Top 10 Squamous Cell Quotes

#1. The universe always gives you more of what you are focusing on.

Alan Cohen

Squamous Cell Quotes #52692
#2. I would say that each of us has only one thing to gain from the feminist movement: Our whole humanity. Because gender has wrongly told us that some things are masculine and some things are feminine ... which is bullshit.

Gloria Steinem

Squamous Cell Quotes #108610
#3. President Bush has committed billions to the fight against AIDS, thus making retroviral drugs available to millions of HIV-positive Africans.

Tony Snow

Squamous Cell Quotes #689811
#4. Fashion is an expression of a time, of a place, of history. It's putting things into context.

Nina Garcia

Squamous Cell Quotes #762608
#5. Innocent or guilty, a Lannister pays his debts.

George R R Martin

Squamous Cell Quotes #773408
#6. There is no such thing as a good writer and a bad liar.

Amy Bloom

Squamous Cell Quotes #1010408
#7. If I were straight and I were trying to seduce a woman, I could do it just by standing up at the table when she came back from the bathroom. It works. Every time I do that, all the straight men are sitting at the table and their wives are kicking them. "Look at that!" "You never do that for me!"

Tom Ford

Squamous Cell Quotes #1249927
#8. No stops are ever inserted in Acts of Parliament, or in deeds; but the Courts of law, in construing them, must read them with such stops as will give effect to the whole.

Sherrilyn Kenyon

Squamous Cell Quotes #1333600
#9. What was I before the war? It's hard to remember that far back. But I think maybe I was human.

A.J. Vega

Squamous Cell Quotes #1400555
#10. Whether it is done quickly or slowly, however splendid the results, the process of writing fiction is inherently, inevitably, indistinguishable from wasting time.

Deborah Eisenberg

Squamous Cell Quotes #1834480

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