Top 14 Socorro Ramos Quotes

#1. In every human being there is a special heaven, whole and unbroken.


Socorro Ramos Quotes #238799
#2. I don't think my social media obsession is dangerous. I joked.

Cambria Hebert

Socorro Ramos Quotes #441573
#3. This is a beautiful vision that everyone should learn: that ignorance is the devil's tool, that God is the God of truth. George

John Ortberg

Socorro Ramos Quotes #583917
#4. You can't belay a man who's falling in love.

Edward Abbey

Socorro Ramos Quotes #791521
#5. The providences of God to his saints here, while on this low bottom of earth, are mixed and parti-coloured, as was signified by the 'speckled' horses, Zech. 1:8, in

William Gurnall

Socorro Ramos Quotes #1002354
#6. As the American public continues to focus more intensely on illegal immigration and securing the nation's borders, the number of members of the House Immigration Reform Caucus continues to grow.

Virgil Goode

Socorro Ramos Quotes #1099398
#7. No one is exclusively bad, nor is anyone exclusively good. Some are just forced to work harder at suppressing the bad.

Colleen Hoover

Socorro Ramos Quotes #1141867
#8. War is politics for everyone but the warrior.

Tiffany Madison

Socorro Ramos Quotes #1275954
#9. Doesn't matter if it's personal or professional, a good partnership takes work.

Brian K. Vaughan

Socorro Ramos Quotes #1304031
#10. What is required is sight and insight- then you might add one more: excite.

Robert Frost

Socorro Ramos Quotes #1311917
#11. I am asked to submit a 2-3 page synopsis to my publisher ahead of time, so by the time I begin writing, I have a fair idea of where the story will begin, the main conflicts, and the basic ending point. But that still leaves plenty of room for changes and discovery along the way.

Julie Klassen

Socorro Ramos Quotes #1386494
#12. You only live once, and the way I live, once is enough.

Frank Sinatra

Socorro Ramos Quotes #1510652
#13. Since I got a divorce, I have been dating younger guys. But it's just because they're the ones that ask me out.

Jerry Hall

Socorro Ramos Quotes #1617749
#14. Soul' is not a thing, but a quality or a dimension of experiencing life and ourselves.

Thomas Moore

Socorro Ramos Quotes #1867868

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