Top 37 Sheep Wool Quotes

#1. As scientific research demonstrates, llama wool's very coarseness and its range of fibers from fine to thick mean that it can be woven into clothing that's superior to down, fleece, sheep wool, and alpaca wool in criteria ranging from warmth to water resistance to usable life.

David Roberts

Sheep Wool Quotes #934161
#2. The genesis of my coat, made from fine wool, spinning backwards through the looms, onto the body of a lamb, a black sheep a bit apart from the flock, grazing on the side of a hill. A lamb opening its eyes to the clouds that resemble for a moment the woolly backs of his own kind.

Patti Smith

Sheep Wool Quotes #1389024
#3. Writing is more about imagination than anything else. I fell in love with words. I fell in love with storytelling.

Pat Conroy

Sheep Wool Quotes #997674
#4. It is not about the pasture of the sheep, but about their wool.
[Lat., Non est de pastu ovium quaestio, sed de lana.]

Pope Pius II

Sheep Wool Quotes #1159430
#5. To find why this sheep's wool was red; and the prize was awarded to a learned man of the North, who demonstrated by A plus B minus C divided by Z, that the sheep must be red, and die of the rot.


Sheep Wool Quotes #1165049
#6. If wool shrinks when you wash it, why don't sheep get smaller when it rains?

Ron Brackin

Sheep Wool Quotes #1185669
#7. Love is medicine and dreams are oxygen.

Heather Demetrios

Sheep Wool Quotes #1263022
#8. O: 'The most we can do is to write - intelligently, creatively, critically, evocatively - about what it is like living in the world at this time

Bill Hayes

Sheep Wool Quotes #1298055
#9. Lust of power is the most flagrant of all the passions


Sheep Wool Quotes #1340116
#10. The man had asked, Why do you want sheep? The wool? Meat? Monroe's answer had been, For the atmosphere.

Charles Frazier

Sheep Wool Quotes #1345463
#11. Art is a personal gift that changes the recipient. The medium doesn't matter. The intent does.

Seth Godin

Sheep Wool Quotes #864357
#12. Take the time and energy to manage your boss the same way you manage your team.

David Cottrell

Sheep Wool Quotes #1469623
#13. The fruit will reveal the tree soon enough. And it is likely better to be momentarily deceived by an occasional wolf than to be constantly and impetuously trying to jerk the wool off of every one of the Lord's sheep.

Paul Earnhart

Sheep Wool Quotes #1475186
#14. As to the most prudent logicians might venture to deduce from a skein of wool the probable existence of a sheep; so you, from the raw stuff of perception, may venture to deduce a universe which transcends the reproductive powers of your loom.

Evelyn Underhill

Sheep Wool Quotes #1503764
#15. Earl had let Bertie off the porch for some fresh grass and I didn't want Dr. Eustace to see her. She still looked as though we'd put Hannibal Lecter in charge of her shearing and had hired the special effects team from Night of the Living Dead to bandage her.

Susan Juby

Sheep Wool Quotes #1507798
#16. It didn't work. He still had wool in his teeth. I couldn't make love to him. He had bone fragments and wool in his incisors, you know?"
"Yeah, sheep remnants would be a major mood killer," Trinity agreed,

Stephanie Rowe

Sheep Wool Quotes #1542984
#17. To see victory only when it is within the ken of the common herd is not the acme of excellence.

Sun Tzu

Sheep Wool Quotes #1606075
#18. Performance of one's duties should be independent of public opinion.

Mahatma Gandhi

Sheep Wool Quotes #1731217
#19. Sugar is gone; silk has gone; iron is threatened; wool is threatened; cotton will go! How long are you going to stand it? At the present moment these industries ... are like sheep in a field.

Joseph Chamberlain

Sheep Wool Quotes #1860954
#20. No sheep may leave the flock," he said to anyone who would listen, "unless he comes back again.

Leonie Swann

Sheep Wool Quotes #638219
#21. If you were going to make sculptures of them, the swivel poems would be disparate objects all attached with hinges and the prose poems would be small sheep wrapped in extra wool.

Matthea Harvey

Sheep Wool Quotes #48612
#22. I'd always lived with people - my family, or had people living with me, because I'd never liked being on my own.

Elton John

Sheep Wool Quotes #64743
#23. Lie quiet and you will lapse back into peace again. Be like the god Heimdall before the battle call, so still that you can hear the wool grow on the backs of sheep, and the grass grow far away in the lands where the snow melts.

Anne Rice

Sheep Wool Quotes #406242
#24. Everywhere the weak execrate the powerful, before whom they cringe; and the powerful beat them like sheep whose wool and flesh they sell.


Sheep Wool Quotes #447564
#25. I must be honest about the fact that I'm made extremely uneasy by excessive noise, and that I do not care for shouted instructions. If I'd been meant to be a sheep, I reasoned, I'd have been born with wool instead of skin.

Alan Bradley

Sheep Wool Quotes #449543
#26. The wool of a thousand sheep in good pasture at the least ought to yield fifty marks a year, the wool of two thousand one hundred marks, and so forth, counting by thousands.

Robert Grosseteste

Sheep Wool Quotes #472245
#27. Have any sheep been seen walking out of the Library with seagoing adventurers clinging to their wool?

Lindsey Davis

Sheep Wool Quotes #482165
#28. He fell in love with himself at first sight, and it is a passion to which he has always remained faithful. Self-love seems so often unrequited.

Anthony Powell

Sheep Wool Quotes #495921
#29. He was like a sheep being led to be killed. He was quiet, as a lamb is quiet while its wool is being cut; he never opened his mouth. He was shamed and was treated unfairly. He died without children to continue his family. His life on earth has ended.

Davis Bunn

Sheep Wool Quotes #962066
#30. It is my function as a Christian to imitate Christ; how then can I walk in the sheep's wool with out wearing the Lion's Mane.

Michael Lopez

Sheep Wool Quotes #638299
#31. For sheep don't throw up the grass to show the shepherds how much they have eaten; but, inwardly digesting their food, they outwardly produce wool and milk.


Sheep Wool Quotes #752517
#32. Anyone who can not write should.

Harlan Ellison

Sheep Wool Quotes #768172
#33. What do they call a collective of ghosts?"
"I don't know. What?"
"A fraid.

Abigail Roux

Sheep Wool Quotes #769818
#34. For even sheep do not vomit up their grass and show to the shepherds how much they have eaten; but when they have internally digested the pasture, they produce externally wool and milk. Do you also show not your theorems to the uninstructed, but show the acts which come from their digestion.


Sheep Wool Quotes #773295
#35. So you see it was all right in the end. But if one does that sort of thing, one has to be careful to do it in the right way. For, as Mr. Perks said, when he had time to think it over, it's not so much what you do, as what you mean.

E. Nesbit

Sheep Wool Quotes #796380
#36. It is a known fact that the sheep that give us steel wool have no natural enemies.

Gary Larson

Sheep Wool Quotes #812575
#37. After all, the wool of a black sheep is just as warm.

Ernest Lehman

Sheep Wool Quotes #834574

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