Top 15 Silly Stuff Crossword Quotes

#1. I won't just be swallowing my pride; I'll be choking on it.

Wendy Higgins

Silly Stuff Crossword Quotes #12118
#2. I think my confidence has developed over the years, in terms of the speed at which I will reveal how collaborative I want to be.

Olivia Wilde

Silly Stuff Crossword Quotes #156018
#3. You hate someone whom you really wish to love, but whom you cannot love. Perhaps he himself prevents you. That is a disguised form of love.

Sri Chinmoy

Silly Stuff Crossword Quotes #307504
#4. When you work as an actor, you've got to feel safe even in what appears to be the simplest things.

Richard Gere

Silly Stuff Crossword Quotes #355078
#5. He kept talking and I thought about taking my copy of Huckleberry Finn and stuffing it in his mouth so he'd shut up.

Elizabeth Scott

Silly Stuff Crossword Quotes #421883
#6. Jane believes me, don't you Jane?

Krista McGee

Silly Stuff Crossword Quotes #434479
#7. Watching my stepfather and mother working in the industry - acting and composing - and seeing firsthand how difficult it is to achieve a successful career in the theater, I thought it might be safer to go to art school with the aim of becoming a painter.

Juliet Rylance

Silly Stuff Crossword Quotes #578484
#8. Level 5 leaders embody a paradoxical mix of personal humility and professional will. They are ambitious, to be sure, but ambitious first and foremost for the company, not themselves.

James C. Collins

Silly Stuff Crossword Quotes #809088
#9. You can't teach an old dogma new tricks.

Dorothy Parker

Silly Stuff Crossword Quotes #831276
#10. I believe the subconscious always knows what is best. It is our conditioned, vastly overrated rational mind which screws everything up. So

Robyn Davidson

Silly Stuff Crossword Quotes #1341632
#11. You're never guaranteed about next year. People ask what you think of next season, you have to seize the opportunities when they're in front of you.

Brett Favre

Silly Stuff Crossword Quotes #1494952
#12. A life like an intricately woven basket, frayed, worn, broken, unraveled, reworked, reknit from many of its original pieces ... Life can survive in the constant shadow of illness, and even rise to moments of rampant joy, but the shadow remains, and one has to make space for it.

Diane Ackerman

Silly Stuff Crossword Quotes #1514422
#13. I was shy and a hard worker, so acting was a way to focus whatever nervous energy I was experiencing onto a goal.

Deborah Ann Woll

Silly Stuff Crossword Quotes #1545458
#14. And for a little while he lay still, breathing lightly as if he expected total repose would restore everything to its normal and unquestionable state.

Franz Kafka

Silly Stuff Crossword Quotes #1625606
#15. A fallible being will fail somewhere.

Samuel Johnson

Silly Stuff Crossword Quotes #1804064

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