Top 12 Super Bowl Commercial Quotes

#1. Some of you may remember me as the 'Doritos Girl' from that Super Bowl commercial a while back, but I've been lucky enough to have gotten a few more credits under my belt since then!

Ali Landry

Super Bowl Commercial Quotes #813327
#2. An idea, in the highest sense of that word, cannot be conveyed but by a symbol.

Samuel Taylor Coleridge

Super Bowl Commercial Quotes #297567
#3. I'm an unemployed teacher right now and I'm looking for a place to teach.

Bobby Knight

Super Bowl Commercial Quotes #360879
#4. Countries can be redeemed. Entire cultures can be brought to "salvation". The land itself can be healed ... And such miraculous change is brought about by one primary avenue: God working through the market place ... The primary means to true revival, though, takes place first in the market place.

Ed Silvoso

Super Bowl Commercial Quotes #572694
#5. The mathematician uses an indirect definition of congruence, making use of the fact that the axiom of parallels together with an additional condition can replace the definition of congruence.

Hans Reichenbach

Super Bowl Commercial Quotes #632555
#6. She shoved open her car door and moved to get out. Instead she dropped her head to the steering wheel. She tried to pull the tough-girl mask over her sorrow and get on with her life. Instead she cried like adults learn to cry; silently and alone.

Ann Wertz Garvin

Super Bowl Commercial Quotes #787280
#7. Excessive freedom is no less a flight from difficulty than is an overarching order.

Lawrence J. Hatab

Super Bowl Commercial Quotes #1083635
#8. Women who read are dangerous. Women who write are to be avoided.

Chloe Thurlow

Super Bowl Commercial Quotes #1156435
#9. She's dead. She's dead.

Karen Russell

Super Bowl Commercial Quotes #1516951
#10. You know, the Super Bowl is so fresh that every single commercial is even on, you know, some next-level entertainment.

Super Bowl Commercial Quotes #1655114
#11. There is no such thing as time management. There is only the mindset that optimally manages the self and its actions.

Tony Dovale

Super Bowl Commercial Quotes #1783942
#12. While the Super Bowl still smashes records for butts in the seats, eSports often run longer and never blinks. There's no commercial break. There's no halftime show. From start to finish, someone is going to walk home a champion, and you don't want to miss a second of it.

Rob Manuel

Super Bowl Commercial Quotes #1835753

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