Top 23 Standing Up For Oneself Quotes

#1. When objects shattered into fragments appeared in my painting about 1909, this for me was a way of getting closest to the object ... Fragmentation helped me to establish space and movement in space.

Georges Braque

Standing Up For Oneself Quotes #1238152
#2. There's just something about being on stage and being with the people that, once that camera turns on, you find the strength to keep it cool, look good, act like you're not cold, act like you ain't nervous, act like you aren't scared. I think that comes with confidence and practice.

Prince Royce

Standing Up For Oneself Quotes #1802169
#3. Experience has shown me that standing by oneself reading from one's book isn't especially compelling - unless you're David Sedaris.

Gayle Forman

Standing Up For Oneself Quotes #1740125
#4. Belief is just the place of understanding you are at the moment. Without an open mind, you will be standing in that one spot forever.

Dannye Williamsen

Standing Up For Oneself Quotes #1732977
#5. If people keep stepping on you, wear a pointy hat.

Joyce Rachelle

Standing Up For Oneself Quotes #1680154
#6. That's right," Philby said, remembering. "You're a computer freak, aren't you, Maybeck?"
"Freak? I'm freaking good with them, if that's what you're asking.

Ridley Pearson

Standing Up For Oneself Quotes #1632025
#7. I'm always afraid of hurting someone. But if I never tell them anything, I hurt myself more.

Lisa M. Cronkhite

Standing Up For Oneself Quotes #1619130
#8. There is a way of reacting to insult that gives people the impression that you want more. I don't know what it is, but I seem to have mastered it.

Joyce Rachelle

Standing Up For Oneself Quotes #1562112
#9. Individuality doesn't just mean individualism-standing alone. It means developing one's unique gifts, and being able to share them for the enjoyment of oneself and others.

Frances Moore Lappe

Standing Up For Oneself Quotes #1544488
#10. You don't cry when someone pushes you down. You get up. You get up and you fight back. And pretty soon nobody's going to shove you anymore because they'll see it's not worth it.

Morgan Rhodes

Standing Up For Oneself Quotes #1528084
#11. Standing in the ring of fire, the eye of the storm, the vortex of pain and pressure is simultaneously the most vulnerable and most powerful place to be. Here we embody paradox. We stand our ground and surrender completely. Here we know the full power of the Feminine.

Lucy H. Pearce

Standing Up For Oneself Quotes #1435716
#12. Standing each by his monster, they looked at each other, and smiled

E. M. Forster

Standing Up For Oneself Quotes #1413425
#13. Being born, especially being born a person of color, is a political act in itself.

Andres Serrano

Standing Up For Oneself Quotes #83030
#14. In nearly every year for at least 250 years, deaths outnumbered births in London.

Bill Bryson

Standing Up For Oneself Quotes #1164160
#15. To deny oneself is to act no more from the standing ground of self.... No longing after the praise of men influence a single throb of the heart.
Right deeds, and not the judgment thereupon; true words, and not what reception they may have, shall be our concern.

George MacDonald

Standing Up For Oneself Quotes #1073607
#16. Memoirs are a well-known form of fiction.

Frank Harris

Standing Up For Oneself Quotes #1039474
#17. I wish I'd learned then that when you call someone's bluff you usually win: it's simply not what the other person is expecting. And swimming along in the slipstream of another's current is no way to live.

Harriet Evans

Standing Up For Oneself Quotes #984085
#18. The true sign of a robust and mature life rests in how many times that life has been knocked down, for to be incessantly knocked down and yet find oneself still standing means that someone had the resolve to get up that many times plus one.

Craig D. Lounsbrough

Standing Up For Oneself Quotes #927987
#19. We don't like it when women get uppity."
"Well," she said, "that is a bit of a problem, as I am feeling quite uppity.

Sarah MacLean

Standing Up For Oneself Quotes #812563
#20. She had resolved to never take another step backward.

Kate Chopin

Standing Up For Oneself Quotes #792242
#21. That is the trouble with standing up to people, of course. Once you start doing it, you can hardly stop.

Catherynne M Valente

Standing Up For Oneself Quotes #623518
#22. Authentic success is living by your own lights.

Sarah Ban Breathnach

Standing Up For Oneself Quotes #487171
#23. And to have spent the night sleeping and awoken regretful, is better than to have spent the night standing (in prayer) and awaken impressed with oneself!

Ibn Qayyim Al-Jawziyya

Standing Up For Oneself Quotes #321983

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