Top 95 Stacia Kane Quotes

#1. Always want you, Chessiebomb. Always.

Stacia Kane

Stacia Kane Quotes #1014660
#2. She listened for Terrible's voice in her head and didn't hear it.
Of course, she also couldn't feel her extremities. But life was full of tradeoffs, right?

Stacia Kane

Stacia Kane Quotes #1250366
#3. He's my family," she said finally. Quietly. "He's everything.

Stacia Kane

Stacia Kane Quotes #1195315
#4. Terrible was ... He was a miracle in a world without miracles, and she couldn't believe her luck. And there was nothing, absolutely fucking nothing, that she wouldn't do to keep him in her life. Because without him it wouldn't be a life at all.

Stacia Kane

Stacia Kane Quotes #1158554
#5. Damn. Six feet four and everything in proportion, the quote went. It was true in this case.

Stacia Kane

Stacia Kane Quotes #1135550
#6. Just thinking about him made her smile, sent a cheerful little shiver up her spine. Love was terrifying and weird, and sometimes uncomfortable. But it was so fucking sweet

Stacia Kane

Stacia Kane Quotes #1127864
#7. -Hey. Do you know anything about exorcists?"
Brian's eyebrows shot up. "I think if you want to break up with Greyson, you could find a less dramatic way to do it, don't you?

Stacia Kane

Stacia Kane Quotes #1116952
#8. And what was the point of an easy answer like that. Where did it lead. Nowhere good, in his experience. Easy answers got to be an addiction; Terrible had spent his whole life seeing people reach for easy but find they really grabbed hard without realizing it.

Stacia Kane

Stacia Kane Quotes #1092747
#9. Seeing him was like being hit in the chest. Like something exploding inside her, a quick ravenous fire that made her shiver. So bright and hot it still amazed her that no one else seemed to notice it, that every eye in the place didn't turn to her while she went incandescent.

Stacia Kane

Stacia Kane Quotes #1087644
#10. Chessie ... shit, Chessie, I love you so bad." His teeth on her throat, biting hard, his lips soothing the spot. "So fucking much, so ... so bad.

Stacia Kane

Stacia Kane Quotes #1066927
#11. I ain't ... Don't know how to say it up right. Never
Fuck, Chess. Thought you was dead once before, you recall? Never felt so bad in my life, not ever. Then on the other day, thought you was gone and just ... I can't do it, bein without you.

Stacia Kane

Stacia Kane Quotes #1047820
#12. Honesty was for those who could afford it, like heating or electricity or a conscience.

Stacia Kane

Stacia Kane Quotes #1019177
#13. Well, lookee there. Be a fuck of a night, yay?

Stacia Kane

Stacia Kane Quotes #1266252
#14. Love you too Chess. You got that aye? Ain't you know it? Love you right, till it hurts. Ain't going nowhere ... ... ... ...

Stacia Kane

Stacia Kane Quotes #984525
#15. Devil drew his fist back, ready to hit Terrible one final time while he lay defenseless. Hot bright hatred raged through Chess's body. She still had her knife; if he hit Terrible again, if he killed Terrible, she was going to slice that motherfucker's throat all by herself and dance in his blood.

Stacia Kane

Stacia Kane Quotes #978270
#16. She doubted he'd take too kindly to her fighting with them, no matter how much he liked having her in his bed.

Stacia Kane

Stacia Kane Quotes #953367
#17. Would Terrible actually have killed me if I hadn't agreed to come up?" "It's entirely possible, yeah." She said it like it was no big deal. Like it was normal or something, rather than psychotic. Who the hell were these people?

Stacia Kane

Stacia Kane Quotes #952479
#18. It shouldn't have surprised her. Didn't she know better than almost anyone what sort of filth humans were capable of? But it did, every time, a sort of weary, miserable surprise that someone out there had found a new way to create pain. She

Stacia Kane

Stacia Kane Quotes #910517
#19. But when he was with Chess he wasn't the bad guy no more. He was the one keeping her safe, making her smile. He still wasn't good enough for her, but he were better than he'd ever been. That mattered.

Stacia Kane

Stacia Kane Quotes #899547
#20. How the hell was it that she'd always been so comfortable with him before, but as soon as she'd realized she was in love with him, as soon as she told him that ... she was nervous all the time?

Stacia Kane

Stacia Kane Quotes #874934
#21. But then, anyone was capable of any manner of atrocities if they wanted something bad enough. People could justify anything to themselves if they wanted it bad enough. No one was immune to that.

Stacia Kane

Stacia Kane Quotes #864815
#22. Not that Beulah didn't present her own set of problems. She did. Not least of which was fighting the temptation to fake some scribbles on her and let the ghost have fun.

Stacia Kane

Stacia Kane Quotes #815645
#23. Bump looked from one of them to the other.
What we fuckin got here, you playin a fuckin show-an-tell? I ought should go get me something for holding up, an join the fuck in?

Stacia Kane

Stacia Kane Quotes #810075
#24. What are you doing here? They shared one of those awkward kiss-hug-or-what moments, ending up kissing on the cheek. Odd, that. She and Lex had never really been cheek-kissers, but since they weren't kissing anywhere else these days she guessed it was the thing to do.

Stacia Kane

Stacia Kane Quotes #787758
#25. Love you, Chessie," he murmured. "Ain't never ... Fuckin love you, more'n anything.

Stacia Kane

Stacia Kane Quotes #1537460
#26. How the hell did people do this, this emotion-and-forgiveness thing? How did they stand these feelings? She could barely handle it and she had lovely, necessary, reason-for-living drugs to smooth over the rough spots. How did people do this shit sober?

Stacia Kane

Stacia Kane Quotes #1863947
#27. Gots me an idea, now. Whyn't you come on into bed with me, let me give you it.

Stacia Kane

Stacia Kane Quotes #1852257
#28. Thou mutters, Miss Putnam. Speak up."
Like she couldn't hear. She'd hear Chess if Chess ran to the other end of the room, covered her mouth with her hands, and whispered "Fuck you," but she couldn't hear Chess standing four feet away from her.

Stacia Kane

Stacia Kane Quotes #1840461
#29. Oh shit, she'd done that wrong, hadn't she? She'd said that wrong, he didn't understand what she meant. She'd thought he would know, that he'd be able to read between the lines and understand, but what if he hadn't? SHould she say more? But how much more?

Stacia Kane

Stacia Kane Quotes #1787008
#30. She glanced at Terrible, a quick little eye-dart before looking down again; Rick figured she didn't want him to overhear. "He's my family," she said finally. Quietly. "He's everything." "Oh,

Stacia Kane

Stacia Kane Quotes #1762757
#31. She'd really made the fuckup that kept on fucking up, hadn't she?

Stacia Kane

Stacia Kane Quotes #1743940
#32. A promise to the Church is far more important than any other promise. Not just because the Church protects you, but because the Church is always watching you.
- The Book of Truth, Veraxis, Article 1340

Stacia Kane

Stacia Kane Quotes #1705413
#33. Oh, who was she kidding? She wasn't fucking lucky. But hope sprang eternal, for whatever stupid reason.

Stacia Kane

Stacia Kane Quotes #1695248
#34. It was her problem, and she'd deal with it. Because dealing with personal problems was so fucking high on her list of skills.

Stacia Kane

Stacia Kane Quotes #1688523
#35. Then again, she had-through a bizarre combination of skill, dumb luck and incredible misfortune-managed to build up a file any Debunker would envy.

Stacia Kane

Stacia Kane Quotes #1599593
#36. Meaning to ask, where'd all them scratches come from? Lookin like you had yourself a knife fight with a dwarf, aye?

Stacia Kane

Stacia Kane Quotes #1564186
#37. Instead of more money she ended up with more drugs. Something told her that was probably not healthy. Something else in her didn't give a shit. And the rest of her was realistic enough to know it didn't matter.

Stacia Kane

Stacia Kane Quotes #749691
#38. Like electricity running through her body or the thick velvet of magic making everything tingle; she was hot and cold and shivering from both, her sense in total overload.
- City of Ghosts

Stacia Kane

Stacia Kane Quotes #1507932
#39. Nobody spoiled for a fight like a group of Downside hookers around the corpse of one of their own.

Stacia Kane

Stacia Kane Quotes #1476325
#40. Bump stood in the middle of the room, wrapped in a heavy fur coat, with a black silk top hatcovering his fuzzy head and unnecessary sunglasses hiding his pale face. He looked like the Abominable Snowpimp.

Stacia Kane

Stacia Kane Quotes #1476010
#41. Welcome back to Personal Demons." Megan said into the microphone. "Our next caller is Regina. Hi, Regina, how can I slay your personal demons?"
The words tasted like shame.

Stacia Kane

Stacia Kane Quotes #1473855
#42. Giving a fuck what other people thought was a road straight to misery and pain; an obsession of the weak. To believe otherwise was to live in a fairy tale.

Stacia Kane

Stacia Kane Quotes #1444619
#43. A where's honest

Stacia Kane

Stacia Kane Quotes #1385141
#44. There is always a reason to live, no matter how you might feel right now. There are always people who care about you, people willing to listen and try to help you. If you think you don't have anyone, you're wrong, because you can call me, here on this show. I care and I'll listen.

Stacia Kane

Stacia Kane Quotes #1367005
#45. She settled for patting him vaguely on the back and wishing she was anywhere but there. Although he did smell good.

Stacia Kane

Stacia Kane Quotes #1352447
#46. But she'd forgotten. She'd forgotten because she'd been so busy thinking of her own fucking feelings. As if she fucking mattered.

Stacia Kane

Stacia Kane Quotes #1333606
#47. She wasn't going to lie and she wasn't going to try to hide Terrible or who he was. She loved him and he was hers, and that made her so proud her chest hurt, and if anybody didn't like it they could go fuck themselves.

Stacia Kane

Stacia Kane Quotes #1299576
#48. Sure. Focused. Let's totally ignore any possible other avenues and just tunnel-vision our way along. Maybe we'll get lucky and blunder into a Lamaru hangout, right?

Stacia Kane

Stacia Kane Quotes #1296423
#49. Shit. You so fuckin pretty, Chessie. True thing. So ... ain't even can breathe sometimes.

Stacia Kane

Stacia Kane Quotes #132343
#50. Yes, Lex was her friend. Yes, she wanted to help him out. But Terrible ... he wasn't her friend, he was her life.

Stacia Kane

Stacia Kane Quotes #254508
#51. You know I do, aye? Love you right, Chessiebomb.

Stacia Kane

Stacia Kane Quotes #249796
#52. It was like digging for gold in a garbage pile. And if that little analogy didn't tell her something, she didn't know what could.

Stacia Kane

Stacia Kane Quotes #238298
#53. The penalty for summoning the dead back to earth is death; if the summoned spirit does not kill its summoner, be assured the Church will.

Stacia Kane

Stacia Kane Quotes #232164
#54. Now mayhap you quit givin Terrible the fuckin slurpy-eyes an give Bump the listening, yay? Thinkin you can? Gots some fuckin chattering wants doin, needs you fuckin head on straight up.

Stacia Kane

Stacia Kane Quotes #225374
#55. His hand touched the back of her neck, gave a gentle squeeze. Takes a many of them make one almost as good as you.

Stacia Kane

Stacia Kane Quotes #224487
#56. Terrible grabbed her as she rounded the corner, his lips curved in what would have been a grin on a normal person, which he wasn't. On his scarred, shadowed face, the smile made him look like he was getting ready to bite.

Stacia Kane

Stacia Kane Quotes #204512
#57. He kissed her, slow and tender, like she mattered. Because she did, at least to him. And she thought she might even be able to believe it.

Stacia Kane

Stacia Kane Quotes #182866
#58. Mine, Chessie." [...] "Aye? Fuckin--mine. Not his.

Stacia Kane

Stacia Kane Quotes #157045
#59. How I can do that one, aye? Leave my Chessiebomb there without me.

Stacia Kane

Stacia Kane Quotes #152317
#60. Terrible's eyes narrowed; he gave Chess the kind of look most people reserved for ax murderers. Ax murderers who killed children. And kittens.

Stacia Kane

Stacia Kane Quotes #135939
#61. So many answers flew through her mind that she didn't know which to pick, aside from the obvious truth that "my drug dealers enforcer and his rival who I used to fuck" was definitely not it.

Stacia Kane

Stacia Kane Quotes #298929
#62. If they were going to have the kind of discussion that ended with her feeling like the world's dumbest bitch, she'd like to at least have some pants on.

Stacia Kane

Stacia Kane Quotes #122246
#63. Aw, naw, ain't sayin that. You do what you need an ain't try telling you no, but ... takin you to bed, want you there, not just your body. An want you knowin it's me. Love you, Chess. Dig?

Stacia Kane

Stacia Kane Quotes #113845
#64. Any fuckin place I gots the thinking of where some shit maybe got stuffed into, I ain't for fuck wanting get my fuckin look-see in.

Stacia Kane

Stacia Kane Quotes #105854
#65. Ain't ever been the type for lazin, aye?" His hands slid down over her hips. "Why we ain't leave now, I show you -

Stacia Kane

Stacia Kane Quotes #95261
#66. Fuck, she was so sick of herself-herself and her fucking emotional retardation. How did people do this shit all the time, this wanting people, caring about them? How did they stand it, how did they ever get anything done? She was sick of being lost.

Stacia Kane

Stacia Kane Quotes #88756
#67. People, she was discovering, were like cockroaches: If you allowed one in, more were sure to follow.

Stacia Kane

Stacia Kane Quotes #83342
#68. She was alive, and she was stuck in this fucking tunnel, and she had just broken a fuck of a hex ward, and now she was going to have to walk through the toad-door into who-the-fuck-knew-what with someone who touched her only under duress. Some days it just didn't pay to get out of bed.

Stacia Kane

Stacia Kane Quotes #73982
#69. Yes, my enormous sexual appetite tends to scare men away. Now if you'll excuse me, I need to find my dinner date.

Stacia Kane

Stacia Kane Quotes #44383
#70. Ain't got no shit to fuckin worry on, dig. Ladybird good enough to handle any all comes she fuckin way.

Stacia Kane

Stacia Kane Quotes #44033
#71. Shit. Well, maybe taking her jeans off would make him more inclined to say she could check out his tunnels.
Of course, he was pretty much guaranteed to say yes if she let him check out her tunnel again, but ... no.

Stacia Kane

Stacia Kane Quotes #31940
#72. Funny how addiction was socially acceptable - even a status symbol - when it made people extroverts rather than introverts

Stacia Kane

Stacia Kane Quotes #5358
#73. So everyone knows they get to see Dr. Demon Slayer on a regular basis."
Megan almost choked on her steak. "The who?"
"The demon slayer. That's what the station specified we were to call you.

Stacia Kane

Stacia Kane Quotes #571394
#74. Funny, she had all that ink on her skin to protect her from ghosts and magic, and he were damn sure doing what he could to protect her outside that, but weren't anything he could do to keep her safe from the memories. He

Stacia Kane

Stacia Kane Quotes #715847
#75. If Mrs. Morton would stop verbally jacking off her husband and son, this would all be done so much more quickly, but then Chess figured it was just about the only sex the woman got.

Stacia Kane

Stacia Kane Quotes #694899
#76. Give you whatany you want, Chessiebomb. Anything.

Stacia Kane

Stacia Kane Quotes #690066
#77. Shit. I want you, Chess. Make no mistake on that one, dig? Want you bad. So bad I ain't even can think of any else sometimes, 'cept gettin you under me. Ain't give a fuck what pills you swallow get you through the day or what happens you ain't got em, aye? Still want you.

Stacia Kane

Stacia Kane Quotes #689546
#78. Fuck. This was bad. It had happened, hadn't it? The thing she thought would never happen, the thing she was always so careful not to have happen. She'd lost count, she'd lost track of what exactly she'd taken, and it had happened.

Stacia Kane

Stacia Kane Quotes #676031
#79. It's like touching you in your unmentionables," Maleficarum said. "We never could, m'lady, not ever. Mr. Dante wouldn't like it.

Stacia Kane

Stacia Kane Quotes #653435
#80. What the hell was the matter with these people? How did they not see that of all the people on the planet, she was probably the least qualified to help them with their emotional problems? It was like asking a dog to do algebra.

Stacia Kane

Stacia Kane Quotes #639217
#81. IF her life had taught her anything, it was that you never really knew what people had going on beneath the surface. People were shit. The only difference between them and animals was people felt the need to hide it.

Stacia Kane

Stacia Kane Quotes #632140
#82. That was the problem with love, though, wasn't it. It couldn't be helped, couldn't be controlled. It just roared in and took whatever it wanted, destroyed whatever it wanted; the most dangerous addiction of all, because nobody survived it intact.
But an addiction that was impossible to let go.

Stacia Kane

Stacia Kane Quotes #617994
#83. Smart to avoid being with anyone she might actually really feel something for, who might actually really feel something for her. Smart to avoid getting involved with people she knew she could -

Stacia Kane

Stacia Kane Quotes #614433
#84. Most Debunkers spent their money on actual things, rather than just buying anything they could swallow, smoke or snort. Unlike Chess.

Stacia Kane

Stacia Kane Quotes #572632
#85. Her sigh felt dragged from the depths of her soul. Great. Working for Bump again.

Stacia Kane

Stacia Kane Quotes #1678
#86. It seems too easy."
"some of the best things are," he said.

Stacia Kane

Stacia Kane Quotes #570974
#87. I sink you, that I will not be sunk by you.

Stacia Kane

Stacia Kane Quotes #555812
#88. Some days it just didn't pay to get out of bed; in that sense at least, this day was no different from any others.

Stacia Kane

Stacia Kane Quotes #549770
#89. With magic almost anything was possible; all objects had energy, and energy could be manipulated.

Stacia Kane

Stacia Kane Quotes #543816
#90. Oi, mate," he said, jabbing his thick index finger square in the center of Richard's chest. "No need to get grabby, is there?

Stacia Kane

Stacia Kane Quotes #510803
#91. You let people into your life and you ended up getting hurt. Or hurting them. Either way, the road to pain was paved with other people, and she wanted no part of it anymore

Stacia Kane

Stacia Kane Quotes #465061
#92. She was here, and she was stronger than this, harder than this. They could make her hate herself, make her doubt herself, but they couldn't take away her deepest instinct. Not just the need to survive, but the need to survive long enough and strong enough to tell them to go fuck themselves.

Stacia Kane

Stacia Kane Quotes #448567
#93. HOw did you tell someone the truth when you weren't even sure what that was?

Stacia Kane

Stacia Kane Quotes #427229
#94. Authors, reviews are not for you. They are not for you. Authors, reviews are not for you.

Stacia Kane

Stacia Kane Quotes #427178
#95. And the living prayed to their gods and begged for rescue from the armies of the dead, and there was no answer. For there are no gods.

Stacia Kane

Stacia Kane Quotes #331729

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