Top 15 Soundcheck Studios Quotes

#1. I love form, but I'm not interested in forms. I've never written a sonnet or villanelle or sestina or any of that. For me, it's a kind of line. It's a rhythm. It's something musical.

Robert Pinsky

Soundcheck Studios Quotes #257035
#2. The only time the word baby doesn't scare me is the time that it should, when it is what a man calls me.

Amy Hempel

Soundcheck Studios Quotes #579356
#3. There is great pain in all love, but we don't care, it's worth it.

Lewis Nordan

Soundcheck Studios Quotes #600360
#4. People wonder why you choose certain subjects to write about. The truth is: you don't really. They choose you

Sebastian Faulks

Soundcheck Studios Quotes #640547
#5. A musician must make music, an artist must paint, a poet must write, if he is to be ultimately at peace with himself. What a man can be, he must be

Abraham H. Maslow

Soundcheck Studios Quotes #673641
#6. Well, my mum's been a tennis coach - she coached me till I was 12.

Andy Murray

Soundcheck Studios Quotes #684246
#7. You can help me by advancing equality, supporting arts and education, and saving this goddamn planet.

Jason Mraz

Soundcheck Studios Quotes #816605
#8. What's the deal with Johnny Damon? He can't hit. He can't catch. He can't throw. He's sort of the five-tool guy ... without any of the tools!

Sherrod Brown

Soundcheck Studios Quotes #858830
#9. I put everyone in my school on to Nicki Minaj before she blew up. I was obsessed with her and I was like, 'If she's the best female rapper then I've got to be better than her.'

Angel Haze

Soundcheck Studios Quotes #933613
#10. In places this book is a little over-written, because Mr Blunden is no more able to resist a quotation than some people are to refuse a drink.

George Orwell

Soundcheck Studios Quotes #990872
#11. I've always wanted to do a real comedy. I haven't done enough, and it seems silly not to do more, considering the fact that people tend to laugh at me.

Tom Hollander

Soundcheck Studios Quotes #1189650
#12. Silver is used in the electronics industry and is consumed daily; stock piles of silver are dwindling.

Robert Kiyosaki

Soundcheck Studios Quotes #1438302
#13. I'm not worried about us, baby. I'm not worried about us at all.

Colleen Hoover

Soundcheck Studios Quotes #1555894
#14. Precious Child ... nothing matters but the moment. There might be no tomorrow and even if there is, nobody gives a damn.

Judy Blume

Soundcheck Studios Quotes #1622593
#15. And the moral high ground is a lovely place," Marwick said, as if he were agreeing. "It won't stop a missile, though.

James S.A. Corey

Soundcheck Studios Quotes #1767083

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