Top 13 Stratis Financial Quotes

#1. I'd trade all my tomorrows for just one yesterday.

Fall Out Boy

Stratis Financial Quotes #296544
#2. Expediency therefore concurs with Nature in stamping the seal of its approval upon Regularity of conformation.

Edwin A. Abbott

Stratis Financial Quotes #445839
#3. In Turkey, you're not allowed to be left alone in the hospital. The nurse teaches the family how to do things, and somebody is always there with the patient.

Mehmet Oz

Stratis Financial Quotes #561849
#4. I'm pretty sure JAY Z don't wanna rap right now.

Young Thug

Stratis Financial Quotes #613459
#5. Deeds are the pulse of Time, his beating life, And righteous or unrighteous, being done, Must throb in after-throbs till Time itself Be laid in stillness, and the universe Quiver and breathe upon no mirror more.

George Eliot

Stratis Financial Quotes #659222
#6. Respect both what you need to know and what you don't need to know. Respect mystery, for mystery is still needed to run the universe."
The Legacy Letters, by Carew Papritz
"Things I didn't know.

Carew Papritz

Stratis Financial Quotes #789401
#7. Elderly people are like heat-seeking missiles for people who really have an interest in listening.

Robert M. Edsel

Stratis Financial Quotes #969275
#8. I remember at the age of five travelling on a trolley car with my mother past a group of women on a picket line at a textile plant, seeing them being viciously beaten by security people. So that kind of thing stayed with me.

Noam Chomsky

Stratis Financial Quotes #1074218
#9. The moment that we are aware of our thoughts we are present.

It takes no-mind to recognize our thoughts because mind and no-mind can not co-exist

Presence and Mind can not co-exist. So therefor presence, thought awareness and no-mind are one.

Matthew Donnelly

Stratis Financial Quotes #1131218
#10. Writing for me always requires trickery. Tricking myself into sitting down, letting words tumble out until you find the good ones. t's sort of a trance. And when a piece is done, I have little memory of how I wrote it, and zero confidence I'd ever be able to do it again.

John Hodgman

Stratis Financial Quotes #1277339
#11. Composers aren't daring enough. They're afraid of that sacred idol called 'common sense', which is the most dreadful thing I know - after all, it's no more than a religion founded to excuse the ubiquity of imbeciles!

Claude Debussy

Stratis Financial Quotes #1660046
#12. The initial revelation of any monastery: everything is nothing. Thus begin all mysticisms. It is less than one step from nothing to God, for God is the positive expression of nothingness.

Emil Cioran

Stratis Financial Quotes #1693857
#13. In the small matters trust the mind, in the large ones the heart.

Sigmund Freud

Stratis Financial Quotes #1738695

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