Top 5 Sintomas Covid Quotes

#1. When you're fat, the world is divided into two groups - people who bug you and people who leave you alone. The funny thing is, supporters and saboteurs exist in either camp.

Elizabeth Taylor

Sintomas Covid Quotes #35032
#2. Maybe someday you'll realize that we are both solid despite the cracks.

Amy Reed

Sintomas Covid Quotes #305389
#3. Hypocrites - they wear gorgeous cloaks lined with lead; pretty outside, awful inside; heavy cloaks force them to behave sedately, although seething within; cloak true character in false appearance.

Dante Alighieri

Sintomas Covid Quotes #734664
#4. The real enemy of safety is not non-compliance but non-thinking

Rob Long

Sintomas Covid Quotes #826196
#5. I didn't come into the business to get awards or titles.

Julie Walters

Sintomas Covid Quotes #1379529

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