa Quotes #481829
#31. God is mighty. God is caring. God is worthy of praise. God is loving. God is able. God is in control. Nothing takes God by surprise. Some sweet reminders to soak in before falling asleep tonight.

Lysa TerKeurst

Terkeurst Lysa Quotes #481211
#32. God is good. He is way more interested in developing our characters to match our calling than in manipulating our circumstances to make us happy.

Lysa TerKeurst

Terkeurst Lysa Quotes #476974
#33. We must determine to hear God's Words and put them into practice.

Lysa TerKeurst

Terkeurst Lysa Quotes #473008
#34. If we find that certain foods are impossible to walk away from - we can't or won't deny ourselves an unhealthy choice in order to make a healthier choice - then it's a clue we are being ruled by this food on some level.

Lysa TerKeurst

Terkeurst Lysa Quotes #471439
#35. This wasn't really about the scale or what clothing size I was; it was about this battle that raged in my heart.

Lysa TerKeurst

Terkeurst Lysa Quotes #469422
#36. The need to belong goes beyond the need for superficial social ties . . . it is a need for meaningful, profound bonding.

Lysa TerKeurst

Terkeurst Lysa Quotes #467257
#37. Too many of us live with an uncontrolled thought life. It is possible to learn to identify destructive thoughts and make wiser choices. Instead of letting those thoughts rumble freely about in my mind, I make the choice to harness them and direct them toward truth.

Lysa TerKeurst

Terkeurst Lysa Quotes #462637
#38. Never is a woman so fulfilled as when she chooses to underwhelm her schedule so she can let God overwhelm her soul.

Lysa TerKeurst

Terkeurst Lysa Quotes #457189
#39. If you give your mess to the Messiah, He can turn it into a message.

Lysa TerKeurst

Terkeurst Lysa Quotes #270650
#40. If they make the choice to walk over me rather than walk with me, I'll have to love them from afar.

Lysa TerKeurst

Terkeurst Lysa Quotes #452282
#41. Because He's near, we dont have to be anxious or feel out of control. We have peace that rises above any circumstance!

Lysa TerKeurst

Terkeurst Lysa Quotes #449734
#42. Because of the LORD's great love we are not consumed, for his compassions never fail. They are new every morning;

Lysa TerKeurst

Terkeurst Lysa Quotes #449284
#43. willpower. Keep going!

Lysa TerKeurst

Terkeurst Lysa Quotes #446426
#44. Live from the abundant place that you are loved, and you won't find yourself begging others for scraps of love.

Lysa TerKeurst

Terkeurst Lysa Quotes #446125
#45. Our decisions aren't just isolated choices. Our decisions point our lives in the directions we're about to head. Show me a decision and I'll show you a direction.

Lysa TerKeurst

Terkeurst Lysa Quotes #444543
#46. Though we may get our hearts broken from the effects of sin in this in-between time, God's goodness will eventually set the world right.

Lysa TerKeurst

Terkeurst Lysa Quotes #439871
#47. Big things are built one brick at a time. Victories are achieved one choice at a time. A life well lived is chosen one day at a time.

Lysa TerKeurst

Terkeurst Lysa Quotes #437593
#48. How I long never to diminish God by loving lesser things. Rather, I want to make much of God by diminishing lesser things. May I make less of me, less of this world, less of the temporary ... so that I may be a vessel more full of God, more full of eternal perspectives, more full of His everlasting!

Lysa TerKeurst

Terkeurst Lysa Quotes #434311
#49. Insecurities should not prompt me to get things from others that I should be getting from God. Rather they should prompt me to give to others so I can point them to God.

Lysa TerKeurst

Terkeurst Lysa Quotes #418212
#50. Having God as an identity marker is nothing but a label, a language, and a lifestyle. I'm a Christian. I talk like one. I act like one.
But having God as an identity changer is so much more. It's lavish abandon to who God is and who He's made me to be. Holding nothing back!

Lysa TerKeurst

Terkeurst Lysa Quotes #416224
#51. I have to remember that giving honor reveals more about my character than the character of the other person.

Lysa TerKeurst

Terkeurst Lysa Quotes #80124
#52. As I make goals for this year ... Jesus, let your thoughts become my thoughts and bend my will to Your will.

Lysa TerKeurst

Terkeurst Lysa Quotes #142192
#53. Don't put the whole of your identity into the smallness of a situation.

Lysa TerKeurst

Terkeurst Lysa Quotes #130911
#54. Today, let's set our minds and hearts on feeling more thankful for what we are than guilty for what we're not. Let's cut the threads of guilt with grace.

Lysa TerKeurst

Terkeurst Lysa Quotes #129866
#55. People who care more about being right than ending right prove just how wrong they were all along.

Lysa TerKeurst

Terkeurst Lysa Quotes #124357
#56. Scars are beautiful when we see them as glorious reminders that we courageously survived.

Lysa TerKeurst

Terkeurst Lysa Quotes #118768
#57. Everything in me wanted to just cross out that ridiculous 3.5-hour scheduled writing appointment and go eat fries in the midst of colored plastic tubes and screaming kids.

Lysa TerKeurst

Terkeurst Lysa Quotes #118340
#58. Why can't I seem to control my reactions? I stuff. I explode.

Lysa TerKeurst

Terkeurst Lysa Quotes #116241
#59. I so desperately want my words to be indicative of how deeply and completely I love my people.

Lysa TerKeurst

Terkeurst Lysa Quotes #110808
#60. Let us purify ourselves from everything that contaminates body and spirit, perfecting holiness out of reverence for God.

Lysa TerKeurst

Terkeurst Lysa Quotes #99672
#61. No, it's not wrong to need people. But some of our biggest disappointments in life are the result of expectations we have of others that they can't ever possibly meet.

Lysa TerKeurst

Terkeurst Lysa Quotes #92524
#62. At the core of who we are, we crave the acceptance that comes from being loved. To satisfy this longing we will either be graspers of God's love or grabbers for people's love.

Lysa TerKeurst

Terkeurst Lysa Quotes #90358
#63. We live in a day and time when our rights sometimes take precedence over our pursuit of righteousness, when we get caught in the rush of seeking self rather than seeking God.

Lysa TerKeurst

Terkeurst Lysa Quotes #81641
#64. Unrealistic expectations are things the other person isn't able or willing to do for me. I have to let go of these.

Lysa TerKeurst

Terkeurst Lysa Quotes #154597
#65. I'm not gentle by nature, but I can be gentle by obedience. I'm not patient by nature, but I can be patient by obedience. I'm not peaceful by nature, but I can be peaceful by obedience.

Lysa TerKeurst

Terkeurst Lysa Quotes #67045
#66. The children of Israel were led by God, not on the shortest route but rather the ordained route.

Lysa TerKeurst

Terkeurst Lysa Quotes #62879
#67. I want my kids to head out the door full of peace, not the echoes of my frustrations.

Lysa TerKeurst

Terkeurst Lysa Quotes #58723
#68. The real reason for grounding ourselves in the truth that we are made for more is "so that you may know him better." The more we operate in the truth of who we are and the reality that we were made for more, the closer to God we'll become.

Lysa TerKeurst

Terkeurst Lysa Quotes #54492
#69. Don't get so locked in to your overwhelming schedule that you haphazardly spend your soul.

Lysa TerKeurst

Terkeurst Lysa Quotes #54152
#70. 1The LORD is my light and my salvation - whom shall I fear? The LORD is the stronghold of my life - of whom shall I be afraid?

Lysa TerKeurst

Terkeurst Lysa Quotes #49640
#71. The mind feasts on what it focuses on. What consumes my thinking will be the making or the breaking of my identity.

Lysa TerKeurst

Terkeurst Lysa Quotes #34622
#72. Things of this world all eventually reveal what incapable anchors they really are.

Lysa TerKeurst

Terkeurst Lysa Quotes #18645
#73. What were the unrealistic expectations I had, and how can I better manage these next time?

Lysa TerKeurst

Terkeurst Lysa Quotes #18542
#74. To him who overcomes, I will give the right to eat from the tree of life, which is in the paradise of God.

Lysa TerKeurst

Terkeurst Lysa Quotes #12154
#75. It's easier to construct a more palatable life story-where I can draw straight lines from each hurt of the past to the healing I later experienced-than to face the raw truth.

Lysa TerKeurst

Terkeurst Lysa Quotes #8138
#76. Everything I do and say tells a story of who I am serving. If I am acting out of anger and spite, I am serving the father of darkness and spreading his darkness. If I am honoring to the Lord with my actions, I am serving to further the name of Jesus and spreading His light.

Lysa TerKeurst

Terkeurst Lysa Quotes #216083
#77. Thought for the Day: I have to make the choice every day to interrupt my fleshly tendencies of yelling and getting angry over minor things.

Lysa TerKeurst

Terkeurst Lysa Quotes #267528
#78. We try so hard to hold onto our stuff. We call it our treasure and expect to feel joy. But in God's economy if we want to gain, we must give up. For joy won't ever be found in collecting treasures. Joy radiates in our life only when we share our treasures.

Lysa TerKeurst

Terkeurst Lysa Quotes #266888
#79. God will lead us, comfort us, guide us, walk with us, prepare the best for us, and continue filling us with such lavishness that we're not just full but overflowing.

Lysa TerKeurst

Terkeurst Lysa Quotes #265504
#80. Just because we feel offended doesn't mean we must be offended. Feelings are indicators not dictators.

Lysa TerKeurst

Terkeurst Lysa Quotes #264474
#81. In the meantime, we must hold fast to the truth of who God is and His unchanging nature: God is good. His plans are good. His requirements are good. His salvation is good. His grace is good. His forgiveness is good. His restoration is good.

Lysa TerKeurst

Terkeurst Lysa Quotes #263534
#82. God seems far away and French fries are right around the corner at the drive-thru.

Lysa TerKeurst

Terkeurst Lysa Quotes #261840
#83. Evaluation eliminates frustration.
We should also evaluate unrealistic expectations.
Unrealistic expectations become unmet expectations. And unmet expectations are like kindling wood-it only takes but a spark of frustration to set them ablaze and burn those involved.

Lysa TerKeurst

Terkeurst Lysa Quotes #253702
#84. If we aren't walking in wisdom, intimacy, and understanding with our Lord, we are walking in folly. And folly's ways lead to death.

Lysa TerKeurst

Terkeurst Lysa Quotes #249784
#85. Becoming more than a good Bible study girl means I separate my shortcomings from my identity and let Jesus be the only measure of my worth.

Lysa TerKeurst

Terkeurst Lysa Quotes #238866
#86. Be strong and courageous. Do not be terrified; do not be discouraged, for the LORD your God will be with you wherever you go (Joshua 1:9).

Lysa TerKeurst

Terkeurst Lysa Quotes #230193
#87. If I know there is potential good hidden within each chaotic situation, I can loosen my grip on control.

Lysa TerKeurst

Terkeurst Lysa Quotes #223506
#88. Remember who you are. Don't compromise for anyone, for any reason. You are a child of the Almighty God. Live that truth.

Lysa TerKeurst

Terkeurst Lysa Quotes #219929
#89. Moms, let's pledge to build each other up instead of tearing each other down.

Lysa TerKeurst

Terkeurst Lysa Quotes #3921
#90. You are exactly the mom God knew your children needed.

Lysa TerKeurst

Terkeurst Lysa Quotes #206721
#91. My attitude of love must not be sacrificed on the altar of activity.

Lysa TerKeurst

Terkeurst Lysa Quotes #200112
#92. I've tasted the deep satisfaction of God and I know all other things are but cheap imitations. And I don't want to be enamored by the lesser things wrought with momentary pleasure.

Lysa TerKeurst

Terkeurst Lysa Quotes #199359
#93. I give grace because I so desperately need it.

Lysa TerKeurst

Terkeurst Lysa Quotes #195964
#94. Choose to live loved while you're in the middle of the journey, and know that what He has in mind for you is so much more than you imagine.

Lysa TerKeurst

Terkeurst Lysa Quotes #195263
#95. Whatever attitude we bring into a situation will be multiplied

Lysa TerKeurst

Terkeurst Lysa Quotes #181590
#96. I can face things that are out of my control and not act out of control.

Lysa TerKeurst

Terkeurst Lysa Quotes #179656
#97. If I'm trusting myself, I will stare at all the possible ways I could fail. If I'm trusting God, I will stare at all the possible ways He'll use this whether I fail or succeed.

Lysa TerKeurst

Terkeurst Lysa Quotes #176488
#98. God is good to me, even when life doesn't feel good to me.

Lysa TerKeurst

Terkeurst Lysa Quotes #173334
#99. In the quiet, we feel safe enough to humble ourselves.

Lysa TerKeurst

Terkeurst Lysa Quotes #161764
#100. If we live rooted and established in His love, we don't just have knowledge of His love in our minds, but it becomes a reality that anchors us.

Lysa TerKeurst

Terkeurst Lysa Quotes #156464

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