Top 100 Tahereh Mafi Quotes
#2. I don't remember what it means to breathe. I never, ever knew what it meant to feel.
Tahereh Mafi
#3. He held you captive and managed to fall in love with you in the process.
Tahereh Mafi
#4. Juliette," I whisper. "My name is Juliette.
Tahereh Mafi
#5. I've been screaming for years and no one has ever heard me.
Tahereh Mafi
#6. She'd decided long ago that life was a long journey. She would be strong and she would be weak, and both would be okay.
Tahereh Mafi
#7. My eyes are filling fast with tears and I blink and blink but the world is a mess and I want to laugh because all I can think is how horrible and beautiful it is, that our eyes blur the truth when we can't bear to see it.
Tahereh Mafi
#8. Heat rushes up my neck and I fall off a ladder holding a paintbrush dipped in red.
Tahereh Mafi
#9. The tension is so thick it's practically its own person, taking up a seat we don't have to spare.
Tahereh Mafi
#10. I stay awake all night. My knees curled up to my chin, my arms wrapped tight around my small frame, my long brown hair the only curtain between us.
Tahereh Mafi
#11. If it were nothing but sexual attraction I'm sure I would not suffer such unbearable humiliation. But I wanted so much more than her body.
Tahereh Mafi
#12. But I'm also strong enough to break through just about anything," I tell them, "and without even injuring myself. Concrete. Brick. Glass-"
"The earth," Kenji adds.
Tahereh Mafi
#13. I'm wearing a dress the color of dead forests and old tin cans.
Tahereh Mafi
#14. Do you never get exhausted being so wholly unbearable? You have as much charisma as the rotting innards of unidentified roadkill.
Tahereh Mafi
#15. His complaints drown under the broken bullets of the barely functioning spigots.
Tahereh Mafi
#16. I have never known this kind of peace. Never known this kind of comfort. And sometimes I am afraid," he says, dropping his eyes, "that my love will terrify you.
Tahereh Mafi
#17. My words wear no parachutes as they fall out of my mouth.
Tahereh Mafi
#18. I want to put a bullet through Adam Kent's spine.
Tahereh Mafi
#19. I am a spectacle, an anomaly even among the anomalies.
Tahereh Mafi
#20. My heart is a water balloon exploding in my chest.
Tahereh Mafi
#21. I have a heart, says science, but I am a monster, says society.
Tahereh Mafi
#22. There is very little you understand about my world, Juliette.
Tahereh Mafi
#23. Castle's easy grin dances into the room before he does.
Tahereh Mafi
#24. Of course I remember you. You were the only one who ever looked at me like a human being."
"You've always known?"
"Adam, I'd recognize your eyes anywhere in the world.
Tahereh Mafi
#25. Try again," he says slowly. "Stay calm. Have faith in yourself. If you don't believe you can do it," he says, "you won't.
Tahereh Mafi
#26. Dying and somehow being brought back to life in the same moment, the same breath.
Tahereh Mafi
#27. He leaves less than a foot of space between us and I'm 10 inches away from spontaneous combustion.
Tahereh Mafi
#28. My mind is a warehouse of carefully organized human emotions.
I lock away the things that do not serve me.
Tahereh Mafi
#29. He's still looking at me, searching my eyes like he's found something he can't bear to walk away from. His hands move to my face; his thumb brushes my cheek. His voice is so tender when he speaks.
"You will go on to greatness," he whispers. "I have never deserved you."
My heart.
Tahereh Mafi
#30. ...old habits are crawling out of my skin...
Tahereh Mafi
#31. I'm too poor to afford the luxury of hysteria right now.
Tahereh Mafi
#32. Watching her talk to someone else made me crazy. I was jealous. Ridiculous. I wanted her to know me; I wanted her to talk to me. And I felt it then: this strange, inexplicable sense that she might be the only person in the world I could really care about.
Tahereh Mafi
#33. I'm petrified. Because being this close to you is doing things to me. Strange things and irrational things and things that flutter against my chest and braid my bones to ether. I want a pocketful of punctuation marks to end the thoughts he's forced into my head.
Tahereh Mafi
#34. If only my emotions would understand the importance of excellent timing.
Tahereh Mafi
#35. Its like a button in my brain is broken, like i've developed a disease that forces me to apologize for everything, for existing, for wanting more than what i've been given, and i can't stop.
Tahereh Mafi
#36. It's to hard to be kind to the world when all you've ever felt is hate.
Tahereh Mafi
#40. Oh right," he says. "Because that makes sense. Because tossing a grown-ass man over your shoulders is just so freaking easy. That shit just comes naturally to you." I shrug. Kenji lets out a low whistle.
"Cocky as hell, too.
Tahereh Mafi
#41. I have to get out of this room as soon as possible, or my own thoughts will wage war against me.
Tahereh Mafi
#42. OH MY GOD. Yes. YES. You are exactly like that. Holy shit, yes." Beautiful
Tahereh Mafi
#43. I hate the lackadaisical ennui of a sun too preoccupied with itself to notice the infinite hours we spend in its presence.
Tahereh Mafi
#44. I'm starting to think that this situation is the exact antonym of excellent.
Tahereh Mafi
#45. ... shit happens. We deal with it, and we find a way to survive. You're not the only one with the problems.
Tahereh Mafi
#46. I'm caught in colliding currents of confusion, so desperate so desperate so desperate to be close so desperate to be far away.
Tahereh Mafi
#47. Swords may cut and kill, but words will stab and stay, burying themselves in our bones to become corpses we carry into the future
Tahereh Mafi
#48. It's the kind of kiss that inspires stars to climb into the sky and light up the world.
Tahereh Mafi
#49. I don't want to be anything for anyone but myself.
Tahereh Mafi
#50. Switch spots with me, J. He's making me feel all goosebumpy and shit, like maybe he's about to knife me.
Tahereh Mafi
#51. I don't consider myself a moral man. I do not philosophize about life or bother with laws and principles that govern most people. I do not pretend to know the difference between right and wrong. But I do live by a certain kind of code. And somethimes, I think, you have how to shoot first.
Tahereh Mafi
#52. And if you insist on continuing to make assumptions about my character, I'll advise you only this: assume you will always be wrong.
Tahereh Mafi
#53. The bed under my back is filled with broken clouds and freshly fallen snow; it's too soft, too comfortable.
Tahereh Mafi
#54. The sun is an arrogant thing, always leaving the world behind when it tires of us. The moon is a loyal companion.
Tahereh Mafi
#55. I didn't dare get close to people. I couldn't risk it.
Tahereh Mafi
#56. One day," I say to him, "you'll realize that Warner is not as crazy as you think he is."
"Yeah." Kenji says. "Or maybe one day we'll be able to reprogram that chip in your head."
"Shut up.
Tahereh Mafi
#57. Adam has to work to defend himself against me and I'm exhausting him. I'm making him sick and I'm weakening his body and if he ever slips again. If he ever forgets. If he ever makes a mistake or loses focus or becomes too aware of the fact that he's using his gift to control what I might do -
Tahereh Mafi
#58. In the absence of human relationships I formed bonds with paper characters.
Tahereh Mafi
#59. I push the walls back, making more space in the room until I can finally breathe. Until I'm able to stand.
Tahereh Mafi
#60. My eyes break open. Two shattered windows filling my mouth with glass.
Tahereh Mafi
#61. I want to trust but it scares the skin off my bones.
Tahereh Mafi
#62. Healing is a delicate process. It can't be interrupted or influenced by erratic emotions.
Tahereh Mafi
#63. His eyes are two buckets of rainwater: deep, fresh, clear. Hurt.
Tahereh Mafi
#64. And I'd really appreciate it if you'd grow the hell up and stop walking around like the world crapped on your only roll of toilet paper. Because it's stupid,
Tahereh Mafi
#66. I peek up at his features, at the crooked grin i want to savor, at the color in his eyes i'd use to paint a million pictures.
Tahereh Mafi
#67. The morning arrived the way Alice imagined a whisper would: in tendrils of gray and threads of gold, quietly, quietly. The sky was illuminated with great care and deliberation, and she leaned back to watch it bloom.
Tahereh Mafi
#68. But I'm shocked by the tenderness in his voice. The sincerity with which he wants to know. He's like a feral dog, crazed and wild, thirsty for chaos, simultaneously aching for recognition and acceptance.
Tahereh Mafi
#69. This girl is destroying me. A girl who has spent the last year in an insane asylum. A girl who would try to shoot me dead for kissing her. A girl who ran off with another man just to get away from me. Of course this is the girl I would fall for. I close a hand over my mouth. I am losing my mind.
Tahereh Mafi
#70. Oh, so now you're abusing the crippled kid, huh?" Kenji takes a moment to steady himself before punching Adam in the arm. "Save your angst for the battlefield, bro. You're going to need it.
Tahereh Mafi
#71. The weather, the plants, the animals, and our human survival are all inextricably linked. The natural elements were at war with one another because we abused our ecosystem. Abused our atmosphere. Abused our animals. Abused our fellow man.
Tahereh Mafi
#72. His eyelashes are like individual threads of spun gold lit on fire.
Tahereh Mafi
#73. My organs are dead, my bones are cracked, my skin is a sieve, punctured by pins and needles of pain.
Tahereh Mafi
#74. I've come to believe that the most dangerous man in the world is the one who feels no remorse. The one who never apologizes and therefore seeks no forgiveness. Because in the end it is our emotions that make us week, not our actions.
Tahereh Mafi
#75. Moving forward is the only way to survive.
Tahereh Mafi
#77. Everything is on fire. My cheeks my hands the pit of my stomach and I'm drowing in waves of emotion and a storm of fresh rain and all I feel is the strenght of his silhouette against mine and I never ever ever ever want to forget this moment. I want to stamp him into my skin and save him forever
Tahereh Mafi
#78. My tears fall backward, burning as they singe their way down my throat.
Tahereh Mafi
#79. I want to fall asleep to the sound of his heart beating in the atmosphere.
Tahereh Mafi
#80. I practice using my voice, shaping my lips around the familiar words unfamiliar to my mouth.
Tahereh Mafi
#81. If I hear any of you talk," Winston says. "I will personally send Brendan over to kick you in the face."
"I am not going to kick anyone in the face."
"Kick yourself in the face, Brendan."
"I don't even know why we're friends.
Tahereh Mafi
#82. I have a heart.", says Science."But I'm a monster", says society.
Tahereh Mafi
#83. First! Does this need to be said? Second! Does this need to be said by me? And third! Does this need to be said by me right now?
Tahereh Mafi
#84. This must be how I broke through the concrete in Warner's torture chamber. Which means I still have no idea how I broke through the concrete in Warner's torture chamber.
Tahereh Mafi
#85. Good morning, sweetheart."
"I like that," I say quietly, smiling even though he can't see it. "I like it when you call me sweetheart."
He laughs then, his shoulders shaking as he does. He rolls onto his back, arms stretched out at his sides.
God, he looks so good without his clothes on.
Tahereh Mafi
#86. Hey, um, I'm sorry to bother you, but I'm looking for a friend of mine," he says. "Have you seen her? She's a tiny little thing, cries a lot, spends too much time with her feelings-"
"Shut up, Kenji!"
"Oh wait!" he says. "It is you.
Tahereh Mafi
#87. The only existence I know now is the one I was given. An echo of what used to be.
Tahereh Mafi
#89. I clench my fists and try not to scream and I tuck my friends in my heart and
I think
has never looked so sweet.
Tahereh Mafi
#90. His silence says so much. I can almost reach out and touch the guilt growing on his shoulders.
Tahereh Mafi
#91. The world is a mess and I want to laugh because all I can think is how horrible and beautiful it is.
Tahereh Mafi
#93. The wind is singing outside my window but it's high-pitched and off-key and I don't have the heart to tell it to stop.
Tahereh Mafi
#94. I fill my lungs with the feeling; I step into the slight breeze and clutch a fistful of wind as it weaves its way through my fingers.
Tahereh Mafi
#95. You know, I can sort of control it now," I tell him, beaming. "I can moderate my strength levels."
"Good for you. I'll buy you a balloon the minute the world stops shitting on itself.
Tahereh Mafi
#96. In just two days, one girl has managed to cripple me.
Tahereh Mafi
#98. I have an extremely low threshold for disorder; it offends my very being.
Tahereh Mafi
#99. I wondered if your eye color meant you saw the world differently. If the world saw you differently as a result.
Tahereh Mafi
#100. You have disappointed me in so many ways," he says, his voice deceptively soft. "Please don't let this be another.
Tahereh Mafi
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