Top 16 Synthesizes Quotes

#1. An artist observes, selects, guesses, and synthesizes.

Anton Chekhov

Synthesizes Quotes #26586
#2. Immunologists agreed that an individual vertebrate synthesizes many millions of structurally different forms of antibody molecules even before it encounters an antigen.

Susumu Tonegawa

Synthesizes Quotes #483576
#3. Nature is the shape in which the man of higher Cultures synthesizes and interprets the immediate impressions of his senses. History is that from which his imagination seeks comprehension of the living existence of the world in relation to his own life, which he thereby invests with a deeper reality.

Oswald Spengler

Synthesizes Quotes #590999
#4. The creative act does not create something out of nothing; it uncovers, selects, reshuffles, combines, synthesizes already existing facts, ideas, faculties, and skills.

Arthur Koestler

Synthesizes Quotes #594058
#5. Abortion occurs so frequently in my stories. Abortion sort of synthesizes both sex and death. To have sex and death placed as close to one another as possible is always a goal of mine.

Chuck Palahniuk

Synthesizes Quotes #1039675
#6. Dreams and reality are opposites. Action synthesizes them.

Assata Shakur

Synthesizes Quotes #1528889
#7. Damien Hirst is the Elvis of the English art world, its ayatollah, deliverer, and big-thinking entrepreneurial potty-mouthed prophet and front man. Hirst synthesizes punk, Pop Art, Jeff Koons, Marcel Duchamp, Francis Bacon, and Catholicism.

Jerry Saltz

Synthesizes Quotes #1543298
#8. Being an athlete, you know how to train and prepare your body for a performance and you're able to do it under pressure.

Kristi Yamaguchi

Synthesizes Quotes #330350
#9. [B]eyond poverty, beyond the point that the material needs are reasonably satisfied, only from within is peace.

Richard P. Feynman

Synthesizes Quotes #377853
#10. St. Faith's, as she called her compound, was financed entirely by donations, some from friends abroad and some from admiring Chinese benefactors.

Katherine Paterson

Synthesizes Quotes #820006
#11. We humans have the capacity to wreak horrors on each other. But we also have the capacity to survive those horrors.

Barry Lyga

Synthesizes Quotes #958562
#12. Our desire to conform is greater than our respect for objective facts.

Margaret Drabble

Synthesizes Quotes #974828
#13. A newborn is murderous/but can't do anything about it.

Kathleen Ossip

Synthesizes Quotes #1263809
#14. But if you make your best effort just to continue your practice with your whole mind and body, without gaining ideas, then whatever you do will be true practice.

Shunryu Suzuki

Synthesizes Quotes #1305315
#15. There are some people who cannot get onto a train without imagining that they are about to voyage into the significant unknown; as though the notion of movement were inseparably connected with the notion of discovery, as though each displacement of the body were a displacement of the soul.

Margaret Drabble

Synthesizes Quotes #1824030
#16. Welcome to Canada, idiot!

Rick Riordan

Synthesizes Quotes #1824800

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