Top 11 Shifting The Monkey Quotes

#1. Archer, is there a servant girl in my fortress you haven't taken to bed? I announce you're leaving and within minutes two of them are at each other's throats, and another is crying her eyes out in the scullery. Honestly. You've been here all of nine days."
- Roen, "Fire

Kristin Cashore

Shifting The Monkey Quotes #154837
#2. I need no warrant for being, and no word of sanction upon my being. I am the warrant and the sanction.

Ayn Rand

Shifting The Monkey Quotes #246461
#3. If you want to be successful in the gym, in the classroom, in college or when you get out and go into the world of work, that is going to be determined by how hard you are willing to work.

Robert Hughes

Shifting The Monkey Quotes #484199
#4. Rather than compare yourself to others, compare your present progress with your potential.

William Cranch Bond

Shifting The Monkey Quotes #741341
#5. change is the healthiest way to survive

Karl Lagerfeld

Shifting The Monkey Quotes #896846
#6. As Ossie Jones crept out of his body and into the mist, his heart murmured till it was silent.

Biyi Bandele-Thomas

Shifting The Monkey Quotes #1037214
#7. There's nothing but spirit in music. That's all it is. Yeah, there's a lot of intellectual elements to it, but no matter how you approach it, it's all spirit.

Amos Lee

Shifting The Monkey Quotes #1080856
#8. Miller was staring at him like an entomologist trying to figure out exactly where the pin went.

James S.A. Corey

Shifting The Monkey Quotes #1214802
#9. What sounds good on the radio is really loud kick drums and loud snare drums, when everything's bombastic and in your face. It's the equivalent of a houseguest who screams all the time.


Shifting The Monkey Quotes #1222110
#10. Oh yeah, gossip. I heard you on the secret wireless. You know the devil's radio child.

George Harrison

Shifting The Monkey Quotes #1785058
#11. They kill good trees to put out bad newspapers.

James G. Watt

Shifting The Monkey Quotes #1799096

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