Top 17 Tanzer Quotes

#1. This is form and content and diction and tone and imagination all looking up at the exact same moment: When Molly Tanzer claps once at the front of the classroom.

Stephen Graham Jones

Tanzer Quotes #741611
#2. When somebody wants to write an article attacking a scoring system or the influence of wine writers, who's right in the cross hairs? It's not Steve Tanzer, it's not Marvin Shanken, it's me. These other people, it's not like they don't have some influence, and I'm more than happy to share it.

Robert M. Parker Jr.

Tanzer Quotes #1313305
#3. A Pretty Mouth is a fine and stylish collection that pays homage to the tradition of the weird while blazing its own sinister mark. Tanzer's debut is as sharp and polished as any I've seen.

Laird Barron

Tanzer Quotes #1527646
#4. All too infrequently do I encounter a new voice as delightful, compelling, and intelligent as that of Molly Tanzer.

Caitlin R. Kiernan

Tanzer Quotes #250923
#5. A group of ghosts is a fraid. No, really. I don't know what jackass came up with that one, but it's a real thing. A fraid of ghosts. Clearly, they've never seen a group of ghosts. Otherwise it'd be a "Pants-Shitting Terror" of ghosts.

Stephen Blackmoore

Tanzer Quotes #1597704
#6. The bigger you feel things, the more curious you are; and the more problems you want to solve and not actually run from, the better everything is, even the things you already love.

Ben Tanzer

Tanzer Quotes #1567585
#7. When we love and make loving commitments, we create families and communities within which people can grow and take risks, knowing that hands will be there to catch them should they fall.

Jonathan Sacks

Tanzer Quotes #1552350
#8. The Lord is near to all who call upon Him. Psalm 145:18

Max Lucado

Tanzer Quotes #1525755
#9. I don't know what I'm doing and it's the not knowing that makes it interesting.

Philip Glass

Tanzer Quotes #1495904
#10. Love is the only wealth that man absolutely needs. Love is the only wealth that God precisely is.

Sri Chinmoy

Tanzer Quotes #1262423
#11. Every time I see an adult on a bicycle, I no longer despair for the future of the human race.


Tanzer Quotes #1250609
#12. Violence is sometimes a duty.

Arthur Conan Doyle

Tanzer Quotes #1211942
#13. It's never too early to think about your legacy," she would say. "Don't you want to leave some kind of mark that you were here?

Ben Tanzer

Tanzer Quotes #1107139
#14. Bullfighters are Seville's heroes.

Paz Vega

Tanzer Quotes #1049725
#15. I'm inclined to like people who listen to me.

Molly Tanzer

Tanzer Quotes #1023281
#16. unity is possible among the people of our nation with the right kind of leadership. But we the people must for ourselves determine that we will be indivisible regardless of the leadership, and we must exercise our ability to identify the divisive forces and vote them out of office.

Ben Carson

Tanzer Quotes #267622
#17. The smarter you are, the more you know, the less reason you have to trust or love or confide.

Keri Hulme

Tanzer Quotes #184114

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