Top 75 Social Security And Medicare Quotes

#1. We're going to lose Social Security and Medicare if Republicans and Democrats do not come together and find a solution like Ronald Reagan and Tip O'Neill. I will be the Ronald Reagan if I can find a Tip O'Neill.

Lindsey Graham

Social Security And Medicare Quotes #1472724
#2. The curious thing is Americans don't mind individual mandates when they come in the form of payroll taxes to buy mandatory public insurance. In fact, that's the system we call Social Security and Medicare, and both are so popular politicians dare not touch them.

Robert Reich

Social Security And Medicare Quotes #1111337
#3. The only way America can reduce the long-term budget deficit, maintain vital services, protect Social Security and Medicare, invest more in education and infrastructure, and not raise taxes on the working middle class is by raising taxes on the super rich.

Robert Reich

Social Security And Medicare Quotes #1152989
#4. To avoid large and unsustainable budget deficits, the nation will ultimately have to choose among higher taxes, modifications to entitlement programs such as Social Security and Medicare, less spending on everything else from education to defense, or some combination of the above.

Ben Bernanke

Social Security And Medicare Quotes #1237665
#5. The economist John Maynard Keynes said that in the long run, we are all dead. If he were around today he might say that, in the long run, we are all on Social Security and Medicare.

Ben Bernanke

Social Security And Medicare Quotes #1247593
#6. If Congress wants to mess with the retirement program, why don't we let them start by changing their retirement program, and not have one, instead of talking about getting rid of Social Security and Medicare that was robbed $700 billion dollars to pay for Obamacare.

Mike Huckabee

Social Security And Medicare Quotes #1253375
#7. I feel very strongly that the Democratic Party has, in the past, been the party of the future. I think when you look at Social Security and Medicare, when you look at the civil rights movement, the women's movement, I think the Democratic Party has always been in the forefront of change.

Richard Lamm

Social Security And Medicare Quotes #1273263
#8. The Republican promise is for policies that create economic growth. Republicans believe lower taxes, less regulation, balanced budgets, a solvent Social Security and Medicare will stimulate economic growth.

Rand Paul

Social Security And Medicare Quotes #1339996
#9. When I was young, many people worked for a company with a pension plan that covered them for as long as they lived. If they didn't have a pension plan, they could count on Social Security and Medicare.

Robert Kiyosaki

Social Security And Medicare Quotes #1344576
#10. What we need is to make our senior citizens feel secure once more with their own Social Security and Medicare. But going forward, we need to personalize that program in a way that the government can't go in and raid it any more.

Sharron Angle

Social Security And Medicare Quotes #56295
#11. [The US] budget is dominated by the retirement programs, Social Security and Medicare - loosely speaking, the post-cold-war federal government is a big pension fund that also happens to have an army.

Paul Krugman

Social Security And Medicare Quotes #1598374
#12. Do we really want the people who created $40 trillion of unfunded liabilities in Social Security and Medicare in charge of our health care? Faceless bureaucrats, power-lusting politicians, and people spending other people's money are a recipe for disaster.

Ed Crane

Social Security And Medicare Quotes #1607944
#13. The true enemies of Social Security and Medicare are those who defend an imploding status quo.

Mitch Daniels

Social Security And Medicare Quotes #1642070
#14. The fair (ph) transforms the process by which we fund Social Security and Medicare because the money paid in consumption is paid by everybody, including illegals, prostitutes, pimps, drug dealers, all the people that are freeloading off the system now.

Mike Huckabee

Social Security And Medicare Quotes #1682591
#15. One line I'd draw would be on raising the eligibility age for Social Security and Medicare. It sounds fair, since people are living longer. But it isn't. Lower income workers are the ones who find it hardest to keep working after 65. And they'll get penalized with lower benefits.

Gail Collins

Social Security And Medicare Quotes #1701843
#16. The public has lost faith in the ability of Social Security and Medicare to provide for old age. They've lost faith in the banking system and in conventional medical insurance.

Ron Chernow

Social Security And Medicare Quotes #1871205
#17. Mark my words, there will be an intensive effort to privatize Social Security and Medicare and Medicaid.

Bernie Sanders

Social Security And Medicare Quotes #46063
#18. Don't let the politicians chip away at the New Deal and the Great Society programs like Social Security and Medicare, that puts a floor beyond which the elderly, the sick, the powerless do not starve or lack for medicine or shelter.

Helen Thomas

Social Security And Medicare Quotes #1061741
#19. Madoff's scam was small compared to Ponzi schemes the government itself runs: Social Security and Medicare.

John Stossel

Social Security And Medicare Quotes #1094473
#20. Carli Fiorina thinks the answer for Social Security and Medicare is ... zero-based budgeting! Christ. People of a certain age are all banging their heads on the table right now.

Ted Cruz

Social Security And Medicare Quotes #90238
#21. I want to protect and preserve social security and Medicare.

Dean Heller

Social Security And Medicare Quotes #108862
#22. Let us be clear about our choice. When we raise taxes on the wealthiest Americans, no one dies. When we cut Social Security and Medicare, people die.

Annabel Park

Social Security And Medicare Quotes #170301
#23. We need to preserve programs like Social Security and Medicare for our seniors of today and tomorrow. But we need to strengthen both Social Security and Medicare to make sure these programs are still available for future generations.

Joni Ernst

Social Security And Medicare Quotes #331146
#24. Those life experiences that helped shaped my political beliefs are with me in every position I take and every vote that I cast - whether it be in favor of comprehensive immigration reform, strengthening Social Security and Medicare, or improving our nation's education system.

Mark Takano

Social Security And Medicare Quotes #339353
#25. Social Security and Medicare are necessary safety nets, but they are nearing insolvency as fewer pay in, more take out, and more take out more.

Mark McKinnon

Social Security And Medicare Quotes #384513
#26. The mortal enemies of Social Security and Medicare are those who, in contempt of the plain arithmetic, continue to mislead Americans that we should change nothing.

Mitch Daniels

Social Security And Medicare Quotes #395308
#27. A majority of Americans support Social Security and Medicare, a progressive tax system and a government that regulates business in the public interest, but most share deep skepticism about the government's ability to do all this well.

Adam Davidson

Social Security And Medicare Quotes #542040
#28. I think we will begin to see some real efforts made to do things like protecting Social Security and Medicare.

John Dingell

Social Security And Medicare Quotes #552723
#29. Social Security and Medicare represent promises made and we must keep these commitments.

Tom Coburn

Social Security And Medicare Quotes #748884
#30. Let's means-test benefits - let's means-test Social Security and Medicare and make the rich pay more for these benefits.

Rand Paul

Social Security And Medicare Quotes #908748
#31. Workers organized and fought for worker rights and food safety, Social Security and Medicare - they fought to change government. And they won.

Sherrod Brown

Social Security And Medicare Quotes #933368
#32. My neighbors aren't millionaires. They're retirees who depend on Social Security and Medicare.

Marco Rubio

Social Security And Medicare Quotes #993117
#33. The first year of the Bush administration we used up all of the surplus and ended up just with the Social Security and Medicare surplus, and each year worse than the year before.

Bobby Scott

Social Security And Medicare Quotes #494459
#34. I would hope that we could have this in an adult fashion and stop demagogueing the issue anytime you talk about any substantive reforms that will actually save social security and save Medicare and save the system from imploding on itself.

Ben Quayle

Social Security And Medicare Quotes #1436674
#35. I favor the abolition of all Social Security, Medicare and estate taxes. In their place, we should create a simple income tax system that has no deductions or credits at all.

Ari Fleischer

Social Security And Medicare Quotes #1422349
#36. I'm willing to fight for Social Security, Medicare, student loans, U.S. jobs, equal pay, progressive taxation and full employment.

Alan Grayson

Social Security And Medicare Quotes #1415768
#37. In fact, entitlement spending on programs such as Medicare, Medicaid, and Social Security make up 54% of federal spending, and spending is projected to double within the next decade. Medicare is growing by 9% annually, and Medicaid by 8% annually.

Jim Ryun

Social Security And Medicare Quotes #1408813
#38. They're all tied together: taxes, Medicare, Social Security, and the debt. We've got to have a setting of priorities, and looking at it - at each of them as disconnected, I think, doesn't properly address these major challenges.

John McCain

Social Security And Medicare Quotes #1332545
#39. And because of these programs like Medicare, Medicare prescription drugs, Social Security, we now have the healthiest and wealthiest group of senior citizens that the world has ever seen. This is a continuing commitment to that.

James T. Walsh

Social Security And Medicare Quotes #1325821
#40. We have a serious structural deficit problem. And it needs to be addressed. The president is trying to address it through reforms of Social Security, but the problem is there with other entitlement programs like Medicare and Medicaid.

John W. Snow

Social Security And Medicare Quotes #1265872
#41. No matter what federal program one selects - Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid, the drug war, the income tax and the IRS, education, foreign interventions and wars - they are all a giant mess.

Jacob G. Hornberger

Social Security And Medicare Quotes #1141742
#42. Rather than squander the surplus on tax breaks for the rich, we should add a prescription drug benefit to the Medicare program, shore up Social Security, fortify our defense, provide a quality public education and offer economic assistance to rural areas.

Bennie Thompson

Social Security And Medicare Quotes #1109624
#43. A Harris poll I've seen says only 12 percent of the electorate names taxes as one of the most important issues facing the nation. Voters put tax cuts dead last, behind education, Social Security, health care, Medicare and poverty.

Lane Evans

Social Security And Medicare Quotes #985052
#44. Medicare and Social Security have created the healthiest and most financially secure generation of senior citizens in American history.

Jim Walsh

Social Security And Medicare Quotes #1480475
#45. I don't think the press has done a very good job dealing with government spending.The Defense Department with the $9,500 toilet seat, that's not the problem anymore. Medicare and Medicaid and Social Security are the problem. That's us. That's our generation. There the press never says a word.

Dave Barry

Social Security And Medicare Quotes #1498006
#46. The President's budget pays for only six months of the war in Iraq and completely overlooks the transition costs of Social Security reform. The Administration always lied about the cost of the Medicare drug bill.

Jim Cooper

Social Security And Medicare Quotes #1503007
#47. Cuts to Medicare, Medicaid and Social Security benefits are unacceptable, and they shouldn't be put on the table by Democrats for any reason.

Russ Feingold

Social Security And Medicare Quotes #1516630
#48. And in terms of entitlement reforms, we have to save them from themselves, because if we don't reform social security and we don't reform Medicare, they're going to actually implode.

Ben Quayle

Social Security And Medicare Quotes #1522296
#49. Thanks to decades of accumulated federal budget deficits and, more significantly, imprudent Medicare and Social Security policies, we've stolen almost $60 trillion from our children.

Steven Rattner

Social Security And Medicare Quotes #1551315
#50. Most people don't realize that two-thirds of the federal budget is Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid, and the Pentagon. The U.S. government is an insurance company with an Army.

Scott Pelley

Social Security And Medicare Quotes #1613661
#51. I'm gonna keep Social Security without change, except I'm going to get rid of the waste, fraud, and abuse; same thing with Medicare.

Donald Trump

Social Security And Medicare Quotes #1765317
#52. Open the borders to willing workers from any and all nations. They will create businesses that pay taxes, especially payroll taxes to fund Medicare and Social Security benefits of retiring baby boomers.

Louis Navellier

Social Security And Medicare Quotes #1770028
#53. It's critical - that the people that are benefiting today from Medicare and Social Security that they not see benefit reductions. It's awfully hard to tell someone who might be 82, that they've gotta go back to work, because their benefits are gonna be chopped. That's not gonna happen.

Fred Upton

Social Security And Medicare Quotes #1786001
#54. There are very powerful and wealthy special interests who want to privatize or dismember virtually every function that government now performs, whether it is Social Security, Medicare, public education or the Postal Service.

Bernie Sanders

Social Security And Medicare Quotes #1806241
#55. The Missourians I hear from just don't buy the idea that the only way to tackle the national debt is to drastically alter Medicare and Social Security.

Claire McCaskill

Social Security And Medicare Quotes #457151
#56. Every advance in this half-century-Social Security, civil rights, Medicare, aid to education, one after another-came with the support and leadership of American Labor.

Jimmy Carter

Social Security And Medicare Quotes #33698
#57. We need to phase Medicare and Social Security out in favor of something privatized.

Sharron Angle

Social Security And Medicare Quotes #65532
#58. We have got to cut the spending. We have got to fix Medicare and Social Security. And actually, if we don't cut spending, this country is already broke. We are going off the financial cliff: the big cliff that is going to cause a total economic collapse of America.

Paul Broun

Social Security And Medicare Quotes #109829
#59. We know that Medicare is set to go bankrupt in 2024 with no action, and social security is set to be insolvent by 2037.

Joe Heck

Social Security And Medicare Quotes #158376
#60. A budget matters to people who worry about protecting and saving critical programs like Medicare and Social Security. A budget matters to younger workers who fear that more and more money will be taken from their paychecks to fund another generation's spending spree.

Susan Brooks

Social Security And Medicare Quotes #200206
#61. These are the now-endangered markers of a civilized society: legally ordained minimum wages, child labor laws, workers safety and compensation laws, pure foods and safe drugs, Social Security, Medicare and rules that promote competitive markets over monopolies and cartels.

Bill Moyers

Social Security And Medicare Quotes #260889
#62. Counting obligations under Medicare and Social Security, the real debt of the United States is more than 10 times the reported national debt.

Addison Wiggin

Social Security And Medicare Quotes #261883
#63. Just as welfare was said to "cause poverty," the experts may soon announce that Medicare causes baldness and that Social Security is a risk factor for osteoporosis: the correlations are undeniable.

Barbara Ehrenreich

Social Security And Medicare Quotes #308231
#64. Amnesty will not help balance our budget ... In fact, a large-scale amnesty is likely to add trillions of dollars to the debt over time, accelerate Medicare's and Social Security's slide into insolvency and put enormous strain on our public-assistance programs.

Jeff Sessions

Social Security And Medicare Quotes #358421
#65. The way to balance the budget is for Congress to cut Social Security, move the retirement age to 70, cut defense, Medicare and veterans pensions, while the states cut almost everything else. It would be tough but we could do it.

Howard Dean

Social Security And Medicare Quotes #369419
#66. I don't believe there's a red state in America where people believe you should cut Medicare, Social Security and veterans' benefits rather than doing away with corporate tax loopholes.

Bernie Sanders

Social Security And Medicare Quotes #951012
#67. Social Security's not the hard one to solve. Medicare, that is the gorilla in the room, and you've got to put all of it on the table.

Joe Biden

Social Security And Medicare Quotes #461826
#68. Democrats are fighting fire with fire. Our principled stance on Medicare and Social Security is absolutely no different than the Republicans' stance on no revenue increases without cuts.

Judy Chu

Social Security And Medicare Quotes #600999
#69. If you got problems like unemployment, Social Security, Medicaid, Medicare and there's a guy that's always been there for you and for your family, then you say 'He's a nice guy. I don't know where he came from or how long he's been here, but Charlie Rangel's the man.' That's what I'm relying on.

Charles B. Rangel

Social Security And Medicare Quotes #650880
#70. You know, to listen to Senator Lieberman, Senator Kerry, Representative Gephardt, I'm anti-Israel, I'm anti-trade, I'm anti-Medicare and I'm anti-Social Security. I wonder how I ended up in the Democratic Party. I'm not a new entrant to the Democratic Party. I've been here a long time.

Howard Dean

Social Security And Medicare Quotes #690038
#71. The money the president wants to borrow for Iraq will come directly out of the American taxpayer wallets in the form of Medicare and Social Security receipts. That's your money.

Robert Byrd

Social Security And Medicare Quotes #742588
#72. Instead of talking about cuts in Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid, we must end the absurdity of corporations not paying a nickel in federal income taxes.

Bernie Sanders

Social Security And Medicare Quotes #813133
#73. Republicans drove us into debt with two wars and the Bush tax cuts. Now they want to pay for that debt with cuts to Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid. This is not only immoral it is bad economics. Why do Republicans always have money for war but not for those in need?

Bernie Sanders

Social Security And Medicare Quotes #881340
#74. Look for the enemies of Medicare, of higher minimum wages, of Social Security, of federal aid to education and there you will find the enemy of the Negro, the coalition of Dixiecrats and reactionary Republicans that seek to dominate the Congress.

A. Philip Randolph

Social Security And Medicare Quotes #915446
#75. The specific trigger for me was when the President [Barack Obama] put Medicare and Social Security on the chopping block. Why I got into the race - it just seemed unconscionable that the Democrats were leading the charge.

Jill Stein

Social Security And Medicare Quotes #945019

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