Top 15 Superstring 2 Quotes

#1. There is in souls a sympathy with sounds:
And as the mind is pitch'd the ear is pleased
With melting airs, or martial, brisk or grave;
Some chord in unison with what we hear
Is touch'd within us, and the heart replies.

William Cowper

Superstring 2 Quotes #11070
#2. Life is what happens, Magnus, no matter what you expect or want.

Raymond E. Feist

Superstring 2 Quotes #345756
#3. Imagine what humans could do, if we all worked together like an ant colony...minus the queen.

Justin D. Hill

Superstring 2 Quotes #538253
#4. When I was in high school, I was really into string theory and superstring theory and read 'Scientific American.' It's fascinating.

Sam Trammell

Superstring 2 Quotes #581050
#5. The choice of daring life is a great spirit.

Lailah Gifty Akita

Superstring 2 Quotes #871442
#6. The full name of string theory is really superstring theory. The 'super' stands for this feature called supersymmetry, which, without getting into any details, predicts that for every known particle in the world, there should be a partner particle, the so-called supersymmetric partner.

Brian Greene

Superstring 2 Quotes #1083489
#7. I have look'd on Worlds far distant, their Beauty how pitiless.

Thomas Pynchon

Superstring 2 Quotes #1112634
#8. You're not only the spotlight in which you perform, but the shadows where you practice.

Debby Ryan

Superstring 2 Quotes #1162621
#9. Scientifically speaking, a butterfly is at least as mysterious as a superstring. When something ceases to be mysterious, it ceases to be of absorbing concern to scientists. Almost all the things scientists think and dream about are mysterious.

Freeman Dyson

Superstring 2 Quotes #1171381
#10. Our leading candidate for a theory of everything is known as M-theory. It grew from a merger of the two seemingly different approaches: 11-dimensional supergravity and 10-dimensional superstring theory. Could this be the final theory of everything?

New Scientist

Superstring 2 Quotes #1232502
#11. I call it sacred geometry. When everything's just right and it feels really balanced, so that when it unfolds to the next part, you feel totally familiar and at ease within the song.

Jason Mraz

Superstring 2 Quotes #1295390
#12. We have built a greenhouse, a human greenhouse, where once there bloomed a sweet and wild garden.

Bill McKibben

Superstring 2 Quotes #1351757
#13. The cautious seldom err.


Superstring 2 Quotes #1392506
#14. It's a reality we have to understand. (O'Neal) has to be more diligent. We have to be more diligent protecting him. We need him in the game.

Pat Riley

Superstring 2 Quotes #1478613
#15. I spent most of my free time reading. It was a great escape from reality

Teresa Mummert

Superstring 2 Quotes #1646278

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