Top 25 Skull Life Quotes

#1. They discovered that even in the face of pain that seems unbearable, even in the face of pain that wrings the last drop of blood out of your heart and leaves its scrimshaw tracery on the inside of your skull, life goes on. And pain grows dull, and begins to fade

Poppy Z. Brite

Skull Life Quotes #229357
#2. I'd learned quite early in life that the mind loves nothing better than to spook itself with outlandish stories, as if the various coils of the brain were no more than a troop of roly-poly Girl Guides huddled over a campfire in the darkness of the skull.

Alan Bradley

Skull Life Quotes #808646
#3. Finally it has penetrated my thick skull. This life-this moment-is no dress rehearsal. This is it.

Fletcher Knebel

Skull Life Quotes #1707318
#4. Thine are these orbs of light and shade;
Thou madest Life in man and brute;
Thou madest Death; and lo, thy foot
Is on the skull which thou hast made.

Alfred Tennyson

Skull Life Quotes #1676506
#5. No man has a right to dictate another man's inner life - the furniture inside his skull.

A.S. Byatt

Skull Life Quotes #1660684
#6. The head is what matters. The rest of the body plays the part of antennae making life possible for people and life itself is inside the skull.

Alberto Giacometti

Skull Life Quotes #1640961
#7. All life is but a skull-bone and
A rack of ribs through which
we keep passing food & fuel-
just so's we can burn so
furious beautiful.

Jack Kerouac

Skull Life Quotes #1544593
#8. Some things in life become ingrained in your psyche. You can't shake them no matter how hard you try. They're tattooed inside your skull, lying dormant, til the moment you need to draw from them, to survive."
--Mike Wech, SEVEN-X

Mike Wech

Skull Life Quotes #1490549
#9. The world will run you down and slam a tire over your exploding skull and not even wonder what it had just hit.

Duane Swierczynski

Skull Life Quotes #1252113
#10. For the first time in his life, Stony felt it. It ran like a hot wire, up from his spine, to the base of his skull. His mouth opened on its own.
He wanted to bite. He wanted to bite hard.

Daryl Gregory

Skull Life Quotes #1132610
#11. Life's true face is the skull.

Nikos Kazantzakis

Skull Life Quotes #1131373
#12. He knew he would always be the sad one: caged in that little round of skull, imprisoned in that beating and most secret heart, his life must always walk down lonely passages. Lost. He understood that men were forever strangers to one another, that no one ever comes really to know any one,

Thomas Wolfe

Skull Life Quotes #1061304
#13. My life is like a memento mori painting from European art: there is always a grinning skull at my side to remind me of the folly of human ambition. I mock this skull.

Yann Martel

Skull Life Quotes #912957
#14. I knew the facts of death before I knew the facts of life. There never was a time when I didn't see the skull beneath the skin.

P.D. James

Skull Life Quotes #813273
#15. Passing beauties are only the fugitive reflections of the eternal. All beauty alters and all life melts away; in short, everything passes with marvelous rapidity; beautiful Helen of Troy has become a toothless skull, then a handful of dust, then nothing.

Eliphas Levi

Skull Life Quotes #620830
#16. Self-pity needed her full attention, and only in solitude could she breathe life into the lacerating details, but at the instant of her assent - how the tilt of a skull could change a life! - Lola had picked up the bundle of Briony's manuscript from

Ian McEwan

Skull Life Quotes #593681
#17. Great books are the ones that are urgent, life-changing, the ones that crack open the reader's skull and heart.

Siri Hustvedt

Skull Life Quotes #562818
#18. My life is like a memento more painting from European art: there is always a grinning skull at my side to remind me of the folly of human ambition.

Yann Martel

Skull Life Quotes #518480
#19. every time you think you can have a normal life, something will stir up your past. So either you put a fucking bullet in your skull or figure out a way to make your remaining life mean something.

Ben Lieberman

Skull Life Quotes #449173
#20. Electricity is life but electricity is an invisible fist punching up your spine, knocking your brains right out of your skull.

Ray Robinson

Skull Life Quotes #422973
#21. Dark circles under my eyes sink deeper and deeper into my skull, in contrast to my pale skin there is an undeniable resemblance to a fresh corpse.

Dee Remy

Skull Life Quotes #343874
#22. What I do know is I've got a brain filled with jokes I can't forget - like a tumor the size of a grapefruit inside of my skull. And I know that eventually even dog shit turns white and stops stinking, but I have this permanent head filled with crap I've been trained my whole life to think is funny.

Chuck Palahniuk

Skull Life Quotes #303608
#23. It is at night ... that the mind is most clear, that we are most able to hold all our life in the palm of our skull.

Brian W. Aldiss

Skull Life Quotes #299555
#24. Hot weather opens the skull of a city, exposing its white brain, and its heart of nerves, which sizzle like the wires inside a lightbulb. And there exudes a sour extra-human smell that makes the very stone seem flesh-alive, webbed and pulsing.

Truman Capote

Skull Life Quotes #195659
#25. Yo ho, yo ho, the pirate life, The flag o' skull and bones, A merry hour, a hempen rope, And hey for Davy Jones.' At

J.M. Barrie

Skull Life Quotes #143539

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