Top 12 Shondaland Productions Quotes

#1. His dagger was out, poised at her throat. Sing, little bird. Sing for your little life.

George R R Martin

Shondaland Productions Quotes #133179
#2. Really, weren't these facts just placeholders until the long view could really assert itself?

David Levithan

Shondaland Productions Quotes #164454
#3. What the hell is that supposed to mean?" Chronicler snapped. "You're just spouting nonsense now."
"I'm spouting too much sense for you to understand," Bast said testily.

Patrick Rothfuss

Shondaland Productions Quotes #211223
#4. Heaven, where I shall live and die.' L

Marie Baudouin-Croix

Shondaland Productions Quotes #217802
#5. If heaven exists, what would you like to hear God say when you arrive at the Pearly Gates?

James Lipton

Shondaland Productions Quotes #267155
#6. Energy moves in cycles, circles, spirals, vortexes, whirls, pulsations, waves, and rhythms - rarely if ever in simple straight lines.


Shondaland Productions Quotes #1164999
#7. Serving the Truth becomes our life instead of just an isolated event. It takes the abstractness out of spirituality. That's the opportunity of real spirituality: to be in service to the silence of the heart.


Shondaland Productions Quotes #1301854
#8. Wrestlers are all pretty busted-up by the ends of their careers.

Mickey Rourke

Shondaland Productions Quotes #1320003
#9. For wisdom is the property of the dead,
A something incompatible with life; and power,
Like everything that has the stain of blood,
A property of the living; but no stain
Can come upon the visage of the moon
When it has looked in glory from a cloud.

William Butler Yeats

Shondaland Productions Quotes #1567354
#10. We must be as courteous to a man as we are to a picture, which we are willing to give the advantage of a good light.

Ralph Waldo Emerson

Shondaland Productions Quotes #1571764
#11. I was for a minor amount of time but I was probably a better pianist at 15 than I am now.

Josh Silver

Shondaland Productions Quotes #1572621
#12. When you speak and represent the person of Jesus Christ in all actions of your life, people are drawn to that. You set the standard with your actions. The words can come after.

Kurt Warner

Shondaland Productions Quotes #1809885

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